The Bone Boy is missing his Bunny.

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(Zack p.o.v)

I walked into the doorway of Dr. Brennan's office to update her on the cleaning of the bones.
"I cleaned the bones Dr. Brennan. You could eat off them." I stated before seeing Booth was also there.
"Is this her?" He asked confusing me slightly.
"Yeah." She told back.
'This is strange.'

Dr. Brennan was examining the cleaned bone that were on one of the exam tables, and I wished Ash was here to help me figure out if she was impressed or not.
'I hate how cold I was to her.... I already know bits and pieces of her childhood, that would suggest abuse.'
"Nice work Zack. You can see some of the markings left on the bone where the bullet passed through." Dr. Brennan told causing me to snap out of my thoughts.
"I can?" Booth questioned making Dr. Brennan refer to the enlargement on the computer screen.
"Yes. Here and here on the outer compact brow. Do you think you could use a computer to recreate the complete imprint the bullet left?" She asked Angela.
"I don't know if I have enough here to work with." She stated.
"What are you getting at?" Booth questioned.
'This is where Ash would call him stupid.... I miss her being by my side. It's not her fault I hate that she's with Shawn. I should apologise as soon as I could.'
"Well after it's discharged every bullet has a distinct pattern etched into it from the barrel of the gun, right?" Dr. Brennan stated.
"Mm. Hm."
"That same pattern would be etched into the bone as it passes through. If we can recover that pattern, we can reverse engineer the bullet." She explained.
"Then you'd be able to tell which weapon was used, its make, model...the whole shebang." He added.
"I've never heard of that technique." I stated.
"It's a theory I've been working on. I thought this would be a good time to test it. Thankfully we have a weapons expert who can help." She told.
'Yet she's no where in the lab.'
"Great. Knock yourself out." Booth told before turning to me. "Alright, anything more about the girl?"
"The knife marks were made by a non-serrated blade consistent with a pocket knife like this one. I found additional knife marks on C-5 indicating that the throat was slashed." I explained.
"What about her eyes?" He asked.
"The grooving in the eye sockets doesn't match anything on the knife. Ashley is working that out still." I told making them all pull a confused look towards me.
"And Hodgins is playing with dog poop so everyone's got something to do." Booth told before turning to Dr. Brennan. "Let's go."
"Kenton is putting together everything he's got on Cugini's disappearance."
"I'm probably more valuable here." She argued.
"No, you're definitely more valuable alive. Alright? I'm not leaving you alone. Come on."
"If it's so dangerous here why are you leaving us?" I questioned making Booth punch me in the arm.
"Big strong guy like you, huh? You'll be able to take care of yourself." He told before leaving with Dr. Brennan and I grimaced.
Once they left, it was just me and Angela with the bones.
"Ok what's happened between you and Ash?" Angela questioned.
"Nothing." I told
"Zack, I know you and I know Ash. You have never called Ash, Ashley since the first case we all worked together on. What's happened?"
"Shawn." I stated.
"Your upset at her because of Shawn?"
"It's not like that."
"Not like that?! Zack you are one of her best friends, who she lives and works with. Shawn visiting for a couple of minutes as he passes through town is not going to ruin the bond you two have. He's one of her best friends from her childhood.... Him and their other friend was the only type of escape they got where they could pretend they were normal. Yes they are close and have a bond, but the way I see you two act and spend time with one another..... I never thought Ash would ever be as open as she is with you like she is with family."
"What does that mean?"
"Ash doesn't hug people, she doesn't like being hugged. Notice it took being high to get her to start hugging you and for you to hug her back? I mean, I have not seen her show discomfort when you just hold her in your arms. It's unreal how much she trusts you."
"He gave her a flower." I stated.
"A sunflower."
"It's a flower."
"No. Ash has said once that she loves sunflowers due to loving Vincent Van Gogh. He got her a sunflower because he know how much she loves them. It's just something her friends do for her."
'She likes sunflowers? I have an idea.'
"I need to go get flowers now." I told her before rushing off."

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