Loosing bets.

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While we were eating food Angies phone went off making her grab it.
"Who dat?" I asked
"What did she say?" Zack asked
"Ash you just earned 80 bucks." She told making me and Zack let out an annoyed groan.
"It was against my favour." I told as I took the 40 bucks from him.
"How do you keep winning?" Zack asked
"I wanna die in a pit."
"Sweetie just take a breath."
"But I just wanna lose a bet. If I don't then it'll be boring and it's fun when we all lose."
"That sounded like one of those participating things you hear in sports when your younger. Like 'it's not about winning it's about having fun.' That." Angie told
"Dude you forget I didn't do sport at school. They didn't like it when I beat them."
"What about your two friends.... what were their names?"
"Shawn and Gus?"
"Yes them!"
"It was interesting. Shawn used it as a way to get better and Gus was there too support us. That tap dancing crazy dude."
"Who's Shawn and Gus?" Zack asked
"Has she never told you about them?"
"So a few years before me and Angie met, I lived in Santa Barbra for a wee bit. There I met Shawn and Gus. We keep in touch every now and then but Shawn is doing what he does and Gus..... think he sells drugs."
"What?!" They both asked making my eyes go wide.
"That sounded better in my head! I mean he's a pharmaceutical sales man. Earns $48,000 a year."
"Ash you gotta stop hacking into his bank account."
"Oh come on. It's funny."
"What do you do?"
"I leave little messages saying I'm behind you and they are coming. Oh I wish I could see it."
"Your gonna get arrested Ash." Angie told.
"Only if they can find a hacker that's better at it then me. Which there isn't since I leave no trace."
"I have weird roommates." Zack told making me and Angie laugh.

I was sitting on the couch in the lounge area with Jack and Zack since they've decided to end the zooming and let her decided.
"30 bucks she doesn't pick either of you." I told as I went through the Safecracker's Monthly that recently came.
"Where did you get that?" Jack asked
"Mate sent it. Pineapple?" I asked as I offered a slice for them.
"No thank you." They both told
"Also you are so on for that bet." Jack told
"Agree." Zack added.
'God I hope I lose.'
"Why do we have to face her together?" Zack asked
"Want this settled or what?"
"I definitely like this settle."
"What are you doing here?" He asked as Angie sat next to me.
"You kidding? It's like watching the clash of the horny titans." She told as I offered some pineapple to her.
"I just can not wait till this is over." I told
"Ash you gotta stand with us." Jack told making me drop the magazine down into my lap to look at him.
"Yes why does she?"
"She also signed a package. It's fair."
"This is bullshit." I told as I stood up having Angie follow. "This is great pineapple."
Soon Toni walked towards us and had a smile at what she saw.
"Who would like to sign for this?" She asked
"Who wouldn't want to sign for it?" Jack asked back.
'God. Maybe they shouldn't be my best friends.'
"So the idea is, whoever signs for this..."
"Yes, the act of signing is an analog for..." Zack cut in before Jack did the same to him.
"She gets it."
"Would you like some pineapple?" I asked as I offered her some.
"Really Ash?" Jack questioned.
"What? She might be hungry. And it's really good." I told before turning back to her. "Also they forced me to stand here. So you do not have to choose me, I'm just really into eating this."
She looked over the three of us taking her time before moving past me and hands it to Angie.
"Oh! Oh...oh. That is really sweet, thank you." She told as she gave a chuckle and took the envelope before Toni turns to leave.
Before she fully turned away she grabbed one of the wooden sticks and took a pineapple piece before leaving, having Angie fan herself with the envelope.
"Nice game Angie." I told as we brushed our fingers together for it.
"That is so hot." Jack told as we all watched Toni leave.
"Why, why is that hot? It'd be hotter if she chosen me." Zack argued.
"No, this is definitely hotter."
"And I've earned 30 bucks from the both of you." I told making them let out a groan.
"I forgot we made that bet." Jack stated.
"Ok I'm so glad I won that one." I told before offered them again.
Zack took a piece and had some before giving a nod.
"This is really good."
'Man I should see how they are going.'

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