I want a coffin.

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~(episode 19: The Man in the Morgue)~

I was sitting next to Zack as we were on a video call with Temperance who was helping in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Of course some people came in to the room she was working in.
"You look tired, Mike. Late night?" Graham told.
"Oh, yeah. Late and nasty." The man who I assumed was Mike told.
"Same kinky creature?"
"Doc, the girl, Carrie's, a serious perv swerve."
Of course, Brennan was smiling at the conversation and me and Zack were trying not to make ourselves known as of yet.
"Feeling wrong feels so good." Graham told
"It's..." Mike began only to cut himself off. "Hey, sorry, Dr. Brennan."
"No, it's fine. Males often bond by exaggerating sexual conquests." She told.
"Oh, Mike's not exaggerating. This girl is seriously turned on by coffins. Mike will take her into the cooler..." Graham told making me mouth oh my Hades as I pretended to cool myself making Zack smile at my stupidity.
"Some libidos are inflamed by a proximity to death." Zack told
"You know he ain't wrong." I added so they knew there was two people.
"Who's that?" Mike asked.
"My assistant, Zack, back in D.C. As well Dr. Ashley Harper, who is apart of being our weapons expert." Temperance told turning the table so they could now see us on the screen.
"I prefer just being called Ashley." I added.
"Congratulations on your coffin sex." Zack stated
"Yeah. I'm sure it was mind blowing." I told making me and Zack smile. "Can we please get a coffin?"
"She wants to make it into a fridge." He told due to Doc holding a confused look.
"It would be so cool!" I added.
"Mm-hmm." Graham spoke trying to hold back his laugh
"I've got work to do." Mike told to a smiling Temperance, before quickly rushing out of the room.
Temperance went to look at the new body and put her gloves on so she could get back into the work.
"Some of the information you sent for analysis seems to have come from remains that have already been embalmed." Zack stated
"Which would make sense cause of the flooding and what not." I added as she began to examine the new body.
"Bodies were unearthed by the flooding." Temperance told as we watched from the computer screen. "They have to be I.D.'d and reburied."
"See, when I was younger I hated everything to do with the thought of buried things."
"Why?" They both asked.
"Because like there's been cases where people weren't actually dead and how fucken terrifying would it be to just wake up several feet underground, trapped in a box with no where to go. Trying to scream for help and make noise but no one can hear, so you end up just suffocating to death and no one would know." I admitted making Zack hold an extremely worried look towards me.
"Are you ok?"
"Peachy." I told smiling and he nodded.
'Wow I was really thrown back to my childhood there.'
"I could fly down there to help, Dr. Brennan." Zack told.
"A. Tomorrow is my last day. And B. The sex on the coffin thing is not guaranteed."
"Fun fact. I know how to break out of a coffin." I told
"That's not a fun fact Ash." Zack told
"Its just a worse case scenario type of deal. Again, didn't like the thought of buried things due to those cases. I think if I'm not cremated I definitely want a bell attached so incase I'm not actually dead I can ring for help." I told as Temperance examined the decomposing skull of the body.
"It's a rational fear to have." She told making me give Zack my 'see my point here' look.
"You know there are reasons they call this the Big Easy even after Hurricane Katrina." Graham told before there was a loud crash on her side, causing Temperance to look up shocked before laughing a little.
'I feel like this is going to not go well.'

"I just wish you'd vanish!"

"Help me! Please! Someone help me!"

I sprang up in bed and took deep breaths to calm myself. I reached up to my face and felt the at this point 15 and something year old scar I permanently had as a reminder of my past.
'Why can't I just be free for once?'
I pushed my hair out of my face and looked towards the clock I had to see it was 1:46 am.
'Of course.'
I got my phone and quietly made my way out of my room. Perks of growing up with a best friend who had a cop for a dad, learn cool things that help in everyday life. Like walking on the halls of your feet to make less noise, which allows for you to stay unknown to people. I quietly opened Zacks door to see him fast asleep making me give a sad smile.
'I wish I could tell him.... But I don't want to risk losing him if he knew all of me.'
I was about to leave and go do something when Zack stirred in his sleep. I froze to my spot and Zack ended up jumping slightly when he saw me.
"Shit! Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." I quietly told
"Why are you up? And also in my room?"
"I had a bad dream, so I decided to come see if you were up. You were not, so I was legit leaving to not bother you. But you ruined that by waking up." I admitted.
He didn't say anything to me, but he moved his blanket on the free side of the bed and gave it a tap. I gave a small chuckle and walked over before climbing into his bed. He pulled me into a hug and just rubbed my back to help me settle down again so I could go back to sleep.
"Thank you."
"I'd do anything for you Ash. I care a lot for you."
"I care a lot for you as well, Zack." I told as I could tell he smiled at that.
I wrapped my arm around his waist and rested my head over his heart to listen to the steady beat of it. As I was about to fall asleep, I felt Zack kiss my head making me smile before I fell back asleep.

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