Bone dimples.

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I walked up the stairs to the platform to see the pictures of both victims.
"How about this? Hall's got motive to kill Mount. Why? Because he's jumping labels, and he's running away with some girl who's stealing Hall's meth and money." Seeley told as Temperance put on surgical gloves.
"I'm starting to see how this whole motive thing works." She stated
"Thank you."
"It's still murky psychological guesswork though."
"Yeah but profiling is kinda like this. You take the evidence you have and create a profile that fits that really well."
"You know profiling?" Seeley asked
"It's why my Aunty wants to work with her. I'm great at getting information and profiling thanks to my childhood."
"She's never told any one how she is so good at it. Not even her cousin knows."
"Dr. Brennan, I found a mark on Eve Warren. Here, on the manubrium." Zack told as he came and sat down at a computer terminal to bring up the images.
"Compare it to the mark on Mount." Temperance told
"Ok, Eve tells Mount that she wants to start a new life, so she rips off the dope and the cash thinking she can build a new future with him."
"That's a story, Booth. You need to find something real." She told
"But why? It feels real to me. I mean, Eve is a woman in love who is trying to escape a world that's just crushing her. Hhmm?" He told as Temperance looked at a picture of them.
"Just cause it seems real to you Seeley doesn't mean it'll seem real to anyone else. We need a more likely story." I told
"All right, Mount finds out how much trouble the woman he's in love with is in so he gives up his own life to protect her. That's not enough. They were hoping for a better life, and they wound up dead."
I looked towards Temperance to see she looked a little emotional from Seeleys story while Zack pulled up both images on his screen.
"Looks like a match." Zack told
"Thanks, good job." She told as she walked over and Zack moved next to me.
"Good work bone boy. Chinese tonight?" I quietly asked
"I wouldn't mind that." He told at the same volume.
"What the hell's that?" Seeley asked as he looked at the same image.
"I'm not sure, it's a bone dimple. But they both have it, so it can't be genetic. Something external caused it, but I'm not sure what." She told
"Randall Hall, he's behind this. Randall Hall, ok? He killed these two people. We know it, he did it. We just can't touch him, and there's no evidence linking him to the drugs, the cash or either body except for a couple of damn bone dimples."
"I'll keep looking at the remains, maybe find the evidence we need."
"I can't let it stand."
"Seeley don't be stupid."
"You know what? I'm gonna spread the pain, all right? That's my new motto." He told before he begins to leave.
"Wait, I can help spread pain. Wait!"
"God damn it Seeley. I'll be back Zack."
"Good luck." He told before I rushed off after the two of them."

(Zack p.o.v)

I watched as she left after Booth and Dr.Brennan when Jack spoke.
"Dude, just tell her how you feel."
"What do you mean?"
"Tell Ash that you have a crush on her."
"I don't. We are just friends."
"One of these days you are going to learn you have a crush on her and by that it might be too late."
"There's nothing to learn. We are just friends."
"What ever you say dude." He told before leaving.
'He doesn't know what he is on about.'

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