Who'd like to talk first?

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(Zack p.o.v)

I was sitting across from Seeley in one of the booths at Wong Foos since River suggested it, due to how much she enjoys the food here.
"Do know who she is?"
"Are you talking about how much money she has?"
"Yes. I've met Grace and Dave, they are very nice. Also know their kids who enjoy talking to me."
"Do you know what the others do?"
"We've been over this. Yes I know she's rich though she doesn't like talking about it, yes I know that her cousins are hunters minus Sam...."
"Wait Sams not?"
"No. He got out, studying law last I heard."
'Daisy should have told him..... guess not.'
"But what about my cousin?"
"I know everything about her, we did live together before she left Washington."
"No I meant about Nik."
"He's out of the picture and both of her parents are dead."
"See, you don't know everything." He told smirking making me lean across the table.
"I don't think it's appropriate to talk about the Heartless Killer here, don't you?" I quietly asked before sitting back down.
"She really did tell you everything."
"And we've helped the other a lot. Especially after what you did." I told before we heard a familiar voice.
"Sorry for being late boys. Traffic here is still a shocker." Daisy told as she walked towards us making Seeley get up and give her a hug.
"Hey auntie Daisy."
"Still a tall one aren't you."
Once they let go she turned to me and raised her eyebrows.
"You stand up as well. I'm getting a hug from you, don't think you can get out of it." She told making me smile and get out of my seat.
"Was just waiting till Seeley was done, Daisy." I told giving her a hug.
"You are still around her height. So cute you two are when you two are together."
"She is taller then me when she wears her platforms."
"Yes well that is our lovely girl."
"Should we start?" Seeley asked.
"Just about. Just waiting for one more."
"Uncle Dic here as well?" He asked.
"Oh no silly. He has work back home, it's actually her." She told pointing to show River walking towards us.
"Sorry. Grace and Dave heard I was in town so they want me to go over some thing with them while I'm in town if I'm able to." She told as she looked at her phone.

(Outfit she is wearing, because I'm not explaining it

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(Outfit she is wearing, because I'm not explaining it. Just know Seeley had no idea she began to dress like this.)

"Sweetie take your hat off, we are inside." Daisy told making her do so.
"I was going to." She told before turning to me. "Zack!"
"Hey." I told as she jumped into a hug with me.
"Oh I've missed you so so so much! You seriously need to visit me more!"
"I'll try."
We soon pulled apart and I noticed how annoyed Seeley was looking.
'I feel like I'm definitely getting killed after this.'
"Sweetie say hi to Seeley."
"Hello prick." She told glaring towards him.
"River!" Daisy quietly exclaimed as to not draw too much attention. "Do it properly."
"Fine." She told before putting a fake smile on towards him. "Hello fuckwad."
"River Victoria Charlotte Lane Finley!"
"Oh come on! That shits funny." She told as I hid my smile since I knew she'd make me laugh.
"I'll apologise after he does."
"I had to do it, it's my job." He argued back.
"Then I'm not saying sorry."
"This is going to be a long night I feel." Daisy admitted.
"Seems like it."

We ended up sitting with me and him still across from one another but with Daisy next to Seeley and River between the two of us. But the tension in the air from the argument they just had was still hanging over us.
"Now. We are going to talk this out like civil adults."
"If only Seeley could act like an adult." River told making the two of us smile.
"River, your comments are not going to help this." Daisy told.
"Just listen to her River. Because you won't listen to me."
"Seeley Booth!" Daisy quietly exclaimed.
"Fuck off wanker." River told flipping him off.
"River Finley!"
"You wanted me here cause you were hoping to fix everything between us. It's not gonna work Daisy, he did what he did."
"You say I'm the child and you act like that."
"Because you do. You've threatened Zack multiple times that your gonna shoot him for being friends with me."
"Let's not forget all the times he tells me we aren't allowed to be friends. Even though we are both adults and he technically knew since I first met him."
"Really Seeley?" Daisy asked.
"Yes, but only cause I care for her." He argued making her scoff.
"You sure have a way showing it don't ya. How bout we take your cuffs and go arrest Zack and Daisy here? Hell, let's all go to Seattle and arrest Nik all over again. Sure we can all bond over that."
"I can not believe you told Zack about him."
"It's my brother. I can tell people who he is or isn't Seeley. Fucken hell you do my head in."
"Settle. We need to get to the bottom of this so I'm putting everything on hold." Daisy told.
'This should go well."
"Each of us is going to speak our mind, freely and with no judgment. Zack why don't you start first."
"I don't like how you've been treating me and acting since you found out we are friends. It's effecting everyone that we work with. I can't talk to Ash or Jack due to you not wanting them to know anything about River, I should be able to talk to them about why you are acting this way but I can't. I have trouble talking to River now due to the fact you won't listen to us."
"She's my baby cousin!"
"Who you hurt! I had to help pick up the pieces because she destroyed her dorm due to what you did. We had to help her when her uncle told her cousins it was either her or him. They picked him. So not only did she lose you, she also lost her other two cousins. So yeah, I'm going to be protective over her and not want to lose our friendship because you don't accept it." I told making River take my hand in hers under the table so Seeley wouldn't just shoot me.
"Wow.... That was a lot." Daisy told before clearing her throat. "Seeley, how about you go now."
"I don't like how you've gone behind my back on this."
"How did we do behind your back, dumbass?" River asked.
"River it's his turn to speak."
"He straight up saying we are fucking."
"He's not...."
"Look Daisy. I suggested this because I thought you'd just tell Seeley to grow the fuck up but turns out, you just tried to fix the fucken rift. He knows what he did and why I won't accept it. He's taking his anger out on Zack, because he remembered that they met the same night I told him to get out of my life. He looks at Zack and just sees the night he fucked things up and the whole reason I hate him so fucken much. That's why he's acting like a child. Psychology, it's not that hard to understand why he's acting the way he is. He just needs to be told to stop acting like a fucken child!" River told before climbing over me to leave the restaurant.
"River wait!" I exclaimed as I ran after her.
'This is bad.'

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