Photos speak 1000 words.

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The four of us sat in the bungalow to have a heart-to-heart while Seeley was doing what ever he was doing.
"Three weeks a year. I mean, fifteen weeks in total. You think that's crazy." Angie told.
"No. It's not typical, that's for sure. And if he was yours, 100% yours for three weeks a year, that's, that's more than I've ever had." Doc stated.
"I mean, you've met my ex's. Less illegal then mine and no I will not go into details Temperance." I told before having some of my beer.
"I mean, my current girlfriend is an absolute doll. She's shy though, which is so adorable. But we make it work with me being busy and what not." Edith told.
"Ashley never talked about you." Temperance told.
"Understandable. Bunny is quite secretive about their life."
"Zack also calls her bunny." She told making Edith smile towards me.
"Does he now?"
"Not what you think."
"We are just friends."
"Damn it!"
"What's going on?" Temperance asked.
"My siblings have been making a bet since they learnt me and Zack were roommates as well as good friends. So far Edgar is still winning the bet. 'nother 50 I presume."
"You are correct." She told before looking towards Angie giving her a caring smile. "Can you tell us a bit about Kirk?"
"Kirk's photographs show the world is a more beautiful place than it is. A better place. He made me feel like it was my real home, that I belonged there with him. He's the guy I compare all other guys to. Now he's gone and I feel like I can't even breathe, sweetie. I can't even take a breath. You think it's possible that Dahni's still out there? Could she still be alive?" She began to ask and I took her hand to help comfort her.
"I don't know. There's no crime scene and we're not even sure where the rest of Kirk's remains are." Temperance told.
"Well, I wanna help you look for her tomorrow." She stated.
"You sure?" We all asked as one.
"Yeah. Dahni was our friend. I have to help find her. Please."
"Guess we are all going to look together." Edith told
"Guess we are." I added.
'Strange world we in sometimes. Wonder how Zacks going.'

We we're searching the the desert area to see if we could find the bones and Angie began to take a break causing me and Temperance to see how she was going.
"I love the desert. Or I used to." She admitted.
"Nothing looks the way it should. Stuff that's far away looks near, stuff that's near looks far away." Temperance told.
"It's like optical illusions." I adde.
"Yeah, well, you can't trust you eyes out here. Not your eyes alone. You know, Kirk said that if you stood still long enough, that the desert would actually speak to you. Show you some kind of truth." Angie told.
"That ever happen to you?" Doc asked.
"No. But, he really believed that." She told before Edith began to rush towards me.
"Yeah?" I asked before she grabbed a hold of me and I had to hold her off the ground and in turn drop my umbrella.
"I a scorpion went onto my shoe."
"You will be fine. Your shoes will protect you."
"It could have crawled up and sting me where I'm not being protected by the boots."
"You were pinched once when you were 6. Don't you think you should have grown out of not freaking out at seeing one."
"Says the one who doesn't like the sun."
"It's to reduce the frizz in my hair from the heat, which seems to not fully be working anymore."
"Is it safe?" She asked making me look at the ground to see we were in the clear.
"Yes Edith it's safe." I told making her get off of me and I grabbed my umbrella to go under its shade again.
"Don't give me that tone."
"You are fine. I understand a freak out if it was on your skin. Not from seeing it on your shoe where you are fine. If they scare you that much, why come?"
"Because Angie needs us. And that's like asking why you are claustrophobic."
"I have a reason to be slightly claustrophobic, I'm traumatised."
"And so am I."
"How are you older then me by 4 years but act like you're the twins ages?" I questioned.
"I had a childhood." She told making me think and nod.
"Yeah that fair. That makes a lot of sense now."
"This is why, your one of my favourites." She told grabbing ahold of my head to hug me weirdly.
"Are they always like this?" Seeley asked as he came over with Ben.
"Pretty much." We told the other three as one.

Seeley and Ben ended up talking about how the law was handled around here next to us, while we sat on a rock and Edith was making sure no scorpions were near her.
'I love my sister to death, but sometimes I feel like I gotta be the older sister for things. Yay to my shitty excuse of a childhood.... If I can even call it that.'
"Hey! We got something over here! Sheriff Dawes!" A man exclaimed making us get up.
"Neal, bring it deep over here." Another man told.
Temperance, Seeley and Ben began to walk towards the people who yelled, but I noticed Angie was looking across the desert. I gave Edith a tap and signalled where Angie was looking, having us see something causing a glint in the sunlight. The three of us went towards it, and we soon realised it was a case of camera equipment. Temperance ended up joining us and pointed towards the group.
"Ange, they found some bones over here. It might be Kirk." She told and Angie couldn't look away from the equipment.
"It is Kirk. This is his camera." She told
"Are you sure?" She asked as she began to walk towards the camera but we quickly stopped her.
"Doc don't move." I told
"No, no, no. Don't. Don't. There could be exposed film in there." Angie told and I quickly placed the umbrella over it to help protect it, as she kneeled at the camera and wrapped her scarf around it.
"How is it?" Edith asked.
"It's crack. We can't let anymore light in. It'll damage the film." She told making us nod.
"Maybe Kirk was right. This could be a good way for the desert to tell us what happened to him. A photograph of his murderer." Doc told.
'No matter how big the desert is..... no one can truely hide their intentions.'

The young doctors.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora