What do we do?

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I was sketching the wounds on the bones so I could help work out what caused them while Zack looked over them.
"Have you worked anything out?"
"If we truely think about it. Then since we have one connected intestine thing in us. Does that mean humans are just really donuts?"
"I meant about the marks Ash." He told as he tried to hide his smile making laugh.
"Bro I was in mid thought when you asked and my mouth went we are going with this." I told before I began to laugh more as I had to crouch towards the ground to try and stop laughing.
"Are you good Ash?"
"My sides hurt."
"How are you so smart but act like you aren't?"
"If I told you all my secrets Zack, where's the fun?" I asked as I got back up and sat back down in my seat.
"The fun would be getting to know all of you."
"But you love mystery's."
"That I do." He told as he went back to looking at the bones and I went back to sketching the wounds.
After awhile Temperance came walking in.
"Roy Taylor?" She asked
"Yes." We both told
"Anything pop out at your now that the bones are clean?" She asked
"Some damage to the facet joint and foramen on C-4 on the right side of the neck." Zack told
"That suggests his head was forced that way." She stated
"Tell her the thing you found on the thing." I told
"The thing on the thing?"
"I understood what she meant. I was looking at the skull through the microscope. I came across a slight depression, barely discernible." He told as he walked over to the computer to show Temperance.
"A slight indentation?" She questioned.
"Zack wanted to talk to you about it first before I began to figure it out." I told making her give a nod.
"Could it be congenital or a bone anomaly?" He asked
"Probably." She told before picking the skull up. "Do you ever go on vacation?"
"Sadly yes. Marcus tells me off if I don't." I stated
"Who's Marcus?" Temperance asked
"Someone I met through my sister.... oh right Zack now knows. No one else does. Your turn Zack."
"I take my vacation when you take your vacation." He told her.
"What do you do?" She asked
"Go back home to Michigan, see the family. I have three brothers and four sisters."
"He showed me a picture since I was curious what they looked like." I told making him five a small smile.
"Do you enjoy that?"
"God, no. I made the mistake of telling them I work with corpses and skeletons-they think I'm a freak."
"Then why do you go?" She asked
"It's my family. They love me."
"I wonder what that's like." I told
"I'm sure your mother loves you." He told
"Hard to tell sometimes." I stated before Temperance handed Zack the skull.
"Take a closer look at the anomaly under the scanning microscope. See what made that mark."
"Will do." We both told before she left.
"So what do you do on your holidays?" Zack asked me.
"I model for the rocker scene. I'm quite famous actually."
"What do you actually do? Because I know that's one of your jokes."
"I just see sights. Nothing special."
"Sounds nice."
'What a weird day.'

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