You acting strange dude.

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I walked into Zack lab to see he was working on something making me smile but also focus on what I came to ask.
"Yo Bone Boy! I'm hungry, you probably hungry. How about we get lunch?" I told.
"I'm focusing on this right now. I'll grab food later." He told slightly coldly.
"You sure?"
"Perfectly sure, Ashley." He told and he never took a look towards me.
"Ok. Have fun working then." I told before walking back out and going to Angie.
'Did I do something wrong? He's never called me Ashley since the first case we all worked on.'
"Hey Ash. What's up?" She asked as I walked in.
"Wanna get lunch?"
"Don't you usually get lunch with Zack?" She joked.
"He's focusing on work right now." I told pretending like it was nothing and clasped my hands together. "So wanna get lunch together?"
"Sure. I can use a break." She told smiling towards me making me do the same.
"Great! Cousin bonding time."
'I don't like Zack treating me so coldly.... He was fine earlier.'

I was sitting in Goodman's office due to not wanting to be in my lab and hang out with Jack who will ask why I'm upset, and I don't want to hang in Zacks since he's being cold towards me. I also know if I'm in Angies office and she finds out, she will kill Zack. And if I was in Temperances, then she will get Angie who will then kill Zack. I was working on figuring out markings for the eyes but I just wanted to cry.
'What did I do Zack?'
Soon the door opened making me look to see Goodman walk in, not knowing I was hidden in the corner. When he did notice me, he jumped.
"My goodness, Ashley. Why aren't you in your lab?"
"Don't want to be there."
"Something wrong?"
"I don't know." I admitted looking down at my work and he let out a sigh.
He didn't say anything but walk over and sat next to me on the ground.
"You know, I often found that you get hurt the most when the people you care about say or do something towards you. I know this by seeing how you reacted when someone insulted your smarts and you told them, 'Say what you will about me and my brain. At least I can say I have people who love me and don't pretend that they do.'.... To which you then punched them." He told making me chuckle.
"I think I've upset Zack somehow." I quietly told.
"You? Upsetting Mr. Addy?..... how?"
"I don't know. But he won't look at me and he just speaks coldly towards me.... I don't like when people do that."
"Because it reminds you of your parents?" He questioned making me nod.
"I don't know how to fix it, if he won't talk to me. How can I fix things with Zack if he won't explain to me what I did wrong...."
"Maybe, what you both need is some time apart. I know you both are joined at the hips and have been since you joined full time, and even before then he would sometimes follow you like a lost puppy."
"He doesn't do that."
"Ashley, you may be brilliant.... But you are so oblivious to seeing the full picture sometimes. I have never see anyone ever act the way you two do with one another. I saw how shy he was with you when Dr. Brennan first introduced you two. That boy could not get a clear sentence out." He told before laughing causing me to laugh as well.
"I remember that."
"And I remember you had trouble speaking as well back to him. You didn't want to seem rude and tell him you didn't like physical contact, so instead you did finger guns and said 'pew pew pew, I'm so dysfunctional.'."
"Not a great moment of mine I will admit."
"All relationships wether it be friendship or romance, have bumps in them. It's not allowing time for those bumps to mellow out but instead trying to speed the process up quicker then it should and have them become potholes."
"I feel like you were going someplace with that, and then just drove straight off a cliff." I stated.
"Yes it did make more sense to me before hand. I think just spend time apart when working the case. Some time apart will help you both realise that whatever is going on, is not worth the risk of losing your friendship with the other."
"Thanks Goodman. You really are like a father to me." I told giving a small quick smile to him, causing him to smile down at me.
"I will be here for as long as I work here. Also stop slouching, you will ruin your back."
"You as well?"
"There is nothing wrong with being as tall as you are."
"I feel like a giant sometimes."
"Then be a mighty giant."
'He really is too good for me....'

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