Found the girl.

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We were at the LA FBI headquarters in an open room, with a long table in the centre and we sat on the opposite side of the table from Dr. Atlas and his lawyer.
"We have the murder weapon. We have trace evidence from your boat." Temperance told
"We have testimony from your staff that you argued with a woman you knew as Susan Sheppard shortly before she died." Seeley added.
"All evidence points to you Atlas." I stated not showing emotion.
"So what you need now is a confession." The lawyer stated.
"You're patient list is what is known as a uh, A-list right? Oscar winners, supermodels, super-agents, how is it that a call girl makes the grade?" Seeley questioned.
"You can answer that Henry." The lawyer told.
"I did Susan's procedure pro bono."
"Why?" Temperance asked
"He used her for his experiment." I told
"No. Because she volunteered." He stated
"She was a guinea pig." Temperance argued back.
"How did you meet her?" Seeley asked but he didn't answer. "Aw, come on. I mean Susan didn't just walk into your office, did she?"
"What you got to hide Atlas?" I questioned.
"Oh, just tell them Henry."
"Through another call girl. One I used regularly. Sometimes these girls from the high-class establishments start to have expectations beyond the professional." He told
"What? She thought you were going to marry her?" Seeley asked
"Something along those lines, yes. So I made a change, I started requesting Susan."
"Probably one of the only smart things you actually have done in this entire thing." I told before Temperance cut in.
"Did you trade plastic surgery for sexual favors?"
"Obfuscate Henry."
"We did each other favors, went fine for a few months." He explained.
"Until Susan wanted you to marry her too." Seeley stated
"No, in my opinion, Susan was becoming addicted to plastic surgery. I refused to do any more procedures. That's what my staff saw us arguing about."
"What was Susan like?" Me and Seeley both asked at the same time.
"She was the girl next-door, simple, healthy. The girl before Susan was the opposite, very flashy. She had diamonds in her in her fingernails."
"Bones, didn't Hodgins find a fingernail?" Seeley asked
"Yes with a fake diamond in it." She told
"It couldn't have been hers though, right?." I added
"Susan was the girl next-door type." He reiterated.
"It wasn't her fingernail." Temperance stated.
"Jealously, like I said. So what was the name of the escort before Susan?" Seeley asked Atlas only for him to not say anything again. "The flashy one? The one that thought you were going to marry her?"
"Dude just fucken tell us." I told
"Tell the man what he needs to know Henry."
'Wild ride this is.'

We were on the rooftop pool at Temperances hotel and we both watched as Seeley was sitting and waiting for Leslie. Once she arrived they grasped hands and sat back down. He kept hold of her hand and leaned towards her so he could whisper in her ear.
"You alright Ashley?"
"Yeah. I'm just waiting for a text from some people I know back in Pennsylvania. They keep me updated on how they are going back home. It's all good. What about you?"
"Doing alright. Just glad the case is going to be over soon."
We watched as she smiled towards him and Seeley leaned back into his chair, before turning her hand over to look at her nails. We watched as he did something which made her smile fall and Seeley gestured to the FBI agents we had waiting in the wings. Finn and another Agent handcuff Leslie, but before they took her away she leaned in and whispers something to Seeley, who gave a sad smile and nod his head in affirmative to what ever she had said.

We were now leaning against the railing of the edge of the roof and Seeley joined up with us.
"She thought Atlas was going to take her out of that life." He told
"He wanted the girl next door. You were right, jealousy." Temperance stated.
"Jealousy often clouds the judgement of mankind, even the ones with the strongest mind."
"You like poetry Ashley?" Seeley asked
"Somewhat. Flynn likes it so we all listen to it."
"Which ones Flynn?"
"Either her baby brother or baby sister."
"Well it's an old story. Bet your fifteen hundred year old friend back home heard a version. Leslie thought Rachel was stealing her man so she killed her."
"What did she ask you?" We both asked
"She asked you something after she was arrested. What was it?" Temperance asked again.
"She asked me.....if I thought she was beautiful. I got one more thing." He told before pulling some papers out of his pocket. "I had the Bureau search for adolescent girls that were injured in car crashes in the upper northeast ten to twelve years ago."
Temperance took the paper off of him and we looked to see it was a newspaper, with an article titled 'Local Woman Killed In Car Crash, Daughter Survives.'.
"You found her." I stated making him five a nod.
"Daughter's right leg was crushed." He told
"Allison. Her name was Allison Holmes." Temperance told as she read the article.
"Her father and her brother are still alive somewhere in Bangor, Maine. We will return the remains."
"Thanks Booth."
"Yeah Seeley. You ain't so bad for a fed,"
"Well, Bones, you do your thing. I do mine. And does this mean I can finally call you Ash?"
"Not a chance."
"Look at her." Temperance told making us all look towards the picture of her in the paper.
"Yeah, pretty little thing."
"Oh that reminds me." I told before pulling out two backstage passes and gave them to them. "A congrats for the solving of the case."
"These are to see some of that Monroe movie being shot." Temperance told.
"How did you get this?" Seeley asked
"I told. I've got connections. I can't go with you guys though cause I've got work but they will allow you for an hour or so. You are welcome."

The young doctors.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz