It's all your fault.

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"So how was the discussion?" Ash asked as she leaned against her van.
"It went...." I began as I thought of what happened.

"I will punch you again Seeley I swear to fucken god!"
"I was just saying you two could sit just a bit away from one another!"
"I'll sit how I wanna sit!"
"Right on his lap?!"
"This isn't on his lap!" She told before moving so she was now. "This is sitting on his lap!"
"Get off of him!"
"No! I wanna sit here now!"
"This went so much better in my head." Daisy admitted as they continued to argue.
"Maybe River shouldn't have been apart of this." I stated.
"I will grab a fucken broom and shove it so far up your arse, you'll become the fucken handle!" River exclaimed.

"...somewhat well."
"Let's just say, Seeley will probably get a black eye."
"Now I wish I saw it."
"You still can."
"Why?" She asked making me point to Daisy trying to hold her back.
"Why are you so strong?!" She exclaimed as she struggled to hold her back.
"Wow. She looks....not what I expected. I mean, yeah saw her on Christmas, but completely different style."
"Yeah. I quite like her style." I admitted as I smiled towards her.
"ZACK! WE NEED HELP!" Daisy exclaimed making me rush over and pull her into my arms.
"I hate this."
"I know."
"Can I kick his head now?"
"You will do no such thing." Daisy told.
"You listen to her?!"
"She's my legal guardian dumbass!"
"So was I!"
"Yeah and we know how that turned out. I moved out and began to hate you!"
"They are criminals!"
"Half of the family is a fucken criminal! Your either with the government or against it Bitch!"
"And we all know who's side your on!"
"Actually I haven't been in contact with the others!"
"John made them pick him or me. They went with him obviously. So in reality I'm alone. Have been since I helped Sam get to uni, but we don't talk I guess."
"We don't talk because you don't accept my calls!"
"We don't talk because you broke my heart! You hurt me so fucken much! You came to my dorm room and arrested my cousin in front of me! WHO FUCKEN DOES THAT?!"
"No! No! Shut up! I asked you to not arrest him at my place but you still did it! He would have left my place for you to not do it in front of me and Sam, but no you had to be a fucken prick about it and arrest him in front of me! Zack had to hold me while the others tried to cheer me up because I couldn't stop crying! You wonder why I won't pick up your calls! It's cause of you! Your just like my father in those last moments with Nik." She told before turning to me and gave me a hug. "I'll talk to you later and maybe get dinner and lunch while I'm in town."
She gave my cheek a kiss before flipping Seeley off and walking to where she had parked. Daisy gave quick hugs goodbye to the both of us before rushing after River.
"Did you know?" Seeley asked breaking the silence between us.
"It's why I've told you to listen to her and give her space. She's working on forgiving you but I think now she's gone back to before. Look, I won't stop being her friend, because I care for her. I always have. But you can't treat me like shit, because I remind you of the night you hurt her. Because before you know it, you'll put me in the mind set she was in when she was eight. And we all know if that happens, there is no way she will ever be able to forgive you. So stop acting like a fucken child Seeley." I told before walking back to where Ash was.
"You ok?" She asked as I neared.
"I just want to go home."
'I just want this whole thing to be over.'

The young doctors.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora