You just got Zoomed.

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I was walking to get a vanilla Frappuccino in the Jeffersonian, when I saw Toni stirring a coffee she just got. Once I got my drink I went over to say hey.
"Hey Toni."
"Hey..... I never got your name."
"Ashley Harper. You know my two associates who are sadly my best friends and roommates."
"They live with you?"
"Yeah. Whole thing. If it was to be a book it probably would be about 17 small chapters." I joked making her laugh.
"Your funny."
"Thank you. Humour and sarcasm are my only defence."
"So what's it like working with them?"
"It is fun. Like extremely fun. Me, Jack and Zack often make bets on who would be more correct. So far I'm still on a winning streak."
"Why thank you.... again." I told making us chuckle.
"Do you know if either of them are in to sign for this?" She asked and revealed the package Temperance sent.
"I can sign it for them, since I do not know... though they could still be sifting through the bear excrement for anymore bones, and heading that way anyway. Also saves you the hassle of having to make sure you don't spill your coffee on you."
"Thanks." She told as she gave me the thing I needed to sign for it. "You know your pretty cute."
"So are you. Nice figure and features."
"I gotta know."
"Do you have any rules on package delivery like your friend Jack?"
"No. But I do know this conversation will greatly annoy them but make me extremely happy. So thank you Toni." I told with a smile as I handed her the thing that I signed before she passed the package to me.
"See you later Ashley."
"Oh I think you will." I told before seeing her leave.
'Can't wait to annoy them with this.'

(Zack p.o.v)

I walked into the lab to see Jack sitting at the same desk he was last night, with him leaning his head against his hand looking tired. I approached the table and gave a knock making him look towards me.
"Were you here all night?"
"Yes. Did I miss Toni?" He asked and I could hear he was tired.
"I wouldn't know. I haven't seen her." I told before Ash walked up and placed the package down on the table.
"For you boys."
"You got the package?" I asked
"She torpedo us."
"I was getting a Frappuccino when I saw her so I went to say hey."
"How could you do that?" Jack asked
"Easy. I walked up to her, said hello, we got to chatting and she thinks I'm cute."
"Did she ask about us?"
"What did you say?" I asked
"That you two are my best friends and roommates, I'm winning the bet streak which she said was impressive, that I don't follow the same package rules as you do." She told as she pointed towards Jack. "Oh and that you two were probably sifting through bear excrement to find bones."
I looked at Jack to see he held the same annoyed shocked look that I did as she smiled towards us.
"You want a war? Fine, because I'm the warrior." Jack told as he stood up.
"Please. We all know I would take you down before you even could lay a hand on me. Besides it's annoying with you two fighting over the same chick, I would like it to not effect our living situation as well." She told before Angela walked over.
"Zack, I got the measurements for your saw from the Angelator. Now all you have to do is find a match...say thank you with gifts." She told before handing me a file and then looks at Jack. "Did you work all night?"
"Yes. I shaved the truffle."
"Is that anything like spanking the monkey?" She asked
"Sounds like a porn thing." Ash added before having some of her drink.
"Oh can I try?" Angela asked her.
"I found boring dust." Jack told making us look at the screen.
"Is there any other kind?" Angela asked and I saw Ash chuckle as she was handed her drink back.
"Boring dust is produced by beetles, which means the tree the truffle grew on was infested."
"That's not going to impress Toni." I told as I looked back at the file.
"That's not why I did it. I did it to serve justice and capture and murderous cannibal."
"That'll impress the hot courier." She told
"Now, I'm back in the game."
"Fuck sake imma murder you both."

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