Hidden mission.

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(Ash p.o.v)

We were in Dr. Goodman's office, with Angie and Temperance sitting opposite of Bossman who stood behind his desk, while I stood in the middle of Zack and Jack who also stood behind Angie and Doc.
"The information that I'm about to tell you must not leave this room." Goodman told making Jack speak up.
"I am philosophically imposed to institutional secrecy in all its forms."
"Fine, get out." He told causing Jack to scoff and not move.
"Two communist Chinese trade attachés were on that plane when it crashed both high ranking party men."
"Ah communist. We share everything comrade!" I told causing Zack to smile.
"Well obviously we shot it down." Jack stated as Goodman sat down at his desk.
"The FAA and the NTSB can prove that it was an accident. Also on the manifest was an American business man, a pilot and a co- pilot, five people." Goodman stated.
"Dr. Goodman, we found six sets of human remains on that airplane." Zack stated.
"I found an arm in a tree." I told causing Goodman to shoot Zack a look making him cover my mouth.
'I like how comforting this is to me.'
"Not to mention, three bone fragments which were not on the plane." Temperance told continuing with the topic at hand.
"Is there any chance those bone fragments were on the plane?" He questioned.
"What, you mean as carry on luggage?" Angie asked
"No, everything on the plane burned. They were untouched by fire." Doc explained.
"Hmmm. Then forget about the bone fragments for the time being. The state department is extremely anxious to find the identity of that sixth person. No one wishes this to become an international incident. Therefore, this is our only priority." He told
"I disagree!" Temperance stated quickly.
"For the love of God, why?"
"Because the plane crash was an accident. The bone fragments were not."
"How do you know?"
"Zack and Ash found unusual cut marks."
"Cut marks congruent with dismemberment." Zack told as I lowered his hand so I was now just being held by him.
'I love when Bone boy gets all smarty pants.'
"People, one hour ago I received a call from the secretary of state requesting that the unidentified extra passenger be our first priority." He stated.
"So now politics are more important then murder?" Temperance questioned.
"I'm not saying please. I'm not being reasonable. I'm making the decision. First and foremost identify that sixth body!" He exclaimed making me flinch.
'Hate when people yell.'
I felt Zacks arms become a bit more tighter on me, letting me know he wasn't going to let me get hurt which brought a small smile to my face.
'He really is the best.'

We walked into the bone room to see Temperance looking over the three bone fragments, that possible relate to some random dude who lost his father.
"We've made some progress on the mystery passenger." Angie told as she stood the closest to Temperance, then Jack, me and Zack at the end.
"Fill me in."
"Nasal ridges indicated she was a Caucasoid female approximately 5'10" epiphyseal fusion puts her age somewhere between twenty to twenty-five." Zack explained.
"I have a theory." Angie told before Jack jumped in.
"Femme fatal assassin."
"Unregistered flight attendant." Zack told.
"None of those." I stated.
"Young, beautiful girl, doesn't appear on the in flight manifest, group of how powered politicos." Angie told making everyone clue into it but Zack.
"Oh." Jack told as Zack held a confused look.
"Wait. What? What?" Zack asked.
"Never change Honey bee." I told giving him a loving smile causing him to blush as he was still confused what we were on about.
"Someone on that flight might have been doing his daughter or girl friend a favor." Temperance told.
"Ugh, you're so sweet, honey. You really are." Angie stated.
"Oh, you think she was the in flight entertainment." Zack quietly told us making me smile towards him as I giggled.
"He's fucken amazing." I told pointing towards him as I looked at the others.
'Man I love hanging out with him.'
"Yeah..." Angie said before focusing on Temperance. "Anything you want to tell us about the bone bits you care about?"
"Supra orbital margin is rounded suggesting a male." Me and Zack told as one bumping fists.
"We've been over this. He can't do that if I can't bring you coffee."
"Your just upset she likes me more."
"You wouldn't talk to me for a month when I gave her the coffee."
"Temperance please talk to stop this argument for however many times they do this." I told stopping it.
"Yes and there are signs of osteolytic liping or polish on this piece of vertebrae."
"Arthritis." Jack told
"So middle aged guy." Angie added
"Weathering and discoloration suggests these bones have been out there for approximately five years. I'm going to ask you guys to help me on this." Doc explained.
"Like now or....?" I began to ask with Angie jumping in.
"You mean after the Communist thing?"
"No, immediately." She told.
"I'm in." Jack stated.
"You want us to defy Dr. Goodman." Zack asked.
"I'm in." Jack repeated.
"Not defy per say, do both jobs but keep one a secret." She told with a smile.
"I'm in."
"We get it. You're a rebel." Angie told.
"Trust me. Jack would not be able to properly handle the world I've been in. I mean he hasn't met Unkie yet." I stated.
"Unkie?" Zack questioned.
"It's what she calls my dad." Angie stated making him nod.
"Zack, I need you to analyze the cuts on the bone." Temperance told making Zack become worried.
"I was kinda hoping to keep my job." He admitted.
"Ashley can help you with it due to her knowledge."
"Aye aye Doc." I told giving a two finger salute.
"There's not enough skull here for me to do a reconstruction." Angie told.
"If I gave you a picture, you could tell me if the skull piece doesn't match?" Doc asked.
"Ah, I could construct a schematic and see if the shard fit the general shape of the skull, if I had a picture." She admitted.
"Has anyone noticed that I was the first to offer help and apparently I'm useless." Jack told.
"Boohoo bug boy. Sucks to suck sometimes." I told causing Zack to laugh.
"Not true. You are the one that's going to keep Goodman from finding out." Temperance explained making Jack get excited again.
"I'm in." He told making me roll my eyes.
"Come on Honey bee. We've got some work to do." I told leaving with Zack.

The young doctors.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora