Wong Foods

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(Ash p.o.v)

"I'm telling you this is where he goes." I told as we walked in.
"Dude 30 bucks says your wrong." Jack told
We continued to walk and headed to the booth that Seeley and Temperance were at. I sat next to Zack who sat next to Temperance, and Angela sat next to Seeley with Jack on the other side of her.
"Nestor's bones are completely normal." Zack began
"Not brittle in any way from the looks of it." I added
"You know this is kinda my little getaway place. You know?" Seeley asked
"Then why was it so easy to find you?"
"What do you mean find me?"
"Ash has a talent for finding people or things." Temperance told
"It proves the rope left in the branch where Nestor was hanging are too deep for his weight." Angie told as they began to pass photos around.
"You know this is a restaurant where family and offsprings come in. Maybe no photos." I suggested only to be ignored.
"Please everyone. You know come on just sit down." Seeley told
"Dude there is no point. Should have made it harder to find this place." I stated making him give me a look.
"Eggs, larva, waste all indicate that the insects which fed on the body are all indigenous to the tree in which he was found." Jack told
"It means he died there approximately ten to fourteen days ago." I added before Jack yelled
"I'll have the seven organ soup."
"Dude inside voice."
"Loud day, sweetie?"
"Na just manners."
"You don't order they guy just brings it." Temperance told
"He didn't void. Usually somebody hangs themselves the flood gates open, bodily fluids everywhere." Zack explained.
"There was plenty of the affluent in his clothes but they are all post decomposition." I stated before Jack continued.
"As the body swells, it bursts from internal gases. How does the guy know what you want?"
"The guy has a knack." She told
"Like Ash?" Zack asked
"The guy's name is Sid." Seeley told
"The birds ate his eyes, ears. They worked their way into the skull." Zack told
"Birds pecking at the soft tissue of the throat, Could that crack the hyoid?" Jack asked
"Boy you dumb."
"No, it's a stress fracture caused by the rope against his throat not post mortem." Temperance told
"You put a high sensitive adolescent in a high-pressure prep school add social alienation cultural differences pressure from high achieving parents...could be suicide." Angie stated
"It's not a suicide." Seeley stated
"Because Booth thinks that prep schools turn out entitled criminals." Temperance told
"We all went to private schools and none of us are criminals." Jack stated
"In fact we fight criminals. We're crime fighters." Zack told
"No you're not. You're...I'm just saying it's not a suicide." He told
"I'm a big believer in instinct." Angie told
"Finally, A squint with an open mind."
"You have no idea of how open minded I can be." She told smirking making me smile. "I mean Ash is also very open minded, she sees things from all possible angles. It's quite fascinating to see."
Soon Sid came with the waiters and waitresses and saw all the photos that were laid out on the table.
"What's with these pictures? This is a restaurant. People come here to eat. What's the matter with you people?" He asked as he gathered the pictures up. "Booth, what the hell did you bring into my place?"
"I had nothing to do with it." Seeley told
"This is exactly what I want. This is amazing. The guy definitely has a knack." Temperance stated as a smile grew on her face before she began to eat.
"The usual for you Ashley." He told
"Thanks Sid. Man I wish I could live here so I always had you food."
"I just might offer that for you." He told making me smile.
"Hang on you've been here before?" Seeley asked
"Yeah she's a regular. This girl is crazy good at finding things."
"Ooh, so you do take orders?" Jack questioned
"Of course we do but it's always better when you leave it to me. Booth?" He said before leaving.
"Okay, I will take care of it. You're saying that the boy died like ten to fourteen days ago?"
"Hey bugs buzz but they do not lie."
"I would love to see a bug lie." I told
"Hodgins and Ashley are very good at using insects to ascertain a time of death." Temperance told
"How do you explain an email that was sent 7 days ago from Nova Scotia? Hmm? See, look at that. It stinks. Go ahead, smell it. You know you wanna smell it. It stinks." Seeley told
"Don't... Don't smell that." Angie told Jack making him scoop some of his food for her to try.
"No, no you got to taste it." He told
"I can smell it from here."
"Angela, it's so good. Mmmm."
"That's really gross."
"Oh fuck yeah I'll try. You wanna try some of mine?"
"Of course." He told as we swapped food so we both could try before passing back.
"But Seeley have you thought of this. How does one send an email when they are already dead?" I asked
"A program." Zack stated
"No. If he was going to use a program to send an email, why not make it a suicide note telling his family that he loves them."
"He had someone else do it." Seeley told making me nod.
"Bingo bango bongo. And not just anyone. I happen to have word that his roommate went up to Nova Scotia. So what you will with that information, you didn't get it from me."
"They weren't kidding when they say you have a talent."
"I'm good at what I do." I told before we all began to eat more.
'Man I'm glad I'm able to have moments where I can chill.'
"Also I forgot to mention before." I began making them all look towards me. "I didn't go to a private school I was public."
"Wait really?" Jack questioned
"But you went to Caltech." He stated
"I can go to Caltech and be from a public school. Did you seriously think I went to a private school in Santa Barbra?"
"Jesus dude. If I went to a private school would I be like I am?"
"You make a fair point."
"Careful Sweetie. They might find out more about you." Angie joked making me laugh.
"It is so unfair you get to know about her past." Jack told
"I've known her since she was 12."
"Have you seen her place?"
"Of course I have. So has Temperance." She told
"Why am I the only one who hasn't seen your place?"
"What are you on about Jack. Seeley hasn't seen it."
"Ash you gotta let me see it after the case."
"We will see." I told
'We will see how this all goes by then.'

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