Cause that doesnt scream Christmas!

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(Ash p.o.v)

As soon as we woke up Zack would not shut up as we walked down the stairs to meet up with the others, and I noticed Seeley was doing pull-ups on a support bar.
"In some cases of valley fever, suppurating skin lesions appear." He told making Jack pissed off.
"Could someone in a position of responsibility please order Zack to shut up?" He asked making me do it.
"Zack." I called making him look towards me.
"Yeah?" He asked as I kissed my hand before placing it against his mouth.
Once I removed my hand he went to say something but couldn't.
"That should keep him quiet for a while." I stated before I began to make coffee for Angie.
"I never thought that could make him speechless." Jack stated before chuckling a bit.
As we stood at the breakfast cart, Angie came rushing over and I knew what she needed.
"Coffee. Coffee." She told making me hold out the one I made for her, before Zack handed me the one he made for me.
"Good morning, Miss Montenegro." Goodman told with a hint of amusement on his face from how she was.
"Where'd this come from?" She asked
"Maybe it's always been here." I told before seeing they got me the fresh water I asked for. "Sick I can give this to Oak."
"Hazmat team brought it over early this morning. Very appetising." He told before turning to Seeley. "Are you back with us?"
"Yeah, think so. Also Oak is here?"
"Yeah. I bring her here when I go on the Christmas holiday, since I know she'll get the water she needs if it runs low."
"Since we're gonna be stuck together for Christmas, we should make the most of it." Angie told changing the subject so fast.
"How?" Seeley asked
"We'll decorate this place and exchange handmade gifts." She told making me give a small smile.
"An excellent idea, Miss Montenegro."
"I can get behind that." Zack stated
"I'm in." Jack added
"I'm also in, cause there's nothing else better to do." I told making my boys smile.
"As am I." Goodman added
"How 'bout Bones?" Seeley asked making us but Angie shake our heads. "Aw, come on. What's the deal with Bones and Christmas?"
"Last night I spun a little story about two young lovers running off to Paris. But the man never shows up, and the woman is left wondering what happened to him. And I say, 'Imagine what that must have been like.' And Brennan says, 'I don't have to.'." Angie told making me nod.
"Honestly mood." I told making Zack and Jack give me a confused look.
'Right. Didn't say that in my head.'
"Yeah I- I still don't get it." Seeley stated before Goodman spoke once he realised.
"Oh my God."
"Brennan's parents disappeared just before Christmas when she was fifteen." Angie explained before Goodman cut in.
"And she never knew what happened to them."
"Oh, God. That explains a lot."
"Mm, yeah." Jack added
"Alright, we need a way to choose our Secret Santas." Angie told
"I could build a random generator." Zack suggested.
"Ah, wouldn't it be better to match complimentary people in a premeditated manner?" Goodman asked
"I've got six numbers in my head and six letters. You tell me the number and I'll tell you the matching letter." Jack told.
"But then you'd know who has who, which is not how it's meant to go." I stated.
"Are the letters sequential or the numbers sequential?" Goodman asked
"Sequential, we'll go in order from oldest to youngest."
"You don't even know when my birthday is." I told
"Well then I guess I'll find out now."
"Seven." Zack told
"There's no seven."
"Why not?" I asked making me and Zack bump fists.
"No if I can't give you coffee, then he can't bump fists with you."
"A through F and one through six." Goodman told cutting into the argument that was about to start with the three of us, when Seeley cleared his throat, making us turn to see he was now holding a metal container.
"Pick a name, and if you get your own, put it back in." He told as he held it out for us to pick.
"This is how secret Santa is done." I told before grabbing one
"Oh, that could work." Goodman told.
"Yeah, that's good." Jack agreed before Angie spoke.
"Good idea."
I looked at the name I had and gave them a nod to show that I didn't have myself.
'Wonder what to get for Zack?'

We were sifting through the various science supplies we had minus the good doctor and the meh fed, to turn into Christmas decorations.
"We have to be extremely creative." Angie told
"Maybe string a bunch of test tubes together, fill 'em with luminescent liquids." Jack suggested making Angie nod before speaking.
"Nice. Very festive."
"They'll probably give us cancer." Zack stated.
"Cause you know what screams Christmas right? CANCER!" I exclaimed making them smile as Angie chuckled minus Goodman.
"That would be fitting this Christmas." He added
"Bossman you need more joy. Is it cause you can't spend Christmas with your offsprings?" I asked
"How did you know I have children?"
"You look like the father type." I told making him nod. "And I feel a lot of the time you've taken a father role of sorts with me, and honestly I'm wondering where all that child support went." I joke making my boys laugh.
"That's because Ashley I believe you can do great things, if you only allow yourself to do so. So in a way I have taken a father role of sorts with you."
"I mean I hate my birth father, so anyone is welcome to take on that role I do not mind."
"Tidings of joy, gentlemen and lady. Tidings of joy." Angie told making us focus on figuring the decorations again.
"Decorations do not a Christmas make. Family and friends make Christmas." Goodman stated.
"I'm already spending Christmas with who I intended." I told.
"You two don't fully count since you also work together." He stated.
"Fair point."
"We're friends." Jack told only to earn a look from Goodman. "We're... not friends."
"We are colleagues, friends, coworkers, yes, but for a father like myself, like Agent Booth-" Goodman told making us all stop to look at him from what he said. "-a few glowing test tubes don't make up with missing Christmas morning with the children or in Booths case, a cousin who won't even answer a call."
"Excuse me?" Angie asked
"Be kind, rewind." Zack told making me give him a smile.
'That sounds so fucken cute coming from him.'
"Booth has a kid?" Jack asked
"And a cousin?" I added
"Ah. Well... Not common knowledge, I gather." He said.
"Holy fucken shit. I was correct on my assumption?!" I stated before turning to Jack. "Jack pay up, you owe me 200."
"We agreed on 50. It's been a full two years since we mad that bet. Therefore it's 200! Pay up boy!"
"Remind me after the holidays."
"I fucken will."
"Is this what it's like living with them?" Angie asked making Zack nod.
"Pretty much."
"Also why are you more fazed on Seeley having a child then a cousin?" I asked
"Because it was most likely he had a cousin more then a child." He stated.
'He's hiding somethin'. But I don't care a lot to find out what right now.'

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