Weeks is so annoying.

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I was in an office with Seeley, Temperance, Decker, Cullen and a US Attorney called Weeks.
'What the fuck happened?'
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't charge you with attempted murder, Mr. Decker." Cullen asked.
'So that's what happened.... Noted.'
"You think I went after Seward out of vengeance?" Decker asked.
"Looks that way." Cullen told.
"They did catch you doing that exact thing." I stated
"K.B.C. Systems hired people to kill my wife and kidnap my child. Think rationally for a moment."
'He does make a point.'
"That makes sense. If K.B.C. are behind the kidnapping then Seward would be the one to call it off." Temperance told.
"He was the best target to go for because of that fact." I added.
"Rational human beings. How'd you find yourself amongst these people?" He asked
"Sir, we're trying to help." Seeley told
"Excellent, hold a gun to Trent Seward's head and force him to let my son go." He argued
"There's no compelling evidence that Seward was the man who ordered the kidnapping of your son." Cullen stated.
"Don't forget. That's if Trent Seward is the one to hold the hit. If he didn't you make the people who actually do know you want to kill them. Or if he is he just tells them to kill your kid. It's risky, and stupid to do." I told making him talk again.
"I personally calculated the penetration tolerances for the combat flak jackets. The company found my calculations to be excessively conservative. Thirty solders died. Trent Seward will do anything to keep me from testifying. He, or someone working for him, kidnapped my child and killed my wife."
"If you want Seward, then go to the grand jury and tell them what you know." Weeks told.
"And the kidnappers will kill my boy." He argued back.
"In all respect for what your going through emotionally, Mr. Weeks is not wrong." Cullen stated.
"This is my son! I love him! If there's a slight chance that I can save him by shutting up, then that's what I'll do. Shut the hell up!" He exclaimed.
"Once they've gotten what they need from you, who's to say they won't still kill your kid once they have no use for him anymore?!" I shouted back before Weeks jumped in.
"And what about the solders?"
"Analytically I understand that many lives out way the one. But I cannot trade my son's life." He stated
"Have you considered that by not testifying, your wife will have died in vain." Weeks added before Cullen joined in.
"Shut up Weeks, if your people would have protection Mr. Decker and his family properly, we wouldn't even be here."
"Let's go." He told scoffing as they both got up to leave.
"The only way that I will testify is if I see you with my son." He told to Seeley.
"Mr Decker, you and Donovan, you have a code word? Something to let him know that you sent me?" He asked hoping he had something to help.
"Paladin. Tell Donovan, 'Paladin.'." He told before they left.
"Paladin. Defender of the faith, protector. Suits you Booth." Cullen admitted as he also got up to leave.
I noticed Seeley got a sad look on his face from what Cullen said making me think.
'Did his cousin call him Paladin?'
"You know what? You tough guys are all very sentimental." Temperance stated.
'Interesting day to say the least.'

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