That all you got?

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(Ash p.o.v)

Seeley, Temperance and me were in Halls club with them talking to him, as Oakes stood to see what was happening. I was sitting on the couch next to Seeley as he flipped through a magazine.
"We know you did it." Seeley stated
"Quite obviously when you think about it." I added
"What?" Hall asked
"Killed Mount in that wall so that he wouldn't leave your label." Seeley began
"You killed Eve Warren." Temperance added making me smile.
"Killed her and then buried her under Rulz's studio. Who would have thought that besides you?" I asked
"Meantime, this is gonna have to remain an active crime scene." Seeley added
"It's harassment, I'll sue."
"I'm gonna harass you every chance I get." Seeley told
"And I have great lawyers." I stated and I noticed Seeley smirked at what I said.
He jabbed his cane against Seeleys chest before speaking to us again.
"I'm not somebody you want to mess with."
"Did you just poke me?" Seeley asked before chuckling and we stood up. "Did he just poke me with his little stick?"
"I think he did." I told before he poked me.
"This is my place. If I want to poke someone, I do it. Come on." He told before going to poke Seeley again only for him to grab it and I hit his throat making him fall onto the couch behind him.
Oakes goes to pull a gun out on Seeley only for me to throw one of my throwing knives, cutting his hand which made him drop his gun. I quickly kicked him in the gut, allowing me to use his shoulder to get me high enough so I could wrap my legs around his neck and left arm before pinning him to the ground and pulled his arm.
"Don't touch them or I hurt you to the point your screaming for ya mummy! Ya hear?!"
"All right, how easily do you think I scare?" Seeley asked before he starts the motion to break the cane.
"Hey, Booth! Don't break the cane. Arrest him and confiscate the cane as evidence. I need the cane." Temperance told stopping him.
"Arrest him for what? He's the guy who pointed a gun at a federal agent and is now pinned to the ground by Ash."
"Don't call me Ash Seeley."
"You can let him go now." Seeley told making me release him and roll onto my back enough to give me enough momentum to do a backward roll.
"Uttering threats or smelling bad or anything. It's the cane we want." She told
"Also he hit you with a cane, that technically counts as assaulting a federal agent." I added making Temperance signal that I'm correct.
"Fine, here." He told as he hands the cane to Temperance and takes out his cuffs. "Randall Hall, I'm placing you under arrest, all right? For the assault of a federal agent."
"This'll never go to court." Hall told
"Let's go find out." He told as he began to lead Hall our while I hand Oakes gun to Seeley.
"Figured we wouldn't want him to have it." I told making Seeley turn to Oakes.
"The next time I take your gun away from you, I'll shoot you with it."
"Well, then, I better not let you get my gun again." He told
"Come on, lets go." Seeley said before leaving.
Temperance handed my throwing knife back and I grabbed a clean tissue to wipe the blood off.
"I didn't know you carried throwing knifes." She told
"It's just a precaution thing. Don't tell the others." I said making her give a nod.
'This is so weird.'

Jack was helping Zack get in the vest while Angie and Temperance looked on.
"Ok so we gonna do three tests. Jack hits Zack, I hit Jack and then Zack hits me." I told as I put my own on.
"Why must we do three?" Zack asked
"Because I want an excuse to hit Jack and I'm not giving him the privilege of saying he hit me with a cane."
"It's true I would do that."
"Get this, I called Tessa to tell her a couple places she should check out in Jamaica. She's not going." Angie told
"What happened?" Temperance asked making me look over to them.
"Angie what did you do?"
"Well, she said something came up at work, but I know the truth."
Zack was holding a metal tray against his chest.
"How many times you want me to poke Zack?" Jack asked
"Just once, but as hard as you can." Temperance told
"As hard as he can? Why don't I hit him as hard as I can?" Zack asked making me smile at how he sounded.
"Because you have arms like noodles, while I'm vigorous and burly." Jack stated
"Boy you have no muscles." I told making Zack smile.
"Wanna see?"
"We both know I would still beat you even if you magically did."
He gave Zack a poke with the cane making Zack take a step back.
"Is that all you got, burly boy?" Zack asked making me chuckle.
Jack passed the cane to me before quickly putting a vest on and grabbed his own metal tray against his chest.
"Ready Burly boy?"
"You get the house if you kill me."
I gave him a jab with the cane making him grunt and take multiple steps back.
"Jesus Ash. How strong are you?"
"Don't know." I stated as I tossed the cane to Zack before zoning into what Angie and Temperance were talking about.
"They got freaked out by stage six." Angie stated
"What's...what's stage six?" Temperance asked
"Living together." I told
"Ready Ash?" Zack asked
"Go ahead bone boy."
He gave me a hit on the metal plate and I only moved back a step or two.
"Did good Zack."
"She's being nice." Jack told making me give him an annoyed look. "Or she is completely serious."
"One, spend the night. Two, spend the weekend. Three, exchange keys. Four, sexy weekend getaway. Five, extended vacation, inevitably followed by six-move in together." Angie told
"I'm an anthropologist. I know the stages of everything, you made those up." Temperance told
"I did not."
"Yes, you did."
"She actually didn't. I try and stay away from key giving." I told
"How come?" Zack asked
"They just are never the type I'm content with owning a key or giving a key." I told shrugging.
"They got to stage five, and they balked." Angie stated
"Not Booth, Booth did not balk." Temperance argued.
"Sweetie, it's always the guy." She told making Temperance shake her head.
"Booth is not a balker."
"I agree with Temperance." I told making everyone give me a confused look. "I know I hate feds and the government. But from what I've learnt so far from Seeley. He's not the one who backed out. Exhibit a and the only evidence I've got to back me up. She said something came up at work."
"Could that not mean she actually has something that came up in work?"
"Possibly, but most likely she got spooked." I told before Jack spoke up from the computer terminal.
"Hey, the mark on Mount and the mark on Eve, they're the same." He told
"Dumbass dude." I said making Angie shake her head.
"He can't resist hitting them with that stupid cane. The end of the cane, it's a fit for both marks." Temperance told before pointing to the screen. "Hall is the killer. Send the cane, the photos and the medium to the FBI, let them confirm the match."
"What? Let them have all the glory?"
"My chest hurts." Zack told as he rubbed his chest.
"How bout we get you a cookie and a drink if your pick?" I asked as I rubbed his back making him nod.
"Yeah, all the glory." Temperance told before she turns to leave as Jack shakes his head.
'Weird case.'

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