The Bone boy calls his Bunny.

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(Zack p.o.v)

I was on the platform looking at Kirk's remains with Hodgins and Dr. Goodman.
"One week in the desert and there's nothing but bone left." I stated.
"Same guy?" Hodgins questioned.
"Looks like it."
"Uh, I think it would be better if I went over the bones for particulates before you start your thing." He told confusing me why'd he want to do that.
"I disagree. And you can't have them unless I release them to you." I told making him turn to Dr. Goodman.
"You're gonna have to do the boss thing, boss."
"Sir, Dr. Brennan needs to know how this man died, which is my territory, more than when and where he died." I stated.
"Dr. Hodgins?"
"Even I can see he got shot in the back of the head. What Dr. Brennan needs is the murder scene." He argued.
"It's the desert. Insects and particulates aren't going to narrow it down anymore than that." I counted.
"We won't know that until I look at the particulates." He stated making us turn to Dr. Goodman for the answer.
"Dr. Hodgins will have access to the bones first, Mr. Addy." He told before walking away.
"That's the wrong decision." I told seeing Hodgins grin at winning causing me to leave.
'I need to talk to Ash.'

I sat on the stairs of the Jeffersonian and held my phone waiting for her to pick up. Once she did, I saw her hair was braided and she had a worried look.
"Zack what's wrong? Why you calling?"
"I just needed to talk to you. Dr. Goodman took Hodgins side for the bones, when that was the wrong answer. Because we need to know how he died not where he died, the desert won't have different insects and particulates for different parts of it, it's sand and rocks."
"Well there are some things you wouldn't find everywhere, but that's mostly due to animals."
"But Dr. Brennan needs to know how he died, I can't do that if Hodgins keeps stealing and hogging the bones."
"Ok Zack. I need you to take a deep breath and calm down slightly."
"You talking to Zack?" Someone offscreen asked before another face popped up and I kinda recognise them.
"Zack, you remember my sister Edith."
"Now Zack. Quick question, I know what Ash has said but gotta ask. Are you two dating?"
"No we are just friends." I told making her groan.
"Stop making bets, he's going to keep winning."
"One of these days we will get it correct and he will get it wrong. And then we will get a lot of money from him."
"I love my dysfunctional family." Ash told causing us to laugh a bit. "Just, relax a bit Zack. I'll be back soon, and then we can go hang out and exclude Jack for as long as you want."
"Sounds like a good plan. So what are you doing?"
"We are packing things to get ready for when Doc and Seeley get back from the sheriffs office. We are gonna see if we can find Dahni where one of the photos were taken. Gotta be prepared,"
"The Harper way!" Her and Edith said as one making me smile.
"I should let you get back to it then. I have to figure something out."
"Look, just talk to Jack. And tell him I'll beat the shit out of him." She told making me smile more.
"I'm glad to know you Ash."
"I'm glad you know you as well Zack."
"Can you two date, you sound cute together!" Edith exclaimed from off screen.
"I ship!"
"Shut up! You know I'm correct!"
"Sorry bout that, Bone Boy." She told.
"It's fine ok, Bunny."
"He calls you Bunny! The dudes a keeper!" Edith told making Ash pinch the bridge of her nose and I tried to ignore the blush forming on my face.
"Talk later." I told making her smile again.
"Talk later." She told before hanging up and I placed the phone against my forehead.
'Her sister thinks we sound cute together. Yet I am just a friend.'

(Ash p.o.v)

Angie was in the front of the car with Ben, and I ended up sitting on the floor in the back with Temperance, Edith and Seeley taking a seat. Safe to say, I was jumping where I was sitting from the uneven ground.
"You doing good Bunny?" Edith asked.
"Yeah. Reminds me of when Unkie put us all in the tray of one of his cars and we went driving around."
"I love when he does that."
"You two enjoy this?" Seeley asked.
"My lungs are gonna come out through my throat." Doc told.
"You get used to it." Me and Edith told before we hit a pot hole and I shot into the air more causing me to laugh.
"Love this!"
"You know, where I come from when you say you're driving a ways, you know, it means 45 minutes." Seeley told.
"You didn't grow up where we did." Me and Edith told as one.
'I kinda wish Edith and me spent more time together when we were younger.'
"Out here it means four hours." Angie told.
"We've been driving five." Temperance told.
"I maybe should've said 'quite a ways'." Ben stated.
"How aren't you sore Ashley?" Seeley asked
"Kinda used to it. I mean, I've driven in and a 1967 Chevy Impala. God I love that car."
"It really is."
"Do you own one Seeley?" Edith asked
"My cousins do. The trunk is big enough to hide a body, it's what they told me."
"It actually can." I added.
"Tyler and Flynn wanted to have it closed on them when Ash was dating Shotgun."
"He is still hot."
"There it is." Angie told point to the spot causing Ben to pull over.
We all climbed out of the car and looked towards the huge rock formation, and I opened my umbrella after Edith passed my back pack.
"Well? That it?" Seeley questioned.
"Yeah, I think so. Different time of day." Angie stated as she looked at the photo and Seeley went to investigate.
"Reminds me of the movie cars." Edith told making me laugh and she joined it.
"You people look for the exact spot the pictures were taken. I'm gonna take another circle in the truck." Ben told.
'Probably not a good idea, but won't complain. We are prepared.'
"You looking for your sister?" Doc asked.
"Yeah." He told before walking back to the car.
"You know, I think we wanna go south slightly, maybe southwest." Angie told.
"You can tell by the shadows?" Doc asked.
"Yeah, and the angle on the outcropping."
"Angel is actually correct. Southwest is where we wanna go. I have a doctorate in palaeontology so I'm used to having to read the ground and need to know directions."
"What do you do?" Doc asked.
"What did you tell them I do?" Edith whispered.
"You work with cameras." I whispered back making her turn to doc.
"I work in photography and filming."
"Not a palaeontologist?"
"No. I do however help museums with figuring finds out and how old they are." She told before we heard and saw the car drive off making Seeley come back.
"Where's he goin'?" He questioned
"He's looking for his sister." Temperance stated.
"Any of you four bring any water?" He asked looking annoyed making Doc and Angie check their bags and come up with small plastic bottles, waving them to him.
"Why? You worried?" Doc asked.
"About what?" Angie asked and Doc realised what was going on.
"Because we are way past where Jesus lost his sandals." She told.
"And I don't hear the truck anymore. Great." He told getting more annoyed.
"You three do forget your in the presence of two Harpers." Edith stated.
"What the hell does that mean?" Seeley asked making me and my sister share a knowing look before taking off our bags and opening them to show all the stuff we got to be prepared for whatever could happen.
"It's best to be prepared for anything." I added as Seeley and Doc held a shocked look.
"Our mother taught us that." Edith added.
"It's the Harper way." We told as one.
"How much water?" Doc asked.
"Should last us enough for two days or three if we can make it last longer." Edith stated.
"Maybe longer if we drink water slowly." I told.
"Oh true. Also, may I suggest we travel to find a spot where we can all rest in the shade?"
"If we limit the time we are in the sun, we can travel further at night when it cooler."
"Edith has a point." I told.
"Let's just start walking." Seeley told
'Good thing we are Harpers. Always prepared.'

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