Can you come punch Booth?

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(Zack p.o.v)

Dr.Brennan, Booth, Michael were standing around Maggie's remains while I worked at one of the computers on the platform.
"Pull up the frontal and lateral view of the victim's lower fibulas." Dr. Brennan told making me do that.
"You trained her well, Doc." Booth told
"She's brilliant. Little cocky, though." He told back making me get a bit annoyed as Booth laughed at it.
'I still wonder how Rio put up with Seeley when she lived with him.'
"Yeah. Tell me about it."
I was able to get what Dr.Brennan wanted up onto the screen and tried to focus on this.
"Here's the left." I stated
"Pretty good partner though." Booth added
'Now I definitely know why Rio punched Booth. Would love to have her do it now, so he would be quiet.'
"Here's the right."
"What you see is what you get. That's a rare quality. That's just between us, isn't it?" He asked
"Michael?" Dr. Brennan asked as I swivelled on my chair to face the older man.
"Dr. Brennan found marks on the medial malleoli, both left and right." I told
"Her legs were bound." Dr. Brennan added before I continued.
"Mirror erosion patterns from the bones rubbing together over time."
"If this were the result of sex games, then the legs, they wouldn't be bound together." Booth stated making Michael look back towards him.
'Maybe I should ask Rio about this.'
"Well, come on, you know? Looking for a little nooky, the last thing you'd tie together are the legs." He added making Michael look back towards Dr. Brennan before shrugging.
"I'm not convinced. Brittle bones from her thyroid condition. The damage could've happened in a very short time." He told
"Ash could probably work out." I stated as Dr. Brennan walked back over to the table and points at the bones.
"We also found evidence of inflammation on her right humerus and ilium."
"The bone abnormalities indicated pathosis from lying in one position for a long time." I added making her give a small nod.
"The only reasonable explanation is long-term bondage."
"Decreased bone density could've caused the inflammation. This isn't definitive." He told making us all looked annoyed. "I hear there's a nice little French place near here I'd like to try."
'Where is Ash? She'd make this so much more interesting.'
"I still have five minutes." Dr. Brennan told before walking off the platform making Michael follow her.
Booth began to walk after them when a explosion happened in Jack and Ash's lab, making us both rush to it. As we got close the door opened and Ash walked out fanning smoke away from her face.
"Turns out, I miss labeled some shit in the chemical section. It's all good."
"Bro it was probs when I was really tired."
"So did you get the numbers off the fridge." Booth asked
"Just about to take them out of the mixture, so imma head back in to do that. Allons-y!" She exclaimed before going back into the room.
"She slightly worry's me."
"She has that effect on many people." I told making him nod before going to where Dr. Brennan and Michael went.
'This is a weird case.'

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