Bit tied up.... and not in the kinky way.

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'This is peculiar situation I'm in.'
"The world is meant to burn?! Your the Lucifer.... the Angel that fell?!" I questioned as I was chained up to a pole.
"Yes." Edith simply stated as she was in the same predicament but with her own pole.
"Wow.... really wish I was on something. You know I never thought I would meet the actual devil and get tied to a fucken wooden pole cause of you wanting to see the world burn!"
"I don't want to see it burn anymore if that helps."
"A little. Not a lot though."
"CUT!" Someone exclaimed making me let out a sigh.
"Thank fuck. I don't know how many more takes I can take before I gotta use the toilet."
"I'm surprised you allowed them to actually chain you to the pole." Marcus told as he walked over.
"More accurate look that way." I told before Marcus pocket began to ring.
He pulled it out and looked at who it was before showing me.
"Someone known as Doc in your phone is calling you."
"Shit that's my boss. Answer it and hold it to my head."
He quickly answered it and held it to my ear.
"Hey Doc, what's happening?"
"Ashley, Seeley needs you to come to a questioning with him. There's a new lead."
"Oh that may be a slight issue."
"How come?"
"Ashley what's going on?" Seeley asked
'Must be on speaker.'
"Let's just say, I'm a bit tied up right now. Not a kink thing I swear. Just not able to get to said lead for a wee bit."
"Is this the thing you said you were doing so you were most likely MIA for a while?" Temperance asked
"What thing?"
"She wouldn't tell me what, just that it was a thing."
I looked towards Marcus to see he was signalling that I had to hurry the call up so we can do another take.
"Look I gotta go. I will see if I'm able to leave this soonish."
"Call us when your done. Or your boyfriend." Seeley told
"He's not my boyfriend we are just friends dumbass." I told before having Marcus hang up.
"Weird people."
"We are ready to roll!" Someone exclaimed.
Marcus quickly gave me some water before going to where he would sit and we began to roll again.
"Where the hell am I?"
"Oh good. Your awake. Welcome to our confinement."
"That's my name."
'Fuck my life.'

(Zack p.o.v)

"Shouldn't we be working?" I questioned as I sat on the couch with Hodgins and Angela.
"We are taking a break to watch this interview." Hodgins stated.
"First it's Brennan's one and then straight after is another Monroe one." Angela added.
"Man Ashlyn Monroe is so hot."
"Her identity is hidden." We both told him.
"Have you see her sister? It only makes sense that Ashlyn is also hot and she's smart as well. So it's a win win."
"Shh it's starting." Angela told making all of our focus go towards the tv.
"I'm here with Penny Marshall one of the most prolific hyphenates in Hollywood. Actress, producer, and director of such hits as A League of Their Own and Big. Her latest project is bred in the Bone. It's a thriller based on the best selling novel by crime fighting anthropologist, Dr. Temperance Brennan. Okay, so how did this all come together?" The interviewer asked.
"I have no idea."
"Well my brother Gary gave me the book and I liked it and then this whole bidding war started and I usually don't get into that kind of thing but in this case..." Penny stated only for the interviewer to cut in.
"A bidding war? That's got to be a thrill for a first time author."
"I wasn't actually there."
"You must be a big fan of Penny's films so, which one is your favorite?" She questioned.
"I enjoyed her humorous treatment of the time space paradox." Dr. Brennan told making Penny give her a confused look which must mean that the interviewer was doing the same.
"That's very funny. Time Space Paradox." Penny told as she smiled at Dr. Brennan.
"Penny who is going to write the script?"
"Don't I get to do that?" Dr. Brennan asked
"We'll talk." Penny told before a phone began to ring making them both go to check, only for it to be Dr. Brennan's.
"Cut, stop, whatever you say. Brennan, well I want to come with you." She told before looking towards Penny and the Interviewer. "I have to go because we have a suspect and I have to go."
"Would you look at that...passion?" She asked as Dr. Brennan rushed off.
"Well as our next guests get ready to head on earlier then originally planned. Would you like to tell us anything special?"
The three of us zoned out for this till the Monroe siblings were coming on.
'Hopefully it's interesting. Wonder what Ash would say through all this?'
"Hello to all of you. It seems the whole family is here now."
"It does." They all told as one.
"So what's it like seeing your characters come to life as your siblings?"
"It's a bit strange honestly. Even when writing it I did have my siblings in mind for how the scenes played out. But now that they are all playing the respective roles.... it's just a peculiar thing to see."
"Then why are we demons?" The younger two asked as one.
"I'm also a demon." Edith added.
'She looks a little familiar to me along with her twin. They are famous so it makes sense.'
"You're more of a fallen Angel then straight up demon." Ashlyn stated.
"It's been told that you've all already posed for your posters. Is that correct?"
"It is."
"Surprisingly my twin right here actually designed how they would look."
"I took the main key part about them and had it show in the shadows. So for Luci she has the horns and wings while also holding a hoop in the shadows due to her being fallen. Chaos and Mayhem the two little demons are also shown with horns as well as tails. And so on and so on."
"Any information on when that will be dropped?"
"Think in a few weeks." He stated.
"How exciting."
"Very." They all told as one.
"So a bit about yourselves. It's said that you sometimes are found in Washington, Ashlyn."
"I am. It's my own stomping grounds but I came up here for filming and all that jazz."
"Must be difficult living far away from your siblings."
"Sometimes but my work colleagues make it all worth it."
"Especially that cute one." Edith added
"Cute one?"
"Oh I know the one. Real nerdy, longish hair and super cute." Peter stated.
"Edith thinks he needs a haircut." Edgar told
"He doesn't." Ashlyn quickly told
"She likes playing with his hair." They all told.
"So what does this cute guy do?"
"He works with bones. He's a great guy but we are just friends and roommates."
"Isn't there also the childhood friend?" One of the younger twins asked.
"Quite the popular one aren't you?"
"I guess."
"To be one of those guys." Hodgins told.
'This is a strange day so far.'

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