Perfect move for not being detected.

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We were working on the platform waiting for Temperance since she was late, when Jack spoke up.
"Using a refrigerator to hide a body. It's kinda perfect, isn't it?"
"Good way to remove a victim without being detected. Rubber gaskets seal in the odor."
"Maybe the company should use that in their ads." Angie sarcastically told
"Done a murder but need something to transport it? Why not try out our deluxe fridge? You won't be detected when transporting, the rubber gaskets will seal in the Oder and easy camouflage when dumping it in the tip yard. Get one now for the low low price of $250!" I told in my sales pitch voice making them smile or laugh.
"How are you so good at acting?" Jack asked
"I did acting for a bit when I was in uni. I have a ba in drama since I needed it to be a PI."
"We finally have one of your subjects." He told
"Yeah now to work out the rest." Zack joked.
"She's late. She's never late." Angie told as Temperance still hasn't arrived.
"You worried about her?" Jack asked
"I'm happy for her."
"Remember that time you were late?" Jack asked him making him realise.
"Oh. Yeah."
"Ash was late the other week." Angie told
"Angie I told you that and then told you don't tell them."
"You finally got some action?" Jack asked
"This hot guy she was with for a bit before working here. He was in town the other week and they met up."
"Angie shut up."
"No no no. Please continue, I wanna see if the great Ashley Harper can get flustered."
"I don't get flustered."
"Emerald green eyes." Angie told making me look ahead.
"Shut up." I told in a sing song voice.
"Sweetie it's ok for them to see this side of you."
"I know that. I just don't want people knowing."
"She didn't even get flustered."
"Maybe it's because she knew that there was a high chance Angela was going to say something that would make her do so." Zack suggested.
Soon Temperance walked up the platform and Michael was following behind her.
"Good morning, all." She told as she walked to the table and I joined up to Jack and Zack, so we all blocked him.
We continued to stare him down and I had a terrible gut feeling.
"Have you ever been stabbed? Shot? Whipped several times till you were bleeding?" I asked
"Uh no. Have you?"
"Yes. For legal reasons I can't say what." I told and I noticed he had some concern.
"You were Brennan's professor?" Jack asked and we all knew what he was implying.
"She was 23. An adult."
"That's what Clinton said." Jack told
"I was 18 when I was first shot."
"You run through a lot of students?" Zack asked making me smile.
"That was a long time ago and Tempe was very advanced. More colleague than student." He told making Zack look over at Temperance who was working on the skeleton.
"I'm a pretty advanced student." He told before looking back at Michael.
"No offense, but I'm not interested." He told before pushing through us and when his arm brushed against mine I instantly panicked.
"No, uh, I meant me and her." He tried to explain.
'I would be annoyed at him for doing this again but I'm too panicking.'
"Oh, burn." Jack told before Zack gave him a hit on the arm.
I quickly made my way to Angie and placed my head on her back.
"You ok sweetie?"
"His arm touched me. I'm panicking." I told making her wrap her arms around me and rubbed my back.
"It's ok sweetie."
"What have you found?" Temperance asked.
"X-rays reveal low bone density and the parathyroid hormone levels are also low." Zack told as he passed Temperance the envelope that contained the x-rays.
She took them out and looks at them as Zack continued to talk.
"There is a medical condition called hyperparathyroidism."
"Symptoms include muscle weakness, brittle bones. Yeah, I know." She told
"You may be premature with your struggle theory." Michael told
"I doubt that."
"You mean you don't want to be doubted."
I noticed Angie and Jack exchanged looks and I just felt more annoyed about the whole thing.
'Hate this dude. He seems like a real idjit.'
"I can take it."
"That's what she said." I quietly told making Angie laugh.
"The wrist fractures could've resulted from her medical condition."
"Unlikely. However...."
"Or been an unrelated cause of nontraumatic fissures." He told and we could all feel the tension.
"If I'm ever dating someone with that amount of tension, you have the permission to slap me." I told Angie.
"Sweetie, the way you've told me about your green eyed ex, there's all the tension you'll need." She told making us chuckle.
"Nontraumatic? Look at these." Temperance told him as she showed him what she was on about.
"It's something to consider. The last thing you want to do is jump to conclusions without evidence. I mean, I know how much you want to find out who did this."
"This seems like an appropriate moment to discuss human goop." Jack told as Temperance held an annoyed look with Michael. "Chemical analysis of the liver and kidney tissues reveal significant evidence of the narcotic hydromorphone."
"Hydromorphone?" She asked
"Also known as hospital heroin." He told making me roll my eyes.
"In what kind of concentration?" Temperance asked
"Given her probable size and weight, it's fatal." Jack told. "Ash actually worked most of it out with her whole knowing drugs and what not."
"Perks of having a mother that was made best doctor six years in a row. And growing up knowing druggies and gangs. They actually came to my graduation and were my best friends. Man I really miss Bloody knife and Shotlock."
"You were friends with two people called Bloody knife as Shotlock?" Zack asked
"Yeah. They actually taught me some things that I would need in life. Like the best technique to make the most damage on someone with a knife. I haven't used it on anyone but I know how." I told making him nod.
"Where did you go to dinner last night?" Angie asked to get information on Michael.
"We wound up staying in. We need to know if that amount was accrued over time or delivered in one large dose."
"You didn't come back to the lab, did you?" She asked making me chuckle.
"I made frittata." Michael told making Jack look annoyed.
'Why is he here still? He doesn't work with us.'
"Oh, wow. He cooks too. Can we share him?"
"We also need to know if the hydromorphone was administered intravenously or orally." Temperance told ignoring what Angie asked.
"I should get going. I'm meeting with the board at the university. Call you after my appointment. It was nice meeting you all." He told before leaving.
We all moved to the other side of the table and looked towards Temperance.
"What? Is it so odd for everyone to see me with a man?" She asked making us nod.
"I mean we also just learnt Ash was with someone the other week." Jack told making me give him a smack in the head.
"My business."
"Like the meeting at the start of the case?" He asked
"You had a meeting?" Angie asked
"Yeah, Denis and his brother needed me for a thing. The problems for having work associates outside of work."
"Print out the levels of hydromorphone you found in her system." Temperance told to me and Jack so we went back to talking about the case before she turned to Zack. "I want you to find the overload point that would cause the stress fractures in her wrist and examine the left ilium. There seems to be some kind of degeneration on the edge."
After that she walked away and we all gave each other a look.
'Really don't like this dude.'

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