Guess we're stuck here.

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We were now in Temperance office with Hal in a Santa costume on the several screens in her in her office, while I sat in the middle of Zack and Jack as we were still in the towels.
"The pathogen is coccidioidomycosis."
"Valley fever?" Goodman asked
"But I have no fever and am not in a Valley." I said making Zack put his hand over my mouth to silence me since Angie couldn't do it.
"It was picked up in the scanner in the discharge vent at Mr. Addy's station." Hal explained as I removed his hand but left his arm over my shoulders.
"What's valley fever?" Seeley asked
"It's a fungus that can lead to pneumonia, meningitis..." Zack began as I continued.
"Spontaneous abortion, death. All the fun stuff ya know."
"The alarm sounded shortly after Mr. Addy cut into a human bone. That must have been the source." Goodman stated.
"Was he following autopsy protocol?" He asked
"Of course, so was Dr.Harper. However..." Temperance told but made it so Jack could cut in at the end.
"I was drinking an eggnog."
"And now he's there with you breathing the same air." Hal stated like he was annoyed.
"Do not give me that I'm not mad I'm just disappointed tone, I'll slap you."
"Dr. Harper you shouldn't even be next to him."
"Kinda got no choice since the three of us are in towels. Fight me Hal."
"Hey, I got into the decontamination shower with Zack. Haven't I been through enough hell?" Jack exclaimed.
"Weren't you in there with Ash as well?" Angie asked
"Yeah, but it was worse cause of Zack."
"Wasn't hell for me. Cause I told them I'd cut them if they looked." I told making them both nod.
"You spend too much time with those gangs." Temperance stated.
"They are lovely people, and I help them study."
"Is he contagious?" Seeley asked getting us back on track.
"Dr. Hodgins may have inhaled the spores, yes."
"Okay, it must suck to be Hodgins right now, but the rest of us, we didn't inhale. So it's okay if I go, right?"
"How stupid are you?.... oh wait your a fed it makes so much sense now." I told earning Seeley to give me an annoyed look.
"Zack." Angie said making him cover my mouth again.
"Dr. Hodgins may have exhaled the spores all over us." Goodman told
"We have no choice but to impose quarantine. Valley fever can be fatal, and we can't risk a pandemic. Just calm down and let us handle things from this side." Hal told
"Anyone besides me worried that a guy dressed like Santa is in charge?" Seeley asked making Hal annoyed.
"Merry Christmas." He coldly told before the screen shut off as I removed Zacks hand again.
"Okay, you know what? If this is fatal, I will shoot the three of you." Seeley told toward us pissing me off.
"Shouldn't you shoot the dude who is the reason why we have to be here over Christmas and not the ones who followed the rules?" I asked making him look at me.
"Ashley I will shoot you."
"Yeah not like I've been shot twice before. Honestly what's one more bullet hole in me gonna do." I stated as I got Zacks other hand to play with.
"She's not lying. She's only been hit twice but when she was a PI she was always shot at and never got hit, surprisingly."
"The second time was not my fault, he was aiming at the pole and it hit me in the leg."
"And the first?" Jack asked
"I don't talk about it." I stated.
"Maybe you guys could go get dressed. Ash you can use my office." Angie told making us all get up.
"Cool beans." I told as we left.

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