She needs closure

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Soon after Zack had left, Temperance joined us and she looked at the work in progress of both my gift for Zack as well as Angie making the tree.
"You like it?" She asked the doctor as they looked at it.
"It's very beautiful." Temperance stated.
"It's not done yet. We can put our presents under there, and we can... You think it's stupid."
"No, Ange. What were your Christmas plans?" She asked as they made their way to join me on the couch and sat with Angie next to me.
"My dad and I get together with Ash and her siblings, somewhere quiet, exchange gifts. Just the eight of us. Since I was a kid, getting some time alone with my dad was always difficult. And getting time with the others is also difficult, with Ash being the easiest now since we work together. What is it with you and gifts, anyway?" She asked making Temperance look away.
'I get how you feel Temperance.'
"I know your parents disappeared just before Christmas." Angie stated.
"My brother Russ was nineteen and we were still in the house."
"Woah." I told
"That must've been strange." Angie added making her nod.
"Russ found our presents in my parents' room..." She began and I could tell she was holding back tears. "...and Christmas Eve, when I was asleep, he snuck down and made Christmas, trying to do the right thing for me."
"Christmas for his little sister."
"But when I came down and saw the lights and the presents..."
"You thought your parents were back."
"I just expected to see them, sitting there, drinking their coffee, watching Russ and me open our presents."
"Oh my God."
"I kind of lost it. I refused to open the presents until they came back... It was like I told Russ he wasn't enough family for me. Before New Years, he went out west to work and I was in the foster system." She told.
"You know I get that." I told making her look towards me.
"You do?"
"Yeah. Dads a dead beat getting high or drunk somewhere. But the little ones expect Santa so me and Peter spent all night getting everything ready so we could wake them and give them one happy moment in the shitty situation we were in." I told before there was a voice at the door.
"Excuse me... We have Lionel's Missing Persons file." Seeley told making us look towards him.
'Well shit.'
"The tree is really, really beautiful, Ange. Really." She told before getting up to leave.

I was still relaxing on the couch in Angies office as she did some more work on the Christmas tree and as I worked on the gift for Zack some more.
"How's the drawing coming along?" She asked making me show her.
"Could use a little more work."
"It's looking good sweetie." She told as she came over and gave me a kiss on the head.
"Thanks. I'm gonna do another one but I thought he would really like the family one as well." I told as I leaned my head against hers as she wrapped her arm over my shoulder.
"He will love it."
"You really think so? It was either this or giving him this shark teeth that was in my bag." I told as I showed the multiple teeth that were in there.
"Can I ask why?" She asked as she gave a laugh.
"Part of it is for your dad. He could use one as a pick for his music if he liked the sound it made. I know I do when playing music."
"So why that many?"
"So he could pick the ones he likes the most. I also made these for us to wear. That way in the whole fam have a matching necklace/bracelet. Bracelet is mostly for Peter, Tyler and Flynn since the rest of us will wear the necklaces." I told as I pulled matching teeth out on necklaces.
"Ash. You are talented in many ways." She told as she took the one I made for her and put it on.
"I feel bad for Ivy. She thought he was the one to the point where they he was gonna surprise her by taking to Paris..... only for him to go out and never return. She probably thinks he ran out on her and it left her heart broken and mad that he did that. She raised the kid on her own thinking he bailed. The child would have grown up thinking her father didn't love her. The family needs to learn what happened to him. They need to know he loved Ivy and was gonna travel to where they would be accepted. Anyone would need the closure like that. I wish I had closure like that."
"I know sweetie. I wish I knew how to help you find out what happened to her."
"I know." I told before she gave my head another kiss.
We sat in silence as I continued to draw when Angie stood up.
"I can't sit here and do nothing." She told.
"We can't leave yet." I told as I looked towards her.
"No I'm talking about leaving here Ash. I'm talking about helping Ivy get the closure that you and Brennan have never gotten." She told before walking out of her office.
I rushed after her as she walked to she was standing bellow the platform where Daniel, Seeley and Temperance were.
"You have to find her." She told as I came to stand next to her and as they looked down towards us. "Ivy."
"Ivy Gillespie may not even be alive and if she is, this could be a reminder of an extremely painful time of her life. What would we accomplish?" Daniel asked
"The truth." I told
"You have to find the girl and tell her what you know." Angie told before looking at Temperance "Don't you see? You can give her the answer that you never got. The one Ash never got."
'Why is it I can't let them know? I want to tell them.... but I'm scared.'
"Angela." Temperance began before getting cut off by Angela.
"I'm sorry, sweetie, but it's true. You have a chance here."
"To say what? 'Merry Christmas, Ivy Gillespie, your fiancé was murdered and your life was ruined, but hey, at least you get to know what happened to him.'?"
"Don't you wish somebody had said that to you?"
Angela asked
"Look Temperance, here we can give someone the closure that we want or wanted. We can tell someone the one thing we wished people told us." I told "Don't you wanna give someone that closure that someone couldn't give to us?"
The room fell into silence and I could tell she was thinking it over.
"Yes." She told before getting up to do just that making me smile with Angela.

I was drawing the new picture for the gift as Zack worked on his robot, since Angie didn't want me to see the finished tree before everyone else so the surprise wasn't ruined.
'I wonder who he got.'
"So what exactly did you do as a PI, Ash?" Zack asked breaking the silence between us.
"Why do you ask?"
"You just never fully talked about it. Like the fact you never tell anyone why you finally quit."
"Not a lot there. I mean I just mostly found the things people wanted found and what other people wanted hidden. You already know how great I am at that." I told.
"That I do."
"So how did you meet your friends?"
"I met Rio through the bone forensic anthropology classes at the university we went to. She actually was the teacher of the class."
"You became friends with the teacher? That's a massive teachers pet move if I ever heard one." I told making him chuckle.
"She's actually the youngest of the group, but she is one of the smartest in our group with me as well."
"Wow. Never knew that."
"Yeah, she doesn't really act like it most of the time. But I met the other three through Rio. They were already friends and Rio saved me from some wankers as she called them, and before she could chase after them Tim picked her up and that's basically how I met them. After that they just accepted me and made me apart of their strange family. It's actually quite welcoming." He told making me smile.
"They sound like lovely people, Bone Boy."
"You probably would get along well with them, Bunny."
"I hate you."
"No you don't."
"I can not believe I let that slip with you."
"If it makes you feel better, my name is Zackary Uriah Addy." He told making me jaw drop as I smiled at the new information I had.
"Oh I fucken love that." I told making me get a small smile.
"Have people told you, you are very strange Ash?"
"All the time, Bone boy."
"Then I'll be the newest person to say it, Bunny." He told making me bite my lip as I couldn't help to smile.
"Your lucky your cute." I told making him blush again as he put the robot down to test it.
"Turn." He told it only for it to not do anything.
"Zack.... I must say that's the best turn I've ever seen a robot do." I joked making him give me an annoyed look.
"It should turn when I say turn, walk in the direction I say and when I say stop...." he began only to get cut off by the robot doing a somersault. "I thought I fixed that."
'Yeah I'm gonna help.'
I put the drawing I was working on down but made sure it was covered so he couldn't see it before making my way to him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders to give him a reassuring hug, before realising.
"Sorry I should have asked. I'm just used to Angie and Billy and the other five giving me hugs since I'm comfortable with them doing it." I told as I began to pull away.
"It's ok. It just shows me that you trust me a lot since Angela mentioned that you don't like physical contact. And I know you've gotten some what used to hugging with me over the year." He told making me go back to how I was before.
"Your a cool dude and I like ya."
"You have said multiple times that I am cute."
"You are. But I meant in more like a friend way dude... I have no idea where I'm going with this anymore."
"I like you as well." He told making me smile more as I ignored my cheeks heating up.
"Anywho. Even though your robot is not meant to move when you say 'stop', I still think it's fucken cool. And that's coming from the girl who's made it well aware that I dislike robots."
"I just don't know how I'm supposed to fix it. I'm getting a doctorate in engineering and I can not get a robot to work."
"I'll help you if your ok with it."
"You know how to make robots?"
"No, because I'm not gonna help them evolve to take over the world. I mean have you see Terminator and IRobot. I ain't messing with that." I told making him laugh. "But I do know some things about computers and have a doctorate in engineering."
"You have a PhD in engineering and you never thought to at least mention that to me, knowing I'm getting the exact same thing?"
"Yeah pretty much. I have four doctorates and no one knows what they are. All you know is ba in drama and PhD in engineering, in the two years we've worked together. Why does that surprise you?"
"When put like that it makes sense."
"Yeah. So want me to help? Though I will say, I did not make a robot. I made a arm."
"That's still a robot."
"Shit.... I helped them." I told making him laugh more.
"If you are able to help me make it not somersault when I say.... well you know."
"Stop." I said with the biggest smile as it did just that.
"Yes that. I would greatly appreciate it."
"Alright Bone boy. Let's see what we can do." I told as I let go and grabbed a chair to sit across from him.
"Bunny." He said making me look towards him.
"You are on thin ice cute boy." I told as I pointed the small screwdriver towards him making us laugh.
"I think I should be allowed to call you Bunny if you call me Bone boy."
"I'll think about it." I told before we started to go to work.
'Good thing I finished the drawing.'

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