The fun must stop before it even begins.

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"This feels like we are rushing a bit." I told as I took my jacket off along with him in my room.
"We've been on three dates. Perfect time waiting."
"It was dinner last night, breakfast today and then a quick lunch today as well. Wouldn't fully count that."
"Two and a half?"
"I can go with that." I told before we began to kiss again and fell back onto my bed.
Before anything else was said or done, my phone began to ring making us let out a groan. I grabbed it to see it was Temperance making me have to focus on what she might tell me.
"We are waiting outside your house since Seeley wanted your help on something."
"What do they want?" Shawn asked making my cup his mouth to keep him quiet.
"Is someone with you Ashley?"
"Yeah a mate of mine. I will be out as soon as I can." I told
"And we will see you when you do. Just don't take too long." She told before hanging up.
"You gotta work?"
"Yeah. Sorry."
"Don't be. I like a lady in a uniform."
"I don't wear a uniform Shawn, I wear what I always wear." I told before getting out of bed to fix my hair.
"Even better."
"You are always free to stay here while I handle this."
"Will do. How is your bed so comfortable?"
"When you have the financials that all of us have, then it's easy to get a bed close to royalties. Do not eat on my bed or no kisses." I told before I was about to leave.
"Wait!" He shouted making me turn to see him rushing over to me.
He quickly cupped my face and kissed me as long as he could till I pulled away.
"Thank you for that lovely goodbye. But I really must go now. Alf will help you with anything you might need."
I rushed out of the house and made all the dogs sit before leaving and having Stan give them all treats. I quickly jumped into the car they had and Seeley began to drive off. We were in silence for most of the drive till he broke it.
"So your friend...."
"Are you asking if I'm dating someone?"
"It's complicated. We've known one another since we were kids, and he always asked me out. I finally agreed that we could try it out and actually see if we could make it. Like I said, it's complicated."
"So are you two dating?"
"I'd say basically cause we agreed that we weren't going to date other people while we tried this out."
"Really is actually."
"I thought you had that thing with he that shall not be named?" Seeley asked.
"We are just friends, there's nothing romantic there. Yes we care, trust and hold the other in high regards but we are just really good friends.'

(Zack p.o.v)

"Boys! I got news!" Angela exclaimed as she came rushing towards us.
"Goodman decided I was right?" Hodgins asked.
"Ash is on her way home now?" I asked
"Also no. But it does involve her."
"Is she hurt?" We both asked
"No. So Brennan texted me saying when they called Ash, she was hanging with a guy."
"Ash was hanging out with a guy? She always hangs out with guys." Hodgins told
"Also isn't the man you call The green eyed one in town?"
"No he had to go on another job. But this guy is someone she's known way before me."
"So what's so special about him?" Hodgins asked as he crossed his arms.
"She sent a picture of them from earlier this week." She told as she grabbed her phone to show us a picture that someone took of the two of them hugging.
'This might not be good.'
"Wow he is good looking." Hodgins stated.
"Right?! So they may be dating which honestly good for her, since she has not been in a relationship since before she joined here."
"We shouldn't let Ash find out that we talked about this." I stated
"Let's be honest. She already knows." Hodgins told.
"Well now that you two are up to date. I gotta work on the Hollywood girl. Have fun you two." She told before leaving.
I went back to looking over the bones not able to get the picture out of my mind when Hodgins spoke.
"So how long?"
"How long what?"
"How long have you had feelings for Ash?"
"I don't like her that way."
"Dude. I noticed how you got when you saw the picture, I've also noticed how sad you've been cause you've been missing Ash."
"We are just friends."
"Who you have a crush on."
"I don't have a crush on Ash."
"Then why do you look at her, like she is your whole world?"
"I don't."
He let out a sigh before pulling his phone out and showed a picture of me and her when she had fallen asleep during our last movie night before she went on holiday. She was curled up against me and I was just looking down at her with a small smile on my face as I slightly held her against me.
"Or what about this photo?" He told before showing another picture of us.
It must have been taken during Christmas since I was asleep on the couch in Angela's office and Ash was laying on top of me as I held her in my arms.
"Dude.... you like Ash."
"I do."
"Exactly..... wait what?! Your just admitting it?"
"I like Ash. More then just a friend.... should I tell her this now?"
"Maybe because she might already be in another relationship with another guy. Look, we just wait and see what happens. And probably wait till she comes back and we see what happens from there."
'This really isn't good then.'

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