The creepy guy from the morgue.

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I was on Zacks lap at one of the terminals on the platform, since all the other chairs were being used and Jack was standing up next to us. On the computer, we were looking over information on Blackbeard's Money Pit, and we clicked on one making Zack read it out loud.
"In 1832, a team of six men looking for the treasure were killed when a shaft they were digging collapsed." Zack read causing Jack to grin down at us.
"Blackbeard's curse, man." He told.
"A curse?" Zack questioned shaking his head a bit. "We're scientists."
"Then why do you have an anti-possession charm around your neck if you don't hold some form of superstition?" I asked hooking my finger around it to show making him take it off and put it back into his shirt.
"It was a Christmas gift from Rio. She's superstitious and her uncle got her one, which had her get a bunch more for the friend group." He told as Jack scrolled down to show more information.
"Look at this. 1902. Two men disappeared while digging. Never found their bodies." He read before laughing a little bit. "Ho-ohhh, that's very 'curse-y'!"
"Probably were dragged out of the first flood gate." I stated as Zack looked intently at Jack.
"So you believe in pirates." He asked making Jack become mildly irritated and his grin fell from his face.
"Pirates aren't Santa, Zack. They did exist, they did have treasures, and they did bury it."
"You know, I had an eye patch when I was six." Zack admitted making me smile at that fact.
"Who didn't, my friend? Who didn't?" He asked grinning again and Zack was smiling gratefully at what he said.
"I had one for medical reasons." I told making them look at me.
"My eye was slightly lazy when I was younger so I needed to strengthen it by wearing an eye patch for a bit. Its why I can do the two eye thing." I stated.
"Makes sense." Jack told making me nod.
Before we could read anymore, we heard some noise making us look to see it was Temperance who had an iron grip around Harry I think it was upper arm, walking him through the lab. Seeley showed his ID to the guard and swiped it through the sensor machine at the foot of the stairs, allowing the three to head up onto the platform. Once they were on top of the platform with us, we could see Harry was carrying a metal case.
"It's not necessary to lead me like a child." Harry told.
'Yeah he seems creepy.'
"I'd rather not have any more evidence compromised." Temperance stated to him.
"You're squeezing my arm very tightly."
"Sorry." She told making him smile and lean his head towards her a bit.
"No, no. It's okay."
I leaned closer into Zack due to how creepy I found him, and Zack wrapped his arms around me more in a protective matter.
"You can give it to Doctor Hodgins." She told ignoring him and pointed towards Jack.
"What is this?" He asked putting some gloves on.
"Soil and water collected from Ted Macy's throat and lungs." She told making Harry open the case and present them to Jack.
"How come your sitting on his lap?" Seeley asked us since he didn't want to feel out of place with all the science talk.
"Not enough chairs." We both told as one making him nod.
"Makes sense."
"He was found floating in his dry suit at the top of the shaft." Doc told Jack as he took a sample container from the case and began to walk away, causing Seeley to stop him.
"All right, you know what we need you to do? Your dirt thing. You know, match the slime to the crime. Heh." He told making everyone look at him like he was ridiculous but I chuckled causing him to smile more. "Make sure that's where he was killed."
"I'd like to look at X-rays of the victim's skeleton." Doc told as she turned to Harry.
HARRY: (smirks) Bossy." He told smirking making Seeley hold up a warning finger towards him.
"Do NOT go there." He ordered.
"In the interests of being thorough, I need to determine if he died at the top, or died at the bottom and ... floated up." He told as he brought the sample over to a magnifier to inspect it. "I need silt abstracts from both levels."
"Fine. We'll get those for you." He told causing Jack to point to whatever he sees through the lamp.
"No, no. No, the soil looks like an odd mixture of clay, plagioclase feldspar, pyroxene. I really wouldn't trust anyone else but Ash of course, to harvest the samples properly." He told shaking his head, only to get a small smile form on Temperance face.
"You just wanna look for treasure." She told having Seeley nod in agreement sharing a smirk.
"Wha - ?" He spoke before scoffing a bit, and pulled his most serious, wide-eyed, incredulous face towards the accusation. "I am a serious scientist ... merely trying to do my job as well as possible."
"Sure ya do buddy." I told as Seeley squinted a bit at Jack.
"That shaft is over two hundred feet deep, you know." Seeley told as he looked over Jack with a challenging tone towards my curly haired best friend. "Requires an experienced diver."
"I am a certified cave diver, which means I can go deeper than two hundred feet. I dove Mayan Blue, Dos Ojos, Tortuga ..." he told before being cut off by doc who's expression was immovable and serious, while Seeleys was impressed with raised eyebrows. "Ever dive Naharon?" She asked.
"I named Naharon." She stated.
"Well, then how can you say no to me?" He questioned making her consider it for a bit.
"Okay." She told nodding in agreement. "But just to collect soil samples."
"Of course." He told excited before turning to me. "Ash, I know you are certified diver as well. Wanna hunt some treasure with me?"
"No thank you. I'm good, I don't wanna die in a money pit."
'Besides, it'll be tight and I know I can not handle that and will freak.'
"Suit yourself." He told before quickly leaving in excitement to get his diving gear.
"You dive too?" Seeley asked stuttering a little from the fact he learnt from her.
"Yeah. I have the time because I don't own a TV." She told making them head for the stairs again.
As they did, they passed Harry to had a look of fantasy on his face mixed with a wide- eyed look.
"You wear a rubber suit then." He told making Seeley turn back around to him.
"Uh -" Seeley told lifting another finger warning him, and stopping whatever dangerous train of thought he had.
"You creepy kinky son of a bitch." I told making him smile towards me.
"So are you single?"
"Wanna see if we share some similar interests?" He asked making Zack spin the chair some more so his body was in the way.
"No. I'm not interested, I suggest leaving." I told making him nod and leave.
I curled up more into Zack and Zack just held me tightly to let me know he was still there for me. We ended up going back to reading more about the money pit to see if there was any more
"I don't like him." I quietly told.
"Neither do I." Zack added before kissing the top of my head.
'He never does that.'
"Is there a reason you kissed the top of my head?"
"Uh...well you see, I... you always kiss me on the cheek when we are going through bad cases, and your upset about the creepy guy. So I thought it might help cheer you up a bit...... I won't do it ever again." He told making me chuckle a little.
"You can keep doing it Zack. I was just curious is all, I wasn't telling you to never do it again."
"Good to know."
'I'm glad we were able to move on from that strange beginning we had where we could hardly speak to one another. What a crazy world we live in.'

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