The poisoned artist.

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I was working in front of my computer in my lab, when Hodgins came in to hopefully hand off what I needed.
"New osteologic scans to input, as requested." He told placing it down next to me.
"Hey, check this out." I told making him come over to see Amy's artwork.
"Amy Cullen." I told shocking him.
"You're kidding." He spoke as he leaned closer to look at it more.
"No. I ran it through the digitizer. She's a good kid. I wanted to show her that computers don't have to be the enemy." I told making him smile.
'Also helps me not focus on Ash.'
"Not bad for a certified member of the geek squad." He told making me smile.
"Ah, I'll take that as a compliment." I told
"Well, you should." He told and I knew he wanted to ask about Ash.
"I haven't gotten more then a thumbs up from her."
"Apparently Zack is also getting shut out. Dudes so worried about her, I went to check on her yesterday and I just found Zack leaning against her door just talking about stuff."
"How did that go?"
"He'd ask if she was still listening and she'd give a knock. So we both just sat and talked about random things, and every now and then we would hear her chuckle briefly. How long has she been doing this?"
"Since she was 19 really. It's complicated, she will return to her normal self soon. It's a little like clockwork. She's eating right?"
"Apparently it's the only time Zack sees her is when she's getting something to eat, drink, and to put the unwanted dishes in the sink."
"That's good then." I told.
"Just have to wait for her to be back to her questionable usual self." He told making us both chuckle.

(Zack p.o.v)

We were all on the platform minus Ash and we were all working and looking at the images of Amy's bone graft.
"This is a cross section from Amy's bone graft. Zack, what's the ratio of primary to secondary osteons?" Dr. Brennan asked as she read a book.
"I only see secondary. Exactly what you'd expect to see in an older decedent." I explained making her turn to Angela who was typing.
"And accompanying data?"
"Well, I'm no expert but I think it supports as well." She told.
"So based on this one sample, it's clear that the donor bone came from someone in their sixties." She stated.
"But how do we know that it's the bone that gave Amy cancer?" Booth questioned.
"Because of this." She told making his attention go to the computer screen with the bone magnified on it. "Magnify. The graft is riddled with cancer."
"Cancer consistent with morphology origin in the pleura, most likely mesothelioma." I added.
"Whoever this is had terminal cancer. And now so does Amy." Dr. Brennan told.
"She went in for a broken leg and was poisoned." I added making Angela shake her head.
"She never even had a chance." She continued.
"Someone knew that bone was infected and they gave it to her anyway." Dr. Brennan stated.
"This will kill Amy Cullen." I admitted which made Booth mad.
"Well, in that case, it's murder."
"Do you want me to call Grace?" I asked
"How can she help?"
"Her father worked with cancer patients. Did you forget he was a doctor?"
"Yeah I did."
"Who's Grace?" Dr. Brennan and Angela asked as one.
"She works for my cousin with her husband."
"What do they do?" They asked as one making me and Booth share a look before looking back at them
"Finance and Tax."
"Ash would have loved to have seen that." Angela told.
'I hope she's doing well.'
"We should wait on calling Grace. Who knows what would happen if she showed up."
"She'd slap you for being an idiot and try and fix the thing you two have."
"Yeah she would." He admitted with a sigh.

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