Can I blink now?

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We were all watching Michael as he examined the bones, and some of us were getting impatient with how long he was taking.
'This has gotta be the longest anyone has taken.'
"He still at it?" Seeley asked as he came next to me and Angie.
"Yep. And it is fascinating." Angie told with sarcasm on her voice.
"Keep an eye on him."
"That's not going to be a problem." Goodman told as he nods to us repeat the action with me not removing my eyes off of Michael.
"Is Ash ok?"
"Don't call me Ash, Seeley." I told as I watched Michael and Temperance did the same.
I watched from the corner of my eye Seeley gave me, Jack and Zack a thumbs-up, making us return the gesture.
"Did you just give Zack and Hodgins a sign of encouragement?" Angie quietly asked
"Yeah, you know, that's the first time I've been able to look at them without imagining Moe knocking their heads together." He told making us minus the boys amused.
"Agent Booth, you're accessing your inner squint." Goodman stated making Seeley concerned.
"Also Ashley are you seriously ok?"
"I haven't blinked in nearly an hour."
"Is she serious?"
"Yeah. I think it's connected to her sleeping thing." Angie told.
"She also can do a weird thing with her eyes." Zack added.
"Don't do it Ash." Jack told making me do it.
"I can look at two places at once." I told
"It's so gross but cool at the same time." Jack told.
"She actually can control one eye separately, but doesn't do it a lot since it sometimes hurts." Angie told as I put my eyes back to normal.
"That's so cool." Seeley told
"Tempe, you listed an evulsion fracture on the right femur. It looks minor. Do you consider this evidence?" Michael asked
"Dr. Brennan's conclusions belong to the prosecution." Seeley told
"And you ain't on that fool." I added.
"I have no interest in destroying your case, Agent Booth. I'm just trying to get a sense of...." he began before Goodman cut him off.
"Of her interpretations of data, to which you are not privy, Dr. Stires."
"I understand the game the doctor is trying to play and I'm perfectly capable of dealing with him myself. I'm sure he's just thrown by findings he would have missed." Temperance told.
"This is not about you and Dr. Stires. This is about the Jeffersonian's reputation as a source of expert witnesses." Goodman stated
"Okay, I'm--- I'm on my own. Oh, in the interest of fairness, I am willing to share my thoughts with you." Michael told before he hands Temperance the papers he was taking notes on. "I red-penciled a few things."
"You corrected my findings?"
"Oh shit. I do so very much hope Temperance punches him." I told making me bump elbows with Jack.
"Consider it an opposing opinion." He told making Temperance not happy at what he's done.
"My findings are based on facts, Michael, not opinions."
"You seem to have finished your allotted time with the remains, Dr. Stires. I'd like my people to get back to work." Goodman told
"Thank you." Michael told smiling towards Temperance and she smiled tightly back.
"She's massively displeased at him, to answer your question Jack a boy."
Michael left and I finally allowed myself to blink.
"Oh my god my eyelids feel like sand paper. Mistakes were made!"
"Come on. I've got some eye drops in my desk." Zack told as he put the camera down and began to take me to his lab.
"It hurts every time I blink." I told as he began to lead me to his lab.
"Then why do you keep blinking?"
"Cause maybe it'll hurt less if I do."
"Does it?"
'We are a strange group.'

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