Seems he could not fly.

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~(episode 12: The Superhero in the Alley)~

I ended up driving my car to the crime scene with Zack and Temperance.
"I just realised. I've never had Temperance in my car before."
"Is that why Zack got the front?" She asked.
"I guess. He's the one I drive the most with so we just went into our usual spots."
"So when are you and Seeley having your bro chat?" I asked Zack.
"Daisy is coming in later today to have us sit and talk. Not our idea but actually his cousin."
"So who is Daisy?"
"I've actually been curious about that as well." Temperance asked.
"She's a family friend of the whole family. She is actually a therapist. They say she's their aunt even though they aren't biologically related."
"So you know her cause of his cousin?"
"So why aren't they talking?" Temperance asked.
"They got into a fight when she was 16. It's something that the whole family knows about with some exception to me and our friends being there when it happened. They don't like talking about it."
"Was it bad?"
"She punched him and told him she never wanted him in her life ever again. Hasn't changed since." He told just before we pulled up.
We all got out and we went towards where we saw Seeley.
"I garantee you won't read that, sir. Okay? I-I'm on it." He told before seeing us walk towards him. "Bones."
"A body left to rot-" a reporter woman told before I ignored her all together.
"Got here as soon as I could." She told
"Yeah. Thanks for coming. I pull you from anything important?" He asked as he began to walk us towards the crime scene.
"A 9,600 year old Caucasoid female skeleton was found in the Kunlun Moutains in China last month. An international investigation is under way. I'm contributing stress marker analysis." She explained as we began to walk through the alley.
"I think you're gonna find this, uh, very interesting too."
We looked at the the body, to see it was a skeleton wearing an armour type outfit.
"Oh..." Seeley began.
"What the hell is he wearing? It's lightweight. Composite." Temperance explained.
"Could be some role playing type of thing." I stated as I began to collect some insects.
"I think it was some kind of sexual bondage suit. And there's that bag. It's full of maggots."
"My type of business." I joked.
"Looks like cellulose in there, degraded from bodily tissues and decomposing fat."
"And maggots." Seeley stated as Zack began to take photos of it.
"Tibial plateau fractures and ground disturbance suggest total body impact." He told.
"Okay. So did he jump, or was he pushed, Bones?" He asked needing the answer.
"Someone's a busy bee." I told as I got a few more maggots.
"That's what we have to figure out. We can take the skeleton in. Give you a report, maybe after next week." Temperance told
"No you don't have to solve the whole case. Just tell me if I'm looking at a murder. Maybe, you know, pull a quick I.D.?" He told before he smiled.
"Don't use your charm smile on me." She told.
"What? It's a mark of respect. That's all."
"Or it's cause someone's aunt is coming into town." I told.
"We all know that you and Zack are meeting up with Daisy to talk things out." Temperance added.
"You told them?"
"I'm allowed to tell them. I had to explain why I'd be gone for a few hours and Ash is my ride."
"Ok it's kinda like an agreement type of thing. He brings me coffee and I drop him off places. It's like a win win dynamic if you will. He makes nice coffees."

We were on the platform examining the body as it lied on one of the tables.
"Epiphyseal union with the diaphysis on the wrist, knees and ankles suggests the victim was between 14 and 18 years old. 1.6 meters tall, a very slight build suggesting he was at the younger end of the scale." Zack explained before Jack arrived.
"That tracks with the bag. The degraded cellulose we found is a graphic novel."
"Sick!" I exclaimed as he handed it to me.
"A what?" Temperance asked.
"It's a comic book." We both told making us bump elbows.
"I never read comic books." Zack admired.
"Really? I had you pegged for a graphic novel nut." Jack told.
"It was more Joe and Vix's thing. I read books with Rio." He told.
"Who?" He asked.
"The friends that he won't tell us the actual names of." I told.
"Oh them."
"The face and cranial vault are badly fractured. Blows to the parietal have sent radiating fracture lines between the mid, frontal and anterior temporal buttresses. Why?" He asked
"Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica."
"Bears. Beats." I added.
"Oh come on! He set that up perfectly, Zack. Don't be a hater."
"Focusing, gentlemen and lady." Temperance told making us focus on the case again.
"Conclusion: brutal assault killed him." Zack stated.
"He was dropped...after he was was already dead."
"Talk about hiding evidence." I added.
"His killer wanted it to look like a suicide." Jack stated before there was some silence.
'Feel bad for him.'
"Let's get his dentals into the N.C.I.C., see if we can find a match. Zack, call Stockholm and Beijing. Our research data on the other thing is going to be delayed." Temperance told breaking the silence.
Soon one of our phones were ringing making us all go to check our phones to find out it was all of us but Jack.
"Feel so unpopular."
"This is Marcus. I gotta take it."
"Booth." Temperance told.
"Mines Rio."
We all quickly answered our calls and went to our own areas.
"Marcus, what do you want?"
"We need some more photo shoots done. Are you free this afternoon?"
"Yeah. I'm dropping Zack off at this interview thingy at around lunch so I can do it around then. Only have an hour for it though."
"Should be enough time."
"Cool cool. Send me the address."
"Will do." He told before hanging up.
"This bish I swear."

(Zack p.o.v)

"Zack Addy."
"Hey dude. So Daisy is checking into her room, payed for by me don't tell her, Dic doesn't want her knowing."
"Alright. Seeley isn't happy that our coworkers know."
"He needs to grow the fuck up. You two wouldn't be having to have this if he would have just stop bitchin about it."
"And to think it's because he went to find you."
"He knows I don't want him near me. Daisy actually forced me to come to this."
"How did she manage that?"
"Told Grace to threaten me that donations would stop if I didn't. So I'm getting shit ready for this thing. Side note, we are going to Wong Foos, cause that food is so good."
"This should be interesting."
"I've been told no fighting. Or kicking his head like I've threatened, so there's that. I have dibs to sit next to you and Daisy is sitting next to Seeley. Cause no way am I sitting next to Seeley and we aren't putting you two next to one another." She told.
"Yeah that's understandable."
"I'm gonna be grabbing Daisy soon cause she wants to do some gift shopping, and I can come get you as well. I would love to piss Seeley off more with that."
"I'm good. Ash is dropping me off, since we have a known agreement. I get her coffee and she drives me around."
"I ship it."
"Stop it."
"Fine. I'll see you at around lunch for the discussion."
"Will do."
"Love ya not yet Dr. Addy."
"Love you as well Dr. Finley." I told making her laugh before she hung up.
'She's great.'

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