Why are they like this?

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The case was over, with Hall being the criminal. Thankfully I was able to get piece and quite in my room and worked on a song, since Marcus was being troublesome.
"Hey baby won't you come over for dinner.... nope. That was terrible. Everything I think of for a song is terrible.... even that's shit."
I fell back onto my bed and let out a sigh.
'I hate this.'
My phone got a notification and I looked to see who it was from.
'Denis. Thank god it's not Marcus.'
"They want you to be Dove."
"All the siblings are getting rolls and they think you would be best for Dove."
"Fine. Does that mean I get out of this other thing?"
"No. It must still be done. Blame Marcus."
"Oh I am. I gotta get back to this song."
"Good luck."
'Imma need it.'
I sat back up and began to play a few notes before coming up with something.
"So I wake up by noon, 'cuz I've been crying all night. And then I go to the fridge, cuz theres beer inside. And I scream from the top of my lungs!...... Nope!"
'Just think. What would Edith say?'

( "Write from the heart."
"I can't write from the heart Edith. Nothing feels right."
"What about the scars you have? Mental and physical." Edgar told
"No that just makes me mad, mad is not an emotion I like writing with."
"What about love. Write about someone you truely love and don't put anything in that might make them know about it." Peter suggested. )

'Love.... how the fuck am I meant to write about love?'
There was a knock at my door and I said it was open to show it was Zack.
"Jacks getting dinner. Did you want anything?"
"What are you getting?"
"I'll get the same."
"Ok." He told before shutting the door making me smile.
'Strange boy..... I've got a song!'

(Zack p.o.v)

I was walking past Ash's room again when I heard music play before stoping.
"Ok Oak. I think I've got everything. You ready to hear this?...... imma take the silence as a yes. Let's do this."
The music began to play before she began to sing.
'I like when she sings. It's quite lovely to listen to.'

"Forty days and forty nights
I waited for a boy like you to come and save my life
All the days I waited for you
You know the ones who said I'd never find someone like you

And you were out of my league
All the things I believed
You were just the right kind
Yeah, you were more than just a dream
You were out of my league
Got my heartbeat racing
If I die, don't wake me
'Cause you are more than just a dream

From time to time I pinch myself
Because I think my boy mistakes me for somebody else
And every time he takes my hand
All the wonders that remain
Become a simple fact

That you were out of my league
All the things I believed
You were just the right kind
Yeah, you were more than just a dream
You were out of my league
Got my heartbeat racing
If I die, don't wake me
'Cause you are more than just a dream

You were out of my league
All the things I believed
You were just the right kind
Yeah, you were more than just a dream
You were out of my league
Got my heartbeat racing
If I die, don't wake me
'Cause you are more than just a dream

More than just a dream
More than just a dream
More than just a dream
More than just a dream."

'It's a good song.'
"Ok that one is out of the way. Now I gotta work out a few more. When did it get so hard to do this Oak? I should be able to have written eight by now, but it's taken me about an hour to get here. Maybe I've lost inspiration.... Oh god I'm like Peter when all he could think about was coupons. What do you think I should do Sweetie? This is where you reveal you can actually speak and have the entire time."
'I think I know how to help.'

Once Jack dropped our dinner off since he had his own thing, I quickly got to work setting everything up. Once I was done I got Ash. I gave a knock on her door and opened it to see her upside down with a guitar.
"Ash? What is going on?" I asked.
"I can explain."
"Bunny got caught!" Someone exclaimed from her laptop that was in front of her.
"Shut the fuck up Peter! I will beat the shit out of you."
"How?! Your on the other side of a screen!"
"On it." He told before there was a scream.
"I live with these two." A female told
"Not my fault."
"So do we get to meet your friend?"
"Edith no."
"I didn't do anything."
"I know all your different type of saying friends. I know what you know."
"I can come back." I told
"Is din din here?"
"Suck shit! I gotta go." She told as she swung up and got off of the pull up bar she put in.
"BUNNY!" They exclaimed.
"Shut the fuck up he doesn't know." She told as she picked the laptop up and gave a wave to them. "Love ya guys."
"Love you as well." They told before she shut the lap top.
"Let's eat." She told as she tossed the laptop onto the bed and walked past me.
"Are we going to not talk about that?" I asked as I followed after her
"They said being upside down would help clear my head and mind. We don't speak of it to the others."
"No one knows you have siblings."
We walked to where I set dinner up and she stopped in place and gave a confused look.
"Zack.... what the hell is this?"
"I heard you were having trouble writing songs since you were having a lack of inspiration. So I thought just us talking would help you relax so you can write songs."
"Zack. That's so fucken sweet. Thank you." She told before giving me a hug.
"I'm still not used to you giving me hugs."
"Don't get used to it. It's a rare thing that you will miss." She told making me smile.
She gave me a kiss on the cheek quickly before walking over to the table for us to talk and eat.
'I'm glad we live together. It never gets boring around here.'

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