Yo they be crispy.

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~(episode 14: The Man on the Fairway)~

I was sitting in the back of the golf cart that Temperance was driving as Zack rode shotgun, and we headed to the crime scene somewhere on the golf course. Of course I was reading a magazine Marcus had me buy to see what it said about the upcoming movie.
"We'll be meeting with agents from the FAA, the NTSB, and local police." Doc explained.
"Usually Booth handles those people." Zack told.
"I think we deserve a break from the fed. I think my horoscope is wrong." I stated
"Plane crashes don't belong to the FBI." Temperance stated.
"Why not? FAA stands for Federal Aviation Administration. The NTSB stands for National Transportation Safety Board. That sounds Federal to me and FBI stands for Federal Bureau..." Zack began to explain only for doc to cut him off.
"This is the third time in a row we've investigated without Booth. I don't like it." He stated making me look towards them with a confused look.
"Why? He mostly ignores you." Temperance told.
"I also thought you hated him." I added
"Ignoring me is Booth's way of acknowledging my presence. It's a guy thing. We've also come to an understanding after we had therapy session with his aunt." He told before turning into his seat and looking at me. "So what's your horoscope?"
"Oh sure let me read it. 'The year may be anew, but what lies ahead for you not many know. But one things for certain, a certain person has their eyes set on you and secrets will be told when you least expect it.' See wrong. Cause who the hell has their eyes set on me, sounds creepy and stalker like from this. No thank you."
"Guess we won't know."
"Guess we won't. Want me to read yours?" I asked looking towards him.
"Sure. May 20th, I'm a Taurus." He told making me find his.
"Found it. 'Your two comfortable in the spot you are at now. Take chances when the time is right. Ask for that promotion. Try a new look, get a hair cut. Ask the person your sights are on, for a date. The possibility's are endless for you in the new year.'. Do not get a new hair cut, I will not talk to you." I told making him chuckle.
"I don't plan on it."
"Was it enlightening like you imagined?" I asked.
"Not really."
"You know they aren't real right?" Temperance asked.
"Yeah. But it's for shits and giggles, as well as seeing how accurate they can get from guessing." I told.
"Want Ash to read yours?" Zack asked.
"Fine. October 11th."
"Oh a Libra. 'The year will be full of up and downs. Not only will you question what you know, you'll also get some answers your looking for in all due time. Patience is the key to what this year has to offer.'. Take what you will on that Doc, but it seems to be guessing your year is gonna be an emotional one at that." I stated.
"I still hold onto the notion that it can not accurately guess based on the day I was born and my sign." She told
"Hats off to you Doc for that." I told as I looked back at the magazine to see it had posters of all of us together for the movie. "Yo check it out. They've released stuff to make people interested in that Monroe movie."
"Hodgins will be excited for that then." Zack told as he looked at it with me. "Why does Ashlyn have a mask covering most of her face?"
"I'd assume it's how Dove is introduced. She's introduced playing a song with a mask on, due to her brother Edgar being inspired by her for that character. As well as her identity just being hidden from the public as well, so I guess they want to keep it hidden for as long as they can to bring in more interest for the film." I explained.
"Understandable then."
"Here we are." Doc told as she slowed the cart as we neared the area cordoned off by yellow police tape protecting the small plane crash.
'Na Imma keep flying.'

"Dr. Brennan?" Someone asked as we walked through the field.
"I'm Ian Dyson with the NTSB." He told.
"This is my assistant, Zack Addy. And our coworker Ashley Harper, but she prefers being called Ashley."
"At approximately zero four hundred last night, a private jet with five passengers on board reported horizontal stabilizer trouble, two hundred miles southeast of Norfolk. Yeager Airport in Charleston tracked them for thirty minutes until they dropped off the radar screen at zero four thirty. The plane tried to make an emergency landing here when it clipped some trees and slammed to the ground. We found another mostly intact body over near the trees. The rest is bits and pieces." Dyson explained making Zack speak up.
"What makes this one of our cases?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"We're kind of special. We're elite. We don't sort though just any set of bodies." He told making me look towards with the same look I gave him when we first talked to Seeley.
'Oh my fucken god that was hot.'
"It was a state department flight with a bunch of VIP's on board. Is that special enough?" Dyson asked.
"I apologize if I have offended you. Usually we have an FBI Agent who mediates our interpersonal encounters." He told before a woman in the Jeffersonian medico-legal lab coverall walked up to us showing two separate bone parts.
"We found another skull." She told having Zack look at them.
"Two skulls, those pieces are from two different skulls." He told making smile a bit more from how he was right now in shock.
"I'll leave you super elite types to it." Dyson told before he walked away.
"Oh Hades that's hot. Marry me." I whispered so they didn't hear.
Zack turned to look at me and gave me a raised eyebrow, which was his usual confused look with me.
"Did you say something Ash?"
"I said it's very hot. Most likely due to remaining heat from the fire plane, ok imma go over there bye bye." I told quickly before walking away.
'I can't believe he nearly heard that.'

(Zack p.o.v)

I watched as Ash walk a little way from us, leaving me and Dr.Brennan to find a spot to start looking at.
"Zack, we don't need Booth to mediate our interpersonal encounters." Dr.Brennan told her leaning down and examine what was left of the cockpit of the plane. "Okay, pilot, copilot, brings our count to six. Three mostly intact sets of remains, one partial, and two fragmented."
"Obviously bodies are burnt to a crisp but no dermis, very little soft tissue, indications of high impact trauma, burst fractures to the lower thoracic and lumbar vertebrae consistent with injuries caused by the vertical impact of the falling aircraft. Should I keep talking as though you are paying attention?" I questioned as I saw Ash talk to some person about some sets of bones.
'Should I ask her on a date like the horoscope said?'
"What do you make of this?" Dr. Brennan asked as she held two fragments of a bone making me head over to look at it.
"Femur fragment." I stated.
"No charring." She added.
"You think this fragment doesn't belong to the plane crash."
"What are the odds?"
"A crashing plane falling directly on a human being? One in ten million." I stated.
"YO! THERES AN ARM IN THE TREE!" Ash exclaimed having us look to see her pointing to it. "CAN I CLIMB THE TREE TO GET IT?!"
"OF COURSE." Dr. Brennan shouted back to her making Ash quickly get to work, and Dr. Brennan turned to look back at me. "Can you please make sure she doesn't hurt herself. She listens a lot to you."
"Of course Dr. Brennan." I told quickly before rushing to the tree Ash was now climbing.

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