It was a thought when I was younger.

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We were on the platform examining the weapons that were taken from McVickers farm and so far nothing.
"What's going on?" Doc asked as she joined us.
"The FBI delivered all these tools and weapons from the pig farm guy." Jack told
"We went through them to see if any of them match the mark on your mother's skull." Angie added
"No far, we've got nothin'."
"We got 20 hammers, a dozen hatchets.." Seeley began to explain before Jack cut in.
"Man loves his blunt instruments."
"Seven tire irons. None of them match the wound, even allowing for shrinkage." Zack added.
"It was 15 years ago. Even if McVicker killed my mother, what are the chances he hung on to the exact weapon?" Temperance asked
"Trust me doc. Guy like this, keeps the weapon if it's so hard to match up."
"Uh, It's always like this with McVicker. Alright, ya know, some mook is found with his forehead bashed in. The FBI goes in the basement, collects about 40 hammers and nothing matches." Seeley told.
"Always the forehead?"
"Yeah. That's his signature kill, yeah. Not that anyone could ever prove it."
"You said guys like McVicker get comfortable with a way of killing..." she began
"Where did McVicker grow up?"
"He grew up a farm kid in Iowa. Why?" Seeley asked.
"How do you slaughter a pig?" Temperance asked.
"With a special gun. Basically it's a spring-loaded captive bolt stunner type of this. Quick and effective but also very hard to stomach when you see how it's done. They also are aimed at the forehead with the animal restrained as to not miss." I explained making them look at me. "Oh right. When I was younger I thought about living on a farm, so I studied for it incase it became a thing."
"What stopped it?" Jack asked.
"Angie came along. Didn't need an escape plan anymore." I explained.
'Besides, restraining order is doing the job just fine.'

I ended up going with Seeley and Temperance to find the weapon due to knowing what it looks like. I ended up getting distracted by some pigs though.
"Ash will you get away from them?"
"But piggy's!"
"They are filthy!" He told.
"Actually pigs can not sweat. It's why they roll around in mud, it's to help cool them down. They are actually some of the cleanest animals in the world. If given a choice they will refuse to excrete anywhere near their living and eating areas. Isn't that right Buddy?!" I told as I scratch one behind the ear.
'I love Pigs.'
"Why is he here?" Doc asked making us look towards McVicker, who was standing with the cops in one of those orange jumpsuits.
"He gets nervous, we know we're getting close." Seeley told before one of the techs from the fbi joined us.
"Found this in the barn." He told handing the object to Doc and I quickly realised it was the weapon in question. This is a spring-loaded captive bolt stunner. The animals restrained. It's pressed to the forehead."
"Hmm." Doc hummed as she examined the stunner before putting it against the wooden fence and pulled the trigger making the section of it to be blown out.
"Holy shit!"
"Oh!" Seeley cried out from it.
"What kind of person could use this on a human being?" They tech questioned.
"What kind of person could use this on a pig?" Temperance added.
"Pig farmers." I stated.
"It's the perfect dodge. Blood, flesh - it can all be explained." Seeley told as he took it from her.
"I think I just became a vegetarian." Temperance admitted.
"Yo, props doc. I need the iron from meat though cause of my blood, but I support you." I told
"So what do you think?" Seeley asked.
"Yeah. Same shape as a tire iron, but smaller. This could be a match." She told before we heard a yell.
"Before you decide anything, we should talk." McVicker exclaimed.
"I'd call that nervous, wouldn't you?" Seeley asked and I went back to petting the pig.
'You are so cute.'

"Temperance. Can we please talk quickly?" I asked before we got into the car to leave.
"This is about the reason from those years ago." I stated making her nod and turn to Seeley.
"Can me and her talk in private?"
"Sure. I'm just going to look at the pigs." He told before leaving us.
Once he was far enough I turned back to Temperance.
"So why didn't you take the case?"
"I got a message. Actually got it after we ID your mother and had been waiting to give it to you." I told handing her to the folded note. "Doesn't say much. Just the simple, stay away for you own good type of deal."
"This is why you declined?"
"Na. Not the first time I got a note like that. What stopped me was I got a call on my home number. Don't know the man, he never called me again after that. But he told me, I was to never take this case. Because if I took it, not only will I be hurting you.... I'd also be hurting my family. I couldn't risk them getting hurt Temperance, I'm really sorry I am."
She didn't say anything to me but instead gave me a hug which shocked me a little.
"Oh ok. We are hugging." I told as I lightly held her.
"I'm glad you didn't take the case. I know how much your family means to you, and I wouldn't want anything to happen to them. Thank you." She told and I wrapped my arms around her tighter before I remembered the other thing.
"Shit. I forgot." I told making her pull away and give me a confused look as I searched my pocket. "Dude had this with the note. Honestly think he broke in, but dude didn't steal anything so no point in reporting it."
I soon found it and pulled it out of my pocket to reveal a silver bracelet with some dolphins on it.

"I soon found it and pulled it out of my pocket to reveal a silver bracelet with some dolphins on it

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(This is the bracelet.)

"Note said to give this to you when the time was right. Feel like the time is right now, wouldn't you agree Doc?" I asked as I gave it to her.
"It Dolphins?"
"Yeah. Little creepy honestly. But note said you'd know what it means and I best thought not to question creepy letters." I told
"Thank you Ash."
"Hey you called me Ash."
"I did. Thank you." She told giving me another hug.
"No problem doc. Your one of my best friends, I'd do anything to help you."

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