Number 1 of the worst interviews ive had.

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(Ash p.o.v)

I was working away in the shared lab I have when Samantha walked in.
"Dr. Harper. I would like to do you interview." She told making me look towards her.
"Don't call me by my last name. And besides I can't I'm busy with work." I told before leaving the room and going toward the bones since I had to go over things.
Sadly though she followed.
"Ashley I would like to speak."
"You just did."
"You know what I meant."
"This whole thing seems stupid honestly." I stated yet she continued.
"It's said you don't like loud noises in the mornings after waking up and physical touching with people, where only a select few can."
"I am well aware. You are talking about me after all."
"Did you know that traits like this could be linked to autism?"
"I'm wildly aware." I told before looking up towards her to glare at her before going back to work.
"That doesn't seem to surprise you."
"People have suggested I get tested to find out. I don't find it important to do so at this time in my life."
"Have you been in any contact with Abigail recently?"
"Here and there."
"Not anymore?"
"She's not my kid or anything and I'm busy a lot of the time so yeah, not anymore then that. Which honestly how do you know that?"
"We just do. But you were at the age of...."
"I know how old I was." I told cutting her off. "She's not in my life a lot so let's not talk about her shall we."
"Alright then."
I rolled my eyes as I kept working on comparing marks to the bones as she did whatever.
"It's said you have a restraining order against your father."
"I do."
"Why is that?"
"Not your business."
"It is."
"No it's not. Under what job that we work with the government that needs them to know the reason why I have a restraining order against my father?"
"The safety of the government."
"Boohoo. If my father ever became a threat to the government I'll point you in his direction."
"How about your mother?"
"Haven't seen or heard from her in a few years."
"Since you were 12."
"I did say a few. Is that not a few?"
"It says here that you thought your father...."
"I know what I believe my father did. I know that she was there one day and then gone the next. You don't need to remind me."
"I see family is a touchy subject to you."
"What can I say? My family sometimes isn't great."
"Is that why you punched your brother Peter when you were 19?"
"I punched Peter? When?!"
"You know Ashley out of your whole team you are the one who's the biggest threat."
"How so?"
"A child prodigy with the IQ of 190, went to Caltech at the age of 13 before going to the fbi academy. From there you were a PI before mysteriously quitting and joining the Jeffersonian. Your file was sealed at the age of 16 and took 14 skilled hackers to get it opened so we could look at it. You are trained in many fighting techniques, and trained in many weapons. Your a skilled hacker, one of the best many have seen and unknown how you do it. You've also have made it well know you do not like nor trust the government or any form of police. To the government you are a threat." She told making me lean on the table.
"If I wanted to destroy the government, I would have by now. Also I don't like people looking at my profile and background. So next time you get hackers to see my file, they will get a virus that will destroy everything on their computer." I told before walking off to leave her.
"Your friend Mike must have been a huge impact on your life. Especially after what happened August 17th." She told making me stop.
"Stay out of my life." I told before walking away.
I walked all the way into Angies office to see her there.
"Do you remember where I put my laptop in here?"
"Second desk draw. Why?"
"Took them 14 people to get into my file. So I'm going to up the price of poking into my life."
"I see you had the talk."
"Yep. Apparently out of everyone on this team, I'm the biggest threat to this country."
"Wow. Congrats."
"Also the chick said I was autistic."
"She said what?"
"She said that the dislike of physical touching and loud noises are traits of autism."
"You already knew that though."
"I know. I still don't like people saying it to me though. I gotta do the hacking thing so I'll talk to you when I'm done." I told before leaving to mine and Jacks lab and sat at my desk so I could fix the file.

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