Why did it have to be a child.

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I was sitting on a chair next to Angie since I knew she wasn't doing so well with the fact it was a child.
'Always hated cases with kids. They had so much to live for yet they didn't get to experience it.'
"Before proceeding with maceration, any general observations? Zack?" Temperance spoke making him refocus again.
"Epiphyseal fusion puts the age at approximately six to ten years, though the stature suggest younger." He told
"Good. I concur. Cause of death?"
"Blunt trauma to the chest."
'Seems this case is hitting us all hard. God I feel so bad for parents who lose their kids.'
"Are you all right?" Temperance asked us both.
"He's so small. That's all. Go on with your work. I'm okay." Angie told
"Yeah it's all good." I told making her return to the table.
"The remains were significantly degraded by insect and animal activity, mostly dog and rodent." Jack began only for me to continue.
"Despite the condition of the body, he's been dead between only thirty-six to forty-eight hours."
"These were found a few yards from the body. Notice that they are in perfect condition. What does that tell you?" Temperance asked
"The victim wasn't wearing them when he was killed." Zack told
"Which suggests he was sexually assaulted." She stated
"This case just got better." I quietly told
Angie gave my shoulder a light squeeze before she approached the table and handed the sheet of paper she had to Temperance.
"I'm done."
Temperance took the sketch and walked over to the computer screen that had the missing flier displayed for us to compare.
"I think we have a match. The clothing matches. It's Charles Gregory Sanders." She told making me get up and leave the room for some air.
'I hate cases with kids.'

I walked back in with a vanilla frappe since I needed something to focus on when I was called into Temperance office.
'Hope I'm not in trouble for getting a drink.'
I walked in and stood next to Zack after I gave Angie some of my drink.
"Now that we are all here we can continue." Goodman told
"What did I just walk into?" I quietly whispered to Zack.
"Some special meeting he called." Zack told back matching my volume.
"These are invitations to a banquet." He told as he began to hand them out.
"You called a special meeting to invite us to a party?" Temperance asked as she looked at the letter.
"Don't this of it as an invitation, consider it a summons. It's for donors." He told as he moved to Jack only for him to stand.
"Meet and greet, press the flesh, butt kiss..." he told only to be cut off.
"I don't like it any more than you do, but these people fund our research, and all they want in return is to rub elbows with a scientist every once in awhile.
One of the employees of the Hazelnut corporation wants to discuss options with his boss but needs information for them to discuss."
"Yes because the owner of that doesn't show up anymore. She hasn't been seen since she was like 21."
"Actually she stopped going when she was 17." Zack stated making us all look towards him.
"You know the girl?" Angie asked
"No. Someone I know dated her for a bit but I never got to meet her." He told
"They got game." I told
"Massive game." Jack added as we bumped fists as Goodman moved on to Angie before Jack spoke again. "I can't make it."
"Yeah, me neither." Temperance told
"I have a date that night." Angie told before Goodman handed her an invitation.
"You don't even know when it is."
"What if I was to be in hospital that night because my leg somehow broke?" I asked
"You won't be doing that." He told as he gave me one of the invites.
"That didn't answer my question. Like do I still have to show up with like those IV bags and those hospital gowns? Cause I think I could rock one for a banquet." I told making Angie smile as Zack raised his hand.
"Yes, Mr.Addy?" Goodman asked as he gave him the last one.
"What kind of food will there be?"
"That's a good question."
"When I said you should think of this invitation as a summons, I understated. It's a subpoena. A grand-jury subpoena. Ignore it at your own peril." He told
"You're not gonna fire us if we don't go." Temperance argued.
"I mean he could but it would be fucken stupid for him to do so." I told
"No, not fire you, but I can move your parking spot to Lot M. Enjoy the shuttle ride."
"The shuttle smells like feet." Me and Zack told at the same time making the other smile.
"I know when I'm beat. I'm in." Temperance told
"What the hell, it's a party." Angie added.
"Free food and free alcohol. I'm in." I told
"Do I have to wear a tie?" Zack asked
"Formal wear. I've arranged for a limo to pick us up here." Goodman told
"Oooo, we be travelling in style!" I exclaimed before brushing my fingers with Angie.
"Not me. I'm not afraid of parking or feet." Jack told
"Wait, you drive me to work. You can't just think of yourself."
"Zack I legit can drive you to work so only he suffers." I told
"You drive your motorcycle sometime though." He told
"I will take my car more if I had to drive you." I told making him give a nod.
"Repercussions and consequences, Dr. Hodgins. I'm your boss, and you will go to this banquet." Goodman told before leaving and making Jack snap the rubber band he kept around his wrist.
'I hope I have a dress that covers my tattoos and scars.'

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