Sleep over at the labs again.

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I was lying on the examination table that was next to Zack in his lab, and I made like a makeshift bed to keep me warm on the cold metal surface and I had stolen Zacks hoodie for my pillow and I couldn't help but smile that it smelt like him.
"Maybe I should buy simple bedding for when we have nights like this." I told.
"Or just when you can't sleep at home so you sleep at work."
"I do sleep."
"Yeah, when you fall asleep in my bed."
"You make me feel safe."
"Glad I do, Buttercup." He told making me smile.
"You called me Buttercup!"
"I'll figure out more for you later." He told before focusing on the screen again.
After awhile we heard a noise making us look to see it was Temperance.
'Oh shit did we pull an all nighter?'
"Dr. Brennan, is it morning?"
"No, I couldn't sleep. Why are you two still here?" She asked as she walked in further.
"We're all here. No one's leaving until we figure out what happened to your mother."
"You'd do it for us Doc, why wouldn't we do it for you?" I added and I could tell she was touched by the gesture.
"Thank you."
"Don't thank me. I'm failing." Zack told looking back at screen and Doc moved closer to see it.
"I've told him. He's not failing, it's just taking awhile." I explained sitting up and putting Zacks hoodie on due to it being much colder and I couldn't be bother putting my lab coat that I used as a blanket.
"I've gone over every millimeter of the skull and found no evidence of remodeling., which makes no sense because any wound that results in a subdural hematoma that big should leave a mark on the living bone." He explained before looking towards me and I noticed a blush form on his face.
'Wow, I'm that good at making him blush. I didn't even say anything.'
"What if the subdural hematoma, started out much smaller?" Doc asked.
"And grew over time?" Zack questioned.
"It's very possible for that to happen." I stated.
"Over the course, of say, a year. That might explain the gap between the time my mother sustained the injury and the time she was buried." She told.
"And the blow itself might not have left a mark on the bone." Zack added.
"We just gotta find the weapon that can do that." I continued.
"Show me the surface of the skull directly above the center of the hematoma." Doc told making Zack do so.
"Hundred times magnification." Zack wondered.
"Go to 500?" She told making him do something and we noticed something right away. "Oh. See here?"
"Microscopic fractures of the osteons and is that the result of bleeding into the interstitial spaces? I can map the fractured osteons. That might lead us to the weapon."
"We in business, baby." I told smirking.

We were on the platform with Temperance going over what me and Zack worked on. I of course still had Zacks hoodie on since I was still cold.
"This is the pattern of fractured osteons." Zack told and I showed it.
"It suggests a blow from the front that grazed the skull." Angie stated.
"A bullet?" Doc asked.
"Nada Doc."
"There would've been particulates left behind by a bullet. Especially fired from a short range." Jack added.
"I isolated the most fractures osteons and this pattern emerges." Zack told and I showed the pattern we had printed.
"It looks like the business end of a tire iron." Jack told.
"Close but doesn't match up all to well." I stated.
"No, the size is wrong. Too small. The weapon was actually chasing the skull when it landed. I believe that the victim was pulled away at the last second so that most of the force was lost leaving only the slightest impression." Angela told before we heard Seeleys voice.
"Bones. I got what I need from Witness Protection. Let's go for a drive." He told making Temperance turn to leave before stopping and turning back to us.
"Everybody. Thank you. I -" she told before hesitating a bit. "Thank you."
With that she left leaving the four of us on the platform. Of course silence wasn't in the air for long when my phone began to ring. I picked it up and heard the familiar voice.
"Hello Aunty."
"I want you to work for me."
"You know, when I didn't get a call for those couple of months. I figured you gave up."
"No. I was just busy."
"Ah ok. Well I do hope you know, Imma decline. Right?"
"Your talents are being wasted."
"I legit helped my team find the dude who stole our bones and much more. My talents are not being wasted you just want me to be a pencil pusher Fed."
"Your talents have so much potential! What would your mother say about this?"
"I wouldn't know. Haven't spoken to her recently. Have you?"
"We both know I haven't." She told before I heard her sigh. "Is your cousin there?"
"Yep." I told before holding it out for Angie. "Aunty wants to speak to you."
She took the phone from me and placed it to her ear before speaking.
"Hello Erin..... no I don't think I'd be able to do that. I mean she's happy here..... she doesn't like the government..... I mean I think the dude that somehow shot her in the leg was the pushing point.... I will see then.... It was good talking to you as well Erin." She told before closing the phone. "She told me to tell you she said bye."
"Lady gotta know I'mma say no every time. Have been since I left the academy." I told taking my phone back.
'Weird lady she is.'

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