Big threat.

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I was walking with Angie since I got her a cupcake to cheer her up when we came across Temperance and Seeley.
"Angela, we need to run some scenarios through the Angelator." Temperance told before walking off.
We went to follow her when Jack called to us.
"Ashley, Angela, Booth!" He exclaimed making us stop as he walked up to us.
"Zack has been informed that if he tells anyone who I am, I will kick him out on the street like a stray dog. Sadly, there is nothing I can threaten you two with. And I'm scared to threaten Ash kicking her out."
"Good call."
"Yeah, that's a shame." Angie told
"What I want out of my life is to come in here and sift through slime and bugs. Unfortunately, my family is one of those who secretly run the world." He explained.
"Paranoia and delusions of grandeur all in one package." Seeley told before they went to walk away again. "You call it paranoia, I call it the family business. Please could you just stop!"
They do and we made the little circle again so others didn't hear.
"The reason that I do not want to go to that banquet is that the other members of the ruling elite will make a big fuss about seeing me. My secret will be out and my life, this life that I love, will be ruined. I'm asking you, please, please just let me be Jack Hodgins who works in the lab." He told
"Dude you legit didn't have to have this discussion with me." I told
"I did so I knew you would tell anyone."
"Ok 1) you know nothing about my family or most things about my life. And 2) I've kept your secret from day fucken one of working with you dude."
"Wait really?" He asked
"Yeah. I've known for ages."
"Think back to the 15 year old who talked about rare butterflies and was able to work out who was good for your company and who wasn't." I told making his eyes go wide.
"That was you?"
"Yeah. Did you seriously forget my name from that?"
"That's fair."
"Wait you guys have known each other since you were 15?" Seeley asked
"Yeah it was this thing."
"That's right. You were there cause of...." he began making me cut him off my covering his mouth.
"I suggest keeping what you know quite Jonathan. And we both know I always call you Jack which makes you know how serious I am about this. We clear?" I asked making him nod before I took my hand away.
"What does he know?" Seeley asked
"Something I like staying on the down low. Let's keep it that way." I told before leaving with Angie and Seeley following after me.
'Troublesome how life can be.'

"Charlie was three feet, four inches tall and weighed fifty-eight pounds." Angie told as we stood around the Angelator
"And Shawn?" Temperance asked
"Shawn Cook is 1.4 meters tall and weighs 31 kilograms." I told making Angie nod in agreement.
"His brother David was 5'8", 150 pounds." Seeley told
"1.75 meters, 68 kilograms." She told as she put it in.
"At first, I thought the break to Charlie's sternum was caused by blunt trauma because it only ran along one fault line. But when Booth broke my pencil, I realized there's another way to cause the same type of injury. Compression." Temperance told
"When in doubt use rage." I told
"Ash and Hodgins found no particulates that suggested crushing."
"Body weight. There has to be enough weight on the victim to stop the abdomen from moving so no air can get into the lungs." Temperance told as the Angelator showed a pair of legs appear on top of Charlie's horizontal form as both of their bones were showing through the body. "Prolonged pressure caused the sternum to snap in half and the ribs to break."
We watched as the added pressure of the body on top of Charlie caused his ribs to snap. I notice Angie flinch and turn away from it making me give her arm a light squeeze.
"I'm here for you. We will call them after this ok." I quietly told making her nod and turn back around.
"Sorry, sorry. I entered real-world variables, taking into account Charlie's size and the amount of pressure...that was required to break Charlie's sternum in the way that it was broken." She told
"What did you end up with?" Seeley asked
"86.2 kilograms."
"What's that in American?"
'God he is dumb.'
"190 pounds." Temperance told
"Yeah." He said
"Seeley you do realise what this means right?"
"What does this mean?" He asked
"Way too much for either of the Cook kids or Margaret Sanders." Angie told
"I'd put the neighborhood kid Skyler at about 160 pounds." He told
"It can't be him either." Temperance told
"We should be looking for a full-grown man."
"You have to get Shawn to tell you where he took Charlie when they left the mall." Temperance told
"Only way to get the dude." I added
"He won't talk to me." He argued
"Let me do it." Temperance told
"Uh, no. You know, people are not your strong point, Bones. And besides, he's not going to care how many facts you put in front of him."
"Could you just go with me on this one, Booth? We're trying to catch a killer. Let me help." She told
"I feel like me and Angie shouldn't be here for this." I stated
"When's the last time you even talked to a kid?" He asked
"I know what to say." She told before leaving the room with him following after her.
Angie took the image off so she didn't have to look at it anymore and I grabbed my phone and rang their number. I placed it to my ear and heard it was picked up after the third ring.
"Hey guys."
"Hey Ashley. What's up?"
"Is your sister there with you?" I asked
"Yeah she's next to me."
"Ok I need it to be put on speaker."
"Done. Everything ok?" They both asked
"Someone was missing you two and wanted to see how you were going." I told before handing it to Angie.
She put it to her ear and said a quiet hey to them before a smile grew on her face.
'No matter what Angie. You will be the best sister figure I could ever want.'

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