Hes our boss?

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I was walking to Angies office since I thought it would help cheer her up. When I walked in I saw her and Zack were trying to work something out on the computer.
"Who is your favourite person?" I asked as I gave her the drink.
"Definitely you sweetie." She told as I took a seat between her and Zack.
"Try redigitizing and resizing." He told
"I did. The extrapolation protocol got confused by the spread. Hey, you know Hodgins better than anybody else. So why is he so bent out of shape about this banquet?" She told
"What makes you say that?"
"Because every time someone mentions it, he starts snapping that rubber band around his wrist."
"Not the right one Angie." I told
"I mean, what makes you think I know Hodgins better than anyone else?" He asked
"You're roommates. I would ask Ash but she hasn't lived with you two for as long as you have."
"I live above his garage." He told
"But you see a lot of each other."
"Not really."
"Mainly movie night or tv show nights, but it's always at Zacks and my place." I added
"He drives you to work."
"Ash drives me sometimes if she decides to take her car."
"It's true. He mostly just sleeps some more."
"I've never been up to the main house and neither has Ash really."
"The main house?" She asked
"It's at the opposite end of the driveway on the other side of the tennis courts across from pond." We both told before Seeley came in.
"Okay, anything on the identity of Charlie's abductor?" He asked
"I can't clear up this image any more than it is."
"Did you arrest the mum?"
"I did."
"Tell Booth what you told me about living in Hodgins' garage." Angie told
"There's a bedroom, living room, kitchen, another bedroom, a den, two bathrooms-" Zack told only for Seeley to cut him off.
"Great. Quite a garage. Can we focus on the case?"
"I would also like that."
"How many cars does he have in that garage?" Angie asked
"Including the antique ones, about twelve. And a boat. Ash was able to get some room for her car and bike."
"I do want to add a 1967 Chevy Impala. They are just gorgeous cars."
"They really are a nice car." Seeley added
"Impressed Seeley."
"Zack has never seen the main house because the tennis courts and the pond block the view. Ash apparently has been a few times."
"I only go there if we need a sponge or something."
"Well, he must be one of those Hodgins." Seeley told
"Who are 'those' Hodginses?" Zack asked
"Rich family." I told
"You know, the Cantilever Group Hodgins?" Seeley stated
"Oh my God." Angie said.
"The same Cantilever Group that generates more G.N.P. than Europe?" Zack asked
"Get this. They are the single biggest donors to the Jeffersonian Institution." Angie told making Seeley laugh.
"That makes Hodgins your boss. But also the closest bonding cooperation that's close to the Cantilever Group, is the Hazelnut Corporation." He told
"Wasn't it said that the new heir is unknown since she doesn't go to functions? It's one of the biggest mysteries in that world." I questioned.
"Yeah. No one knows who she is, but it's known they have an agreement with one another, due to one of her employees and one of the Cantilever ones making a public statement about it."
"That's dope."
"What do you guys even talk about when he drives you to work?" Angie asked
"I mostly sleep. Hodgins mostly yells at the radio."
"This is why I don't travel with you guys after the first and only time." I told making him smile.
We looked at the computer screen to see the abductor leading him out of the mall from a glass door.
"Face." I told making Zack and Angie give me a confused look till Seeley spoke.
"Okay, if you can't see the guy's face, maybe you can grab a reflection."
"Mine was more simple." I told
"That's a workable idea." Zack told
"Well, I'd say thanks, you know, if you didn't say it like it was some kind of a miracle."
"It's cause your a fed. Of course it's a miracle." I told knowing I'm getting his annoyed look.
'Interesting. Wonder if Jack knows what I know.'

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