3... 2... 1... THROW THAT PIGGY!!!

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We were in the parking lot with yellow security tape roping off the area with the wood chipper inside of it. I watched as Jack and Zack rolled out a gurney holding something that was large under the cover they had. Of course as any type of interesting enough experiment, we had attracted all the guys from the Jeffersonian out to see what was happening. And sadly some were also flirting with me, due to the fact I'm never far from Jack or Zack when working for long, except now when I was guarding the wood chipper in case Goodman showed up and asked.
'I wish they would stop flirting with me.'

I looked back towards the boys and gave a wave, as Zack looked around and saw the crowd.
"Too many people. How are we going to keep this from Dr. Goodman?" He asked as the two neared me.
"Ah, he's having lunch with the President of Harvard. Haven't seen him Ash?!" Jack asked yelling towards me.
"You doing anything later Ash?" Someone asked.
"Don't call me Ash, Justin." I told
"My bad, my bad. Love the firey attitude though." He told.
"Sure you do." I shot back before I felt a hand on the lower half of my back making me look to see Zack.
"Come on. We are about to start." He told before leading me away.
"After you Bone Boy." I told making the guys that were brave enough to try, groan as I left.
'Wow they really are upset. Strange people that aren't my type.'
"Never leave me alone too long again." I quietly told Jack and Zack.
"Too much attention for ya?" Jack asked smirking.
"Some of them that were brave enough to come near me, started flirting with me. Can not get the hint."
"Not interested in any of them?" He asked.
"Na. I mean yeah they are nice to look at. But one thing in the way. Not my type at all." I told making him laugh.
"We ever gonna find out your type?"
"If I told you, then where's the mystery in that Jackie-boo." I told making us laugh.
"Never call me that again."
"Oh why not Jackie-boo? Do you not love me anymore?!" I joked more making us laugh, and Angie walked up with some food and a drinks as she took in the scene.
"What's going on? Why is every guy from the Jeffersonian out here?" She asked.
"They're scientists, this is a fascinating, scientific inquiry." Jack told as she got a disgusted look as she realised what was going on.
"Oh my God! They're all out here because you're going to feed something through this wood chipper." She told.
"Not just something." Jack told before removing the sheet from the gurney like a magician, showing the frozen pig. "Ta da! A frozen pig. Ha ha!"
"Oh, ugh." She disgustedly told.
"Also I think some just came to flirt with our lovely own Ash." He added.
"I don't like it. Thankfully Zack recused me from it." I stated before Zack continued talking about the pig.
"The morphology of pig bones is almost identical to human bone."
"By feeding the pig through the wood chipper we'll be able to determine the dispersal pattern of the fragments." Jack told.
"By comparing the pulverized pig remains to the fragments we found at the golf course we'll be able to tell if this is the actual wood chipper the victim was fed through." Zack added.
"Which is necessary to work out what happened with the bone fragments and where they should be now." I stated.
"Liars! You just want to see what happens when you toss some frozen pig into a wood chipper." She told.
"I will not lie to you Angie. That's also apart of it." I told before she went off to the side.
"Ready?" Jack asked as the three of us picked the pig up and began to get ready to toss it in, and everyone began to count with us.
"One, Two, Three!"
We threw the pig into the chipper, causing it to get grounded up and shots through the air out of the other end, and some of the scientists were unlucky and got some pig remains on them, including Justin.
"Yeah!" Jack cheered as everyone in the crowd clapped and cheered watching the pieces fly through the air.
I saw Angie was disgusted in it and threw out her hotdog into the nearby garbage can, while I high-fived with the boys and we couldn't help but laugh due to the excitement. Sadly though me and Zack noticed Dr. Goodman standing a little way behind Jack, causing our smiles to fall. Jack noticed our sudden mood change and turned to see who we saw. Once Jack looked, Goodman flicked a piece of the shredded pig that landed on him off of his lapel.
"Run?" Zack asked making me nod as I grabbed his hand.
"Run." I told making us quickly leave Jack to handle it by himself.

I was working away when someone cleared their throat, making me look to see Goodman standing there looking mad.
"Hey sir. You looking quite lovely today." I told but he wasn't amused at all.
"That's not going to work Ashley."
"I thought I'd try." I stated.
"You know I expect you to reach your full potential. But doing stunts like that, doesn't help." He explained.
"It's a favour. Seeley wanted us to do it."
"You don't like feds, Ashley."
"Well yeah. But come on, you'd want to try it as well when you were our age."
"You could have been fired."
"But I know you'd never fire me, due to my knowledge and skills. You wouldn't want to lose a valuable asset of the team."
"Yes, that is true. But I can certainly temporarily move your office so you and Mr. Addy aren't able to spend as much time as you two do together."
"We don't spend that much time together."
"So he didn't whisper him wanting to ask you something later earlier today?"
"Mhmm. I want you to achieve your full potential, and I won't be afraid to remove you from the others for you to do so."
"Just a question. How long would you remove me for if you did?"
"However long it was needed."
"Okay then. Message received loud and clear." I told making him smile.
"Good." He told as he went to leave but stopped. "And you are correct. I would have wanted to do the same."
"I fucken knew it!" I exclaimed causing him to chuckle as he left.
'He found my weakness. Well now that's not great, when he can threaten that.'

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