A surprise for the weapons girl.

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For some reason, Temperance was back at work examining the dead girl with us gathered around due to the fact she was shot at earlier.
'Is this how people feel when I do things that have people worry over me?'
"Need enlargements of the super orbital notch." She stated before focusing on me and Jack. "Have you examined the dogs excrement?"
"I'm doing the fecal floatation now. I don't get to say that a lot." Jack admitted.
"Also waiting for the all clear to figure out what was used for the marks in the eyes." I added.
"Check for fibers the FBI might have missed as well." She told making us nod.
"You've already told them, twice. Are you sure you don't want a drink?" Angie asked.
"You know it wouldn't be difficult to someone to encode a secure data strip implant it on an ID card with a correct digitally encoded authentication data and sneak in here." Zack explained.
"That is possible." Jack added.
"They aren't wrong." I stated.
"Are you three going to help or not?" She asked.
"You know Booth's pissed that you came here. He had more questions for you at the scene." Angie told making me, Zack and Jack move away to avoid angry Temperance.
'I don't like people being angry at me. Reminds me of my past too much.'
"He just doesn't want to come here because he has to park in the structure. I need her face as quickly as you can." Temperance stated before she moved over to look at the bones Zack has cleaned. "Zack these bullet holes haven't been cleaned."
"I worked on them for hours, Dr. Brennan."
"Then that wasn't long enough was it?" She told angrily at him.
"Brennan!" I stated holding back my anger at her for snapping at Zack and she also noticed the look on Jacks face behind Zack, causing her to soften.
"I'm sorry but... You take a sinus probe, you put a little cotton swab on the end of it. You dip it in water and you dab it inside the wound until it's clean. The Sistine Chapel took thirteen years to clean properly." She told before walking back to the body.
"I didn't think we had that kind of time." He stated.
"I don't think I have ever called Brennan by her last name." Jack told as we saw Seeley rushing towards the platform that we all stood on.
"I call people by their last names if I'm mad at them. She's just mad cause we are all worried about her, and so she took it out on Zack for no reason. I may be several months younger then him, but I care a lot and will protect him as best as I can. Kinda like how I'd have done the same if she did it to you, and you've been around since the dawn of time." I joked at the end causing us to quietly laugh.
"Bones! What the hell are you doing?" Seeley exclaimed.
'Here we go.'
"Working. Why does everyone find that so odd?" She questioned.
"Why? Oh, I don't know. Why? Because maybe an hour ago someone tried to kill you." He told as he angrily swiped his card and barged up the stairs to the platform. "I don't think it's a good idea for you to continue to work these cases."
"This is what I do Booth."
"Alright look, whoever killed these victims wants to make sure you don't finish your investigation."
"Hundreds of criminals would like me to stop what I do. Are you suggesting that I just give up my career?"
'She makes a fair point. This is why I befriend some criminals, so people won't fuck with me.'
"Just be reasonable." He stated.
"Fine. Logic suggests that the shooter is involved in one of these cases so I should find out who killed them before he tries to shoot me again. Did Forensics recover the bullets that were meant for me?"
"Ballistics is running tests on them right now."
"And have you picked up the suspect in the young woman's murder?"
"Hollings, I don't want to spook him until we have enough evidence but I've got guys watching him."
"Did you get a list of woman missing age eighteen to twenty..." she began only to get cut off.
"Eighteen to twenty-five, yes. They are on your server. Brennan, everyone is doing their job." He told as Angie made her way to them.
'He doesn't call her Brennan. Must be really worried about her.'
"Okay I will see if any of them match the victim." She told sitting at a computer.
"Well what about the Romano family? Hodgins and Ashley says they were feuding with the Cugini's." Temperance stated,
"Kenton is pulling all the files on the case on all mob activity six years ago. Brennan there is one other person we have to look at, your date." He told.
"It's usually the date." Someone told making us all look towards the door and I instantly got excited.
"Shawn!" I exclaimed as I rushed to get my gloves off and jump into his arms.
"Hey there Bunny!"

(Zack p.o.v)

I watched as Shawn spun Ash around and she wrapped her legs around him to hold on as she laughed.
'Of course she's with him. Wishful thinking.'
I felt a pat on my back making me turn to see Jack there.
"Better luck next time I guess." He quietly told so no one else heard.
"If there's a next time." I told in the same tone before I looked back to see Ash laughing at whatever Shawn had said.
'I hate him.'

(Back to Ash p.o.v)

"What are you doing here?"
"Just stopping by really quick. Passing through town and I thought I'd drop this off for you." He told revealing a flower he had making me smile.
"A sunflower?"
"One of your favourite flowers. And paintings by Vincent Van Go."
"It's Gogh, Shawn."
"I've heard it both ways."
"Sure you have." I told giggling and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you."
"I'd do anything for you Bunny. We both know that."
"And I'd do anything for you."
"Come with me to Santa Barbara. Dad would sure get off my ass about stuff if he knows your involved." He joked.
"Your dad is more of a father to me then my own one ever was."
"He hasn't done anything recently right?" He asked and I knew his worried side was coming through.
"Nope. Still doesn't know where I live or nothin'." I stated making him give me a small smile.
"Love when you show your accent." He stated making me chuckle.
"Shhh about that. They don't know what I really sound like minus Angie and Zack."
"The cousin and your best friend who you think is cute and he allows you to play with his hair, due to how soft and fluffy it feels to you." He stated.
"I sometimes hate I'm open with you."
"No you don't." He told making us both smile. "Well I should let you get back to work."
"I guess. I'm glad you were able to visit, even if it was a quick one." I stated.
"Same. I miss seeing you." He told taking one of my hands into his.
"I miss seeing you as well."
"Goodbye until next time, Bunny." He told kissing my hand and began to walk backwards towards the door but we didn't let go straight away.
"Until next time Shawn." I told.
We soon were too far away from one another to keep hold of the others hands, but we didn't stop keeping an eye on one another till he fell out of view. I took another smell of the flower he got for me, causing me to smile more. I turned around to go back to work to see them all looking at me and I went back to my usual self in front of them.
"If anyone brings this whole thing up again. Imma stab you. Clear?"
"Clear." They all told.
"Cool. Let's work."

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