Im sorry for your lost.

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We were at the Venezuelan Embassy to talk to his parents and it felt uncomfortable for me to be here.
"Are you ok?" Temperance quietly asked me
"Yeah. Just feels like I shouldn't be here." I told making her nod.
I looked back towards the others and tuned in to what they were saying.
"Hanging from a tree at the school?" The ambassador asked
"I'm afraid so Ambassador Olivos. We will provide you will full details when Dr. Brennan finishes her investigation." Seeley told
"Will you need us to identify Nestor's remains?" His father asked
"That won't be necessary." Temperance told before she took the silver necklace we found and hand it to the Ambassador.
"We found this on him." I told
"When was the last time you heard from Nestor?" Seeley asked
"A few days after his holiday began. He went with a friend to Nova Scotia." His father explained.
"We received an email." The ambassador added
"Could we have a copy?" Seeley asked
"It will help us determine exactly when the victim died." Temperance added before Seeley hit her lightly. "Your son. We're very sorry for your loss."
"There was nothing to suggest in any email that Nestor was unhappy. Certainly not enough to..." his father began only to stop.
'Death is never an easy thing.'
"We would like to take him home." His mother told before turning to her husband. "We must petition the church to bury him in consecrated ground."
"Nestor was an altar boy. They will bury him properly." He explained to his wife before turning to Seeley. "When will you release him to us?"
"It's up to Dr. Brennan."
After we finished up we began to leave but I stopped and turned towards them.
"I am very sorry for your lost. I know it can be hard."
"Have you ever lost someone before?" His mother asked
"A few people. But death doesn't have to be a sad thing. It's sad that you can no longer make new memories with them, but it can also be happy. Because you do have memories with."
"Thank you. That actually quite helps." She told making me give a nod.
I gave a wave before leaving and catching up with the other two.
"What were you doing?" Seeley asked
"Giving my condolences."
"Have you ever lost someone?" He asked making me nod.
"A few people. A friend of mine from Uni is no longer around." I explained and saw he shared the same look. "Have you lost someone Seeley?"
"Yeah some family members."
"Whack." I told making him get a confused look.
"It's Ashley's way of processing." Temperance explained.
"So why doesn't Bones have permission to call you Ash?"
"Oh no she does. She just prefers to call me Ashley." I explained.
"And calling me Seeley while everyone calls me Booth?"
"To piss you off." I told before going into his car.
I phone went off making me look to see it was my landlord.
"Sorry but it's the same result."
'I'm screwed.'
"You okay Ashley?" Temperance asked
"Yeah. Just have to tell the boys I definitely can't make it to tv show night."
"You hang out with them all the time yet you don't live with them?" Seeley asked
"No. It's really just cause I only knew Angie and Temperance somewhat when I came here and was offered a job. And I have animals that Angie doesn't like."
"I thought she liked Oak?"
"She does."
"Who's Oak?"
"My pet." I told
"Right." He said before we fell back into silence.

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