I cant hear you.

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Since because of what happened with the U.S. Marshals we were now in Seeleys office with Cullen.
"Well at least nobody got shot, probably because she didn't have a gun." Cullen stated referring to Temperance.
"Sir, why is Carl Decker's home being watched by U.S. Marshals?" Seeley asked.
'I don't like being here. Reminds me way too much about the poe poe questioning me about the dead beat.'
"Carl Decker's a Federal witness under witness protection. He's scheduled to appear before a grand jury in two days." He explained
"Is it a mob thing?" Seeley asked
"It's usually a mob thing." I added
"Decker Designs body armor for K.B.C. Systems. He says they knowingly sent defective armor to Iraq. Justice department believes him, so they moved him to a safe house."
'Oh ok then.'
"Does the justice department think that Decker is in danger from the company?" Temperance asked
"He thinks he is. They want him to testify, they play along."
"Smart thinking."
"Does Decker know that his wife has been killed and his child has been kidnapped?" Seeley asked.
"No. And they don't want him to know." He told as I could tell he was a bit annoyed.
"Why?" Temperance asked.
'We really gotta get her up to speed on cop stuff.'
"Because it might prevent him from testifying." Seeley stated before Cullen jumped in.
"Their point of view, there's nothing to be gained from him knowing."
"He's got a point." I told
"Except maybe Decker chooses not to testify and they don't kill his son. Shouldn't that be his choice." She stated.
"Justice estimates that K.B.C. systems is directly responsible for 30 deaths and hundreds of injuries. They're taking a larger view. It's complicated." He stated
"His wife is dead and his child is missing. That's not so complicated."
"Seeley's right. It's not that complicated."
"No one is stopping you from investigating those crimes." His boss stated.
"He's a material witness. I need access to him." Seeley argued back.
"Can we please not fight in here? It's reminding me of my childhood and I do not like that." I told making them all give me a look before Cullen turned back to face Seeley.
"Well, we know Decker didn't kill his wife. He was in custody of U.S. Marshals. So start looking someplace else. Harsh reality Booth, deal with it." He told before leaving.
"What, does he not like me?" Temperance asked.
"I don't know." He confessed.
"I think he kinda likes me. Hard to tell really." I added.
'This is definitely a strange case.'

I was sitting in the back of Seeley's car again as he drove to drop us both off at the Jeffersonian.
"I'll stay on Polina Decker's remains see if that leads somewhere." Temperance stated.
"I will also do that." I added.
"Yeah, I'll talk to the victims' families, at least the ones who aren't under federal protection." He told making us give a nod.
"You think a corporation would actually kill a woman and kidnap her child?" Temperance asked.
"Highly likely." I told before Seeley jumped in.
"Billions in dollars, plus civil suits if they're found guilty? I've seen people kill for 50 bucks."
"You believe the boy is already dead?" She asked
'God I hope not.'
"I have to assume that he isn't." Seeley confessed.
"Why make that assumption?"
"Because it gives me something to look forward to instead of dread. Given a choice, I avoid dread."
"Besides it's also a chance of hope. I always had a mindset they were alive till I found them otherwise.... except for one person in particular. Which I won't go into detail."
"Okay. That's logical." She told
"Is it?" We both asked since we expected a different answer to her.
"Why dread something that hasn't happened yet?" She told
'Man car rides with them are weird.'

We were on the platform with Zack due to the fact we needed to go over more evidence and I needed to help take stuff to mine and Jacks lab.
"That piece of Cartilage we found in Polina's mouth? Tihelix and Meatus Remnants." Zack told.
"It's an ear?" Temperance question.
"Wow they must have poor hearing." I told before I began to chuckle. "I'm sorry I had the chance and I took it."
"Chen says it was bitten off." Zack told as he smiled at my stupidity.
"The victim bit off one of her attacker's ears." She stated.
"I heard someone found a fingertip in their chili once. Dr. Chen also found vestiges of earwax." Zack told.
'I shouldn't.'
"Okay, get that wax to Hodgins. See what he can find."
'Imma do it.'
"I vote for now we call the attacker Vincent." I told
"Why?" They both asked.
"Cause Vincent Van Gogh cut off one of his ears." I told before I began to laugh.
"Ash!" Zack exclaimed.
"Don't give me that tone. That was funny and you loved it!" I told before Temperance began to laugh.
"I got that one." She told before leaving.
"You need to stop it Bunny."
"I'm sorry.... I couldn't 'ear you." I told before I began to laugh more. "Ok even I know that was a low blow but you wanna laugh."
"You are unbelievable." He told as he chuckled a bit.
"Oh but you lobe me."
"Ash!" He told as I continued to laugh.
'Man I missed my Bone boy while I was away.'

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