We are doing what?!

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~(Episode 7: A Man on Death Row)~

(Ash p.o.v)

I walked into the lab and was wearing my tank top under my leather jacket, since I forgot I had to come back in to get Zack after I was done working with Marcus and Denis. I headed straight for where Zack was to see if he was ready to go.
"What the fucks going on?" I asked making my boys look up to me.
"Are you wearing make up?" Zack asked
"Yeah. Thing I had to do."
"Looks nice."
"Stop it. You'll make me blush." I told making us smile.
"Right now we are racing beetles." Zack told
"What if they get mixed up?" Jack asked
"I can tell them apart. That's Jeff, and that's Ollie. I win." He told
"What do you... what? That one was mine."
"You had Jeff, I had Ollie. Ollie won. You owe me a buck." He told as he placed his hand out so Jack could give him the money.
"You want in on the action, Angela?" Jack asked
"No, thank you. I'm going to go have sex." She told
"That hot dude that you showed me?" I asked
"That's the one. Also did you forget you were picking Zack up?"
"Have a good time." Jack told as she began to make her way over to Temperance.
"Seems Zack won again." I told
"I demand another beetle, alright? Jeff's got a groin pull."
"Arthropods do not possess groins. Pay up."
"Jack stop being a wuss, pay the robot boy."
"Why are you back here anyway?" He asked as he gave Zack the money.
"We are going to see a film that was made in Russian."
"She's been teaching me how to speak it since she speaks it occasionally when she's tired."
"I've been under some stress recently with Denis and his brother. You don't want to hear how I actually sound when I'm not masking my accent."
"You have an accent?" Jack asked
"She does. She only hides it when other people are around."
"You've heard it?"
"Yes. Multiple times, she actually decided to stop hiding it from me since we live together."
"I'm joining this. I'm with Zack." I told making us high five.
"Does he know where you grew up?"
"Yeah. It's more noticeable when you actually live with me."
We let the beetles run free to see who was going to win when Seeley walked over.
"Okay, our tax dollars hard at work."
"I'm actually already clocked out." I told making him nod.
"You look nice with the makeup."
"Oh and you would look nice if you weren't such a prick."
"Yeah, what's break time at the FBI? Book burning?" Jack asked making Seeley put a beaker over Jacks beetle, before walking away.
"Pay up Curls." I told making him pull two dollars out of his wallet.
After however long of us beetle fighting Zack grabbed his things so we can head to the movie only for us to get stopped.
"Zack, Booth wants us to go over something."
"What the fuck Seeley?!"
"You two had a date?" He asked
"No. I'm teaching him Russian, was gonna watch a Russian film that's a favourite of mine."
"You know Russian?"
"Da, tupitsa, ya znayu. Dik."
"I don't even know what you said."
"Get educated."
We walked onto the platform and we sat on a chair as I was hoping it was quick so we can get popcorn for the film since I planned on us getting dinner first.
"Let's start. Zack, pull up the first X-ray. Stress fractures on both tibias." Temperance told
"What does that mean?" Seeley asked
"Pre-existing the assault, probably an old injury from dance or running." Zack told
"She was a cheerleader."
"Ra ra, yay! Love cheerleaders." I told making sure my sarcasm was known.
"The Chinese used to execute people by cutting small pieces of flesh off their bodies. Called it the death of 1000 cuts." Jack added
"I would pay to see it happen. I'm curious how long someone would live from that." I stated making me and Jack bump elbows.
"Compound fractures of the trapezium, scaphoid and the base of the radius." She told making sure we stayed on track.
"What's that mean?" Seeley asked again.
"You are so dumb."
"When she was being beaten to death with a blunt instrument, she threw her arm up to defend herself." Zack told as we both showed it.
"Well that's consistent with the defensive wounds in the autopsy report." He told
"In medieval Scotland, they'd tie a convict's arms and legs to two bent saplings. When they released the saplings, the trees sprang apart and the convicted felon was torn in half. Should I grab particulates from this?"
"Jack I'm sorry but please stop educating us."
"Someone's mad."
"She's hungry. She gets annoyed quickly when she's hungry." Zack told
"I haven't eaten anything since 3 pm, when Angie got me the cookie. I was hoping we were going to get dinner before the movie."
Zack reached into one of his pockets and gave me a chocolate bar before looking back to the screen.
"Why do you have that?" Seeley asked
"In case she gets hungry and hasn't been able to eat yet." He told as I opened it so I could begin eating.
"Danke sehr."
"No problem." He told before he showed a series of numbers on a piece of paper.
"That's clean. It's a phone number we found on the girl, belonged to an old woman in a nursing home with no connection to anyone involved." Seeley told
"Extensive damage to the skull, smashed six to eight times with a narrow cylindrical object." Temperance explained.
"The tyre iron was missing from April Wright's car." He told
"Autopsy showed she'd had sex shortly before her death." Jack told as he looked over the file.
"Consensual. No assault." He told
"Wouldn't this be easier if you make a murder board and explain what everything is so we aren't wasting time for what ever the fuck this is about?" I asked before eating more chocolate.
"Just eat your chocolate." He told
"I finished it." I told making Zack pull another one out of his pocket without even looking towards me. "Never mind I'm happy."
"How many do you have?" Jack asked
"Enough." He told before focusing on the case again. "The hair they found was never matched to anyone?"
"No, the prosecution got it excluded from evidence both in trial and on appeal." Seeley stated
"That's the basis of your lawyer's last-ditch attempt to stop the execution?" Temperance asked
"Yeah, and whatever else you guys can find."
'Man Zack is the best. Who's the case even about?'
"There are particles lodged between the left triquetral and the capitate." She told before Zack continued
"The ME concluded that they were bone fragments dislodged by the tyre iron."
"No, these radiographic shadows are too opaque for bone." She told
"What's that mean?"
"The prosecution's theory of the crime does not include foreign matter in the bone." Zack explained.
Jack reached for some of my chocolate only for me to hit his hand away.
"Let's see if these shadows are bone fragments or something else." Temperance told as I hit Jacks hand again.
"Like what?" Seeley asked
"Let's pretend we're objective scientists and not indulge in conjecture. Zack," Temperance told making him get up from his seat. "get a driver to take you over to Greenbelt Park. I want you to take pictures of the area where the body was found. Ground covering, paved areas."
"Zack tell your girlfriend to stop hitting my hand." Jack told
"We aren't dating." We both told
"Besides, you keep trying to steal my food."
"Why does he need a driver?" Seeley asked
"I can't drive."
"You're a genius who can't drive?"
"If you knew what I know about structural design, you wouldn't drive either."
"Take the file. Get photos of the surrounding areas so that we can contextualize the materials we found." Temperance told.
"Yeah I'll drive you. Maybe we can grab dinner since we obviously won't be getting to see the movie." I told as I got up from my spot.
'What a weird case. Was looking forwards to the movie.'

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