What did we learn?

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We continued to walk through the desert and Seeley ended up taking ahold of Edith's bag just to be more helpful. While we walked, Doc held her phone in the air to get a signal.
"No cell phone service, limited water. How long do you think we'll survive out here if the sheriff doesn't come back?" Doc asked.
"Three days max." Seeley told.
"How far are we from the highway?" Angie asked.
"Five days minimum."
"I don't like that math." Doc told.
"That's why, we are looking for shade. If we keep out of the sun till night, we can travel longer in the cold air." Edith told.
"Wait a second." Angie told as she spotted what looked to be a broken down SUV amongst some high desert weeds.
"Kirk's?" Seeley asked.
"It looks like it, yeah." She told making us all approach it and lift the hood to see if we could get it working.
'Shit. Could still fix it though.'
"Yep, the distributor's smashed. All the wires are pulled out." Seeley told.
"It doesn't make sense that the sheriff brings us to the scene of the crime and then leaves us to die, does it?" Doc told.
"One godforsaken part of the desert, is just as good as another godforsaken part of the desert. We don't even know if Sheriff Dawes actually called Alex Joseph. I mean, for all we know, he could have done all this himself." Seeley told.
"Could Dawes do that, Ange?" Temperance asked as me and Edith examined the engine to see if there was a chance we could get it up and running.
"Well, I always thought Ben Dawes was a good man. It would take a lot to change my mind."
"Like being left to die in the desert?" Temperance asked before I looked towards my sister.
"I live with Peter. Of course I have picked up a few things on how we could possible fix this. I'd have assumed you know more since you've been in his life longer" She told.
"I do. Just seeing if you do as well."
"You two can fix this?"
"Maybe." We both told as one.
"Peter is into fixing cars? You said he's an artist." Doc stated.
"Our brother sees fixing cars as art."
"It's a hobby he likes to do." I added.
"Is he older or younger then you?" Seeley asked.
"Younger then me." Edith told.
"Older then me." I added.
"Him and Ash are the middle children." Angie added.
"I'm learning so much and so little at the same time." He told.
"Makes sense." We told as one before Seeley saw something on the ground.
"These tracks here, they don't match the sheriff's vehicle. Too wide." He told
"Humvee maybe?" Doc suggested as she moved away from us since she saw another thing. "This is blood, I think."
"This is where I come in to help." I told going to the Boulder that she pointed to as it was smeared with red.
"The victim was kneeling here." Temperance told causing Angie to look ill.
"Bones." Seeley told and we signalled to not be so loud.
"Sorry." She told
"Angel! Can you see if there's any tin foil in the bags?" Edith asked to help distract her as we walked a little further away.
"He was dragged this way. Then the blood trail ends." Doc whispered to us.
"He was thrown into the Humvee." Seeley told
"Had to be for there to be no trail."
"We've gotta be 200 miles from where we found Kirk's bones. You think the murderer drove that far to drop the body." Doc wondered causing Seeley to run following the tire trail.
"Where are you going? Booth? Hey-" Temperance called as she followed after him.
"We following?" Edith asked.
"Nope. Will use too much energy as well as dehydrate us more. Not wise to do." I told before going back to help them.
After a few minutes, we heard a car noise making us look to see it was Ben in the car.
"Oh thank fuck. I did not think this would work." Edith told making me laugh as Angie waved Ben over.

We were back at the sheriffs office, with Bens deputies performing a Luminal test on Kellogg's Humvee since we believe that's what most likely killed Kirk. While Temperance and Seeley observed, Edith decided she wanted to stay next to me since she noticed there was a scorpion at the bungalow and wouldn't chance it.
"You seriously need to understand your bigger then a scorpion."
"Ok you had a fear of going into the car for car washes. I didn't judge."
"I was very traumatised. Of course I didn't like car washes."
"I understand. I would like you to not judge mine, I didn't judge you."
"I'm not judging. That scorpion wasn't even poisonous."
"How can you tell?!"
"Thick tail and tiny pincers are poisonous. Big pincers are for non poisonous, due to them having to catch their prey."
"You only know that cause you are one."
"Yeah and I'm not poisonous am I?"
"Any bloodstains should flare bluish-green when the luminal hits them." Doc told making a deputy spray the tray only for no result.
"Nothin'." Ben told.
"Well, we know that Kirk's body was put into the Humvee. Tire treads match." Seeley stated.
"It's clean. Give Kellogg his truck back. Tell him sorry for the inconvenience." Ben told
"Ash. What was the one good thing Stanley taught us, mainly you and Peter?"
"How to hit hard?"
"No Ash that was not good, and only you were taught that. The one about hunting."
"Oh. It's harder to clean blood out of the tray of a car due to the blood pooling with it no where to drip off. Best place is something where the blood can drip off, like the hood" I told before realising what she was getting at.
"Exactly. Also I think you should get another session if you thought that was a good thing he taught you."
"I mean it was useful for learning how to fight."
"Try the hood." Seeley told once he caught on to what we were referring to.
"Sweetie no."
"Im fine. I don't need any more of those, I know it was not good. Always did, thank you for worrying about me." I told making her hug me. "Oh ok. We are hugging."
'I'm just gonna allow this. I feel she needs this.'
"You think they tied Kirk's bloody, dead body to the hood like an elk then drove him 200 miles before dumping him for coyotes? Even out here people might notice." Ben told causing Seeley to beam his flashlight onto the hood of the Humvee.
"Right there." He told making the deputy sprays the luminal revealing the outline of a body. "Mmhmm."
"I'll be damned." Ben told.
"Got him." Seeley told making Temperance call Zack I presumed and put it on speaker so we could hear it as well.
"Zack." She spoke once he picked up.
"Yes, Dr. Brennan?"
"Oh he sounds so cute being all business." Edith told making me shake my head to tell her not now.
"We need to know if Kirk's bones show more damage than can be explained by animal activity." Doc told.
"Preliminary analysis indicates the pubic rami are fractured and the left hemi pelvis is severely displaced." Zack stated
"Congruent with a fall?"
"Yes, Dr. Brennan. Were the remains found at the base of a cliff?" He asked only for her to talk to Seeley.
"He wasn't driven 200 miles. He was driven a couple hundred yards."
"Load his body in the airplane then tossed it." He added making her turn her attention back to Zack.
"Zack, I'm not happy with how long it took you to get back to me on this. We'll talk about it when I get back." She told.
"What the hell you say about my future brother in law?!" Edith questioned getting mad making me panic and made sure I stayed between them.
"Edith! No! Shut up! Oh my god."
"I'm sorry did her sister make Ash embarrassed."
"Can't call me Ash, Seeley. And no she didn't embarrass me, I'm just telling her not to fight Temperance I know how it will end."
"By Bones winning?"
"No Edith doesn't care how hurt she gets. She'll keep fighting until the person is unconscious or dead. There was one time someone tried to take Tyler and Flynn when we were younger and it took Edgar, Peter, my father and Chris to get her off of him.
"No one fucks with my family." She told making me pinch the bridge of my nose and let out a sigh.
'My god. We really are dysfunctional.'

(Zack p.o.v)

"Sorry, Dr. Brennan." I told before she hung up with Ash screaming Edith car.
'This what's happens when they don't listen to me.'
"You could've told her it wasn't your fault." Hodgins told making me look to see him in the door way.
"I still have some work to do here." I told before moving away from him to focus on fixing things for Dr. Brennan.

(Back to Ash.)

I was able to finally convince Edith to stay with Angie, since I knew it would be bad if she got involved and we had to fight someone. So that left me, Doc and Seeley walking with Ben.
"If they dumped Kirk's body from the plane then they could've done the dame to Dahni." Ben stated.
"Well, Kirk was dead when they tossed him, right?" Seeley asked to make sure.
"Absolutely. And I saw no evidence of a second murder at the site." Doc told.
"Which leaves me hoping that either my sister was kidnapped by drug dealers or dying somewhere in the desert." Ben stated.
"Well, kidnapping is a federal offense. It's an F.B.I. matter-" Seeley told as Docs phone began to ring. "I can help ya, if you want."
"Brennan....Kellogg said it was a commissioned work."
"Honestly it doesn't feel right him doing that." I told.
"For what?" Doc asked her phone.
"Really?" Seeley asked.
"Yeah. He's making money off of other peoples culture, it just doesn't feel right with me sometimes when people do that. That's like the time a bunch of people got annoyed at me in Uni when we had a harmony day, cause I dressed in my grandma's African attire. The people who complained the most were white people, other people actually asked and I explained about my grandmother and they understood."
"Why did you dress in that?" He asked
"Because it's my culture and she wanted to help educate people."
"That was nice of her."
"She's a nice lady."
"Dyes? Counterfeiter's dyes?" Temperance questioned making our attention turn to her.
"Did you say counterfeiters?" Seeley asked.
"I really hate this guy." I told.
'I wanna go home soon.'

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