Its a win for us.

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I walked into Temperance office and gave it a knock. She looked up towards me from her spot on the couch before looking away.
"What do you want Ashley?"
"I didn't tell them to do that."
"Right." She told making me walk over to sit next to her.
"Temperance, I would never tell them to use that against you. I only told them to ask me why I'm the way I am, I didn't think they would ask you that."
"That because Booth made him do so."
"Figures the agent does that. Are you ok though?"
"I'll be fine. Are you ok though? You seem to be moving easier then you were yesterday."
"Yeah. I took some painkillers so I'm good. I'm just hoping the team will know to forget what they learnt about me."
"Why don't you want us knowing about your family? I mean, we didn't even know your mother was a doctor."
"Because I don't want people to feel bad for me if that makes sense. Or for them to try and go so that's why your the way you are, cause the way I am shouldn't be defined by my past. Especially since it's not the full reason I'm me."
"I get that." She told before looking back at the photo of her and Michael.
"You know he's a real clotpole." I told making her give a small chuckle. "You know I know a guy, won't tell you his name cause legal reasons, but I can give him a little nudge nudge and Michael will get punched."
"Thank you but that won't be needed. Us winning the case would suffice enough."
Soon Angie walked in and I could tell she was relieved at what she knew.
"Guilty on all counts." She told
"Thank fuck for that, am I right?" I joked
"So he owes you another dinner, huh?" Angie asked as she came and sat on the other side of Temperance.
"No. I won't be seeing him anymore." She confessed making me give her a tap on the back.
"I don't do hugs, you know this." I stated as Angie gave a sad smile and rubbed her back quickly.
"I was foolish to be so open with him. It was irrational. You know how you get when you're tired."
"Yeah. You wanna go out? Grab a drink?" She asked
"Um, I think I just want to work."
"Okay. You coming Ash?"
"Sure. I know a bar that loves me." I told getting up with her.
Before we left entirely I popped my head back in and got her attention.
"You know, what he said was complete bullshit. Your a great person to call a friend and I'm glad I can call you one." I told making her give a small smile.
"I'm glad to call you a friend as well." She told.
I gave her a small wave before leaving with Angie to see Seeley was heading towards Temperance office. He gave a wave to us only for me to flip him off.
'Dick move Seeley.'

"So why are we at this bar?" Angie asked.
"Oh, cause I have a performance on and I get free drinks here. Daniel!" I exclaimed making him chuckle.
"Ashley you better not already be drunk."
"You know you wound me my good man. Daniel this is Angela or as I call her Angie, Angie this is my drink man."
"Nice to meet you." She told.
"Nice to meet you as well. They are about ready for you."
"Wish me luck!"
Once I was introduced I got onto the stage and began to start the song I had just finished working on.
"I keep losing my socks
Where the hell do they go?
I bet they're finally free
Floating somewhere in the sea
Do they miss my feet?

I keep losing my socks
I got nothing to wear
I bet they're at her place
A house where I can't show my face
How I wanna be there

Holy moly, it's a real do-nothing day
I could change address and try another state
I could change my name, it won't do anything (anything)
Adventure is out there
(Adventure is out there)
So why am I in here?
(So why am I in here today?)

Think I'm losing my mind
How pathetic and tired
Think where they could be
Some hotel in Germany
Hope they're loving the ride

Holy moly, it's a real do-nothing day
I could change address and try another state
I could change my name, it won't do anything (anything)
Adventure is out there
(Adventure is out there)
So why am I in here?
(So why am I in here today?)

I bought me some new socks
I won't lose them, I'm sure
And someday hopefully
I'll slip away and they'll lose me
And I'll be seeing the world

Holy moly, it's a real do-nothing day
I could change address and try another state
I could change my name, it won't do anything (anything)
Adventure is out there
(Adventure is out there)
So why am I in here?
(So why am I in here today?)

Why am I in here today?
Why am I in here today?"

I looked towards Denis and my older siblings to see them all clap at it, as we sat around the table with our lunch.
"Do you think it's good enough for the album?"
"Definitely." They all told.
"I was hoping so. Cause I did a test to this bar that I go to and everyone loved it."
"Isn't it a bit risky, Bunny?" Edith asked
"Yeah cause don't you get drinks with your colleagues?" Peter questioned.
"Not at all. They don't go there and I only brought Angie with me. She is the only one to know what we all do and what not."
"I miss Angel. She should have came to lunch with us."
"This is a work lunch. She doesn't work with us." Denis stated making us all roll our eyes towards him.
"How many songs are left that I need to do?" I asked since I needed to know.
"Pretty sure that's the last one. Which we should put last on it." Denis told
"Where is your brother anyway?" Edgar asked
"Making meetings and what not. But we've got it sorted."
"That reminds me! I have finished the concepts for the poster looks." Peter told as he got his portfolio to show us.
"I like the one where it shows the shadow of the characters and that Luci has horns as well as wings." I stated.
"Oh I can't wait to do it."
"Check out the one I created for Dove." He told turning the page.
"The glowing eye effect is a cool idea." Edgar told.
"But won't it reveal the plot twist?" Edith asked
"Many will already know the plot twist from the books. But for the people that don't, will see it and make them wonder why their shadows are like that." Denis stated.
"Sick." We all told bumping fists."
'Hate the job but I love my family.'

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