Why do I ever try to hide thing?

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I was working on figuring out the placement once I was finished with recreating the bomb when Angie came and began to talk to us about Seeleys girlfriend.
"Apparently, they live together a few days a week, but he was very clear that she has her own place." Angie told
"Should you be intruding into their lives like this?" Zack asked
"Oh yeah. Absolutely." She told
"I'm just surprised that he actually could get a girlfriend." I told making Jack smirk.
"We're negative for Lupus and Paget's. When you're done, I will do a scraping for environmental contaminates." Jack told
"Da fuck do they have then?"
"Something that not Lupus and Paget." He told
"Bomb cases are complicated."
"Like the issue you always have with Victoria." He told making me elbow him in the gut.
"What's she done now?" Angie asked.
"Nothing." I told as Zack handed a Petrie dish to Jack.
"I found these. Shiny flakes that caught onto the torn patches of bone." He told
"Bottom line, I still think Brennan has a shot with Booth." Angela stated
"But she says she's not interested." Jack stated
"I'm definitely not interested." I told
"Isn't it because Agents aren't your type?" Zack asked as I nodded.
"Methinks the lady doth protest too much." Angie told as she referred to Temperance.
"Maybe she protested just enough." Zack suggested making me chuckle.
"Puh lease. She's been sleeping alone for months. She has enough pent up sexual energy to power a small mid-western city." Angie told.
"I've been sleeping alone. Does that mean I have pent up sexual energy?" I asked
"You don't always sleep alone though. You spend most nights over at the boys place and crash against Zack."
"JACK!" I exclaimed.
"I have no idea what your on about."
"He sends me photos every time."
"I'm gonna kill you cause that's so fucken creepy dude."
"Zacks been fine with it."
"Has he been asleep?"
"Maybe." He told before looking back towards the findings Zack handed him.
"God how can you live with him?" I asked Zack.
"By staying in my section away from his." He told
"This looks like gypsum. That wouldn't cause any organic damage. It's probably used to insulate the explosives, bet the FBI doesn't know that yet."
"I can use that to help me with placement."
"I'm gonna go check out this girlfriend." Angie told before turning towards me. "Ash you are coming with."
"What?! Why?!"
"You are the best about finding information on people."
"I'm not a PI anymore. My Aunty wants me to be a profiler but I keep telling her no. Oak gets car sickness."
"Why do you know that?" Jack asked
"She was in my coat pocket since I've made them nice and warm when it's winter and also installed some heating packs. I let her out of her cage while I cleaned it before work one day and she went into it since it was warm and in the room. I went to work and discovered she doesn't like car rides. Angie freaked out and it took several washes."
"I remember that. You just kept her in your coat pocket for the day." She told
"She was happy. Still not going with you."
"Fine." She told before leaving.
Once she was out of ear shot Jack spoke.
"She doesn't know?"
"No I don't want her to know. She'll punch Victoria. She's called her father a Texan badass. I know what he can do. Image what she could."
'God I don't want either of them to find out.'

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