The surprise guest.

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We walked into the Bungalow and quickly saw there was another person there. I quickly worked out it was my sister in her more low down look when she didn't want to be recognised straight away.
'Oh no.'
"Ash Ash!" Edith spoke as she rushed over and pulled me into a hug.
"Hey Edith. Why are you here?"
"Angel called to just talk. I was the only one free enough to come. She called after she got off one with you and someone called Brennan." She told pulling away.
"I'm Brennan." Doc told.
"Nice to meet ya. I'm Edith."
"You look familiar." Seeley told.
"Me and my brother picked these two up at Christmas. Remember?"
"Any news?" Angie asked making us all share a sad look.
'I'm so sorry Angie.'

We had Angie sit on the couch and Edith went to the kitchen to give up some privacy for this. Doc sat next to her and I held Angies hand as she sat in shock and Seeley was across from us.
"I'm so sorry, Angela. We all are." Doc told
"I knew it was Kirk. That's why I called you. We have to find out what happened to Dahni." She told and I gave her hand a squeeze.
"Angela, I'm going to have to ask you a couple of difficult questions. Okay?" He told making her nod. "What-what can you tell me about Kirk's drug use?"
"Kirk didn't do drugs." She stated.
"Well, Hodgins found peyote in his hair." Doc told making her realise what we meant.
"I though-I thought that you meant 'drug' drugs. The peyote wasn't recreational. Kirk took part in some Native Indian rites."
"While high on drugs?" Seeley asked making her sigh.
"Some Indian rites use Peyote as apart of traditional Indian religion, which is lawful. Just not prohibited by the United Stated or any states." I explained causing Seeley to give a confused look. "You should not be surprised I hold knowledge like this."
"Did you do peyote with Kirk?" Seeley asked moving on from my knowledge.
"The peyote has nothing to do with anything." She told sounding like she was on the verge of tears.
"Angela, you may have come into contact with Kirk's killer without even realizing it. What was his connection?" He told making her give a small shrug as she spoke.
"He's Kirk's friend."
"I need the name."
"Wayne. Wayne Kellogg. He's an important local artist." She told making Temperance take Angie other hand and Angie rested her head on Doc's shoulder.
"Can I come out of the kitchen?! It sounds like Angel really needs a family hug!" Edith told making me look as Seeley to see he nodded yes.
"Yes Edith!" I shouted making her rush over.
She pulled me out of my spot before sitting down and then pulling me into her lap before pulling Angie into a hug with us and also got Temperance pulled into it.
"Can I ask the family comment?" Seeley asked not knowing what to do.
"Edith Harper. Angels cousin and Ash's older sister." She told.
"Get outta here!"
"We are more alike then we let on." Edith stated. "For example height. Everyone in the family is tall."
"I slouch a lot so not a key factor people notice about me."
'I hate this. The hug is going longer then I'd like, but I feel Angie needs it.'

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