Lets get this over with.

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"Ash where the hell have you been?"
"Been out Jack. I can't be out."
"Just making sure your ok. Zack been worried sick about you and won't stop pacing in the bug room, and you also weren't picking up your phone."
"Let it ran out of power." I told before going to the bug room.
I looked in to see he was still in fact pacing.
'Weird dude.'
"You know if you keep pacing I'm going to have a hole in the floor." I told making him stop to look at me.
"Thank god your ok."
"Yeah. Had to do something real quick. Get more cigarettes and what not. Also I ordered dinner. We having pizza." I told before walking over to Oak to give her some fresh water.

I walked in to the court room and located where Seeley was.
"Got a plan. Gonna hate the plan but I got a plan." I told
"I'm going to hate the plan or your going to hate the plan."
"More so me." I stated as he handed me a coffee only to give it back. "Oh I don't drink coffee."
"Wait what?"
"Yeah I don't like it. Don't tell Zack. But anyway, I'm saying call me back onto the stand and I'll explain why I know what I do about the drug dealers and everything."
"Don't call me Ash. But even though I hate talking about my prick of a father I gotta for them to trust us."
"Ashley you won't even tell me why you had to go to the police station yesterday."
"Oh right. Yeah I got punched so I had to file a report 'bout it. It's all good they working on it. To the court room." I told making him rush after me.
"Ashley why wouldn't you tell us you got punched?"
"Cause it wasn't apart of the case and I don't want the team knowing. It's all g, dude." I told before we walked in to the court room.

As Seeley talked to Levitt and Deaver in the court room Temperance came in.
"Am I testifying?" She asked making Levitt look towards Seeley.
"I'd say it's a high possibility Doc. Take it from someone who can profile." I told smile.
"You profile?" Deaver asked
"Yeah. Been able to since I was 8 and in Santa Barbra. Hence me being really good at shit. Like knowing that you both think this isn't gonna work, but I assure my whole finances on the line for this working. I'll even donate all my money to any charity's you both want."
"How much money do you even have?" Deaver asked making me borrow the laptop they had and signed in to my bank before allowing her and Levitt to see.
"So we gonna do this or Na?" I asked before logging out.
'This will be interesting.'

They allowed for Temperance to go first to see if they could use her to without having to resort to using my plan with me being honest.
"Only a prolonged struggle, not sexual activity, would cause the tearing on the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle on the distal portion of the bone and---"
"So in lay terms?" Levitt asked
"The muscle avulsed."
"She pulled a muscle." He stated to help the jury understand.
"Because she was immobilised."
"Tied up."
'Ok if they don't know what immobilised means then they truely are dumb cunts.'
"Yes. These conditions have to be contextualized. The inflammation---"
"Dr. Brennan, why did you become a forensic anthropologist?" Levitt asked cutting her off.
'What the fuck?'
"I beg your pardon?"
"There must be some reason you chose this field out of the hundreds of other careers someone of your intelligence could've chosen. Was there some emotional reason perhaps?"
"Objection. Relevance, Your Honor?" Meredith questioned as he stood up.
"Ash what does this mean?" Jack quietly asked
"They want the jury to understand why she is who she is. Make them side with us but I don't know why they are using her."
'What is going on?'
"I don't see how this pertains to the case." Temperance added.
"Dr. Brennan is cold, distant, and alienating, Your Honor."
"I need the jury to understand why she's so cold. So that they might be willing to accept her testimony."
"Her personality issues are not relevant to this case." Meredith argued.
"They opened up this line of questioning, Your Honor. When Dr. Stires was on the stand, he wondered why Dr. Brennan became a forensic anthropologist. So the defense must've thought it had some relevance then.l
"Sorry, Mr. Meredith. You did raise the issue. Overruled. You may continue, Mr. Levitt." She told
"Dr. Brennan, your parents disappeared when you were 15 and no one's ever found out what happened to them. Isn't that correct?" He asked making Temperance look right at Seeley and me only for me to shrug at what the hell was going on.
'I really hope she doesn't think I'm apart of this.'
"Please. Answer the question, Dr. Brennan."
"That's correct." She hesitated to answer.
"It must be very painful. Is it fair to say that you've been trying to solve the mystery of their loss your whole life?"
"Do I want answers? Yes. As how that has affected my behavior, which, I assume, is what you're trolling for, I don't put much stock in psychology."
"Is that why you wrap yourself up in techno-speak, so you don't have to feel how these victims remind you of your own parents?"
"How I feel doesn't matter. My job doesn't depend on it."
"But it's informed by it. Or are you as cold and unfeeling as you seem?" He asked making her not answer right away.
"She's winning my then over." I quietly whispered to Angie.
"I see a face on every skull. I can look at their bones and tell you how they walked, where they hurt. Maggie Schilling is real to me. The pain she suffered was real. Her hip was being eaten away by infection from lying on her side. Sure, like Dr. Stires said, the disease could contribute to that if you take it out of context, but you can't break Maggie Schilling down into little pieces. She was a whole person who fought to free herself. Her wrists were broken from struggling against the handcuffs. The bones in her ankles were ground together because her feet were tied. And her side, her hip, and her shoulder were being eaten away by infection." She told as she looked at the jury for part of it before looking back towards us all.
'Come on Doc.'
"And the more she struggled, the more pain she was in. So they gave her those drugs to keep her quiet. They gave her so much, it killed her. These facts can't be ignored or dismissed because you think I'm boring or obnoxious, because I don't matter. What I feel doesn't matter. Only she matters. Only Maggie." She told looking directly at Michael making him look down.

I had to go up and I knew what was coming up.
"Dr. Stires explained that because of her thyroid condition that weakened her bones, and that's why she took the drugs."
"He is correct in that being her reason for the drugs. But like I had said earlier, the build up would have been gradual until an eventful overdose. I mean I thought it was clear at least." I told before winking over at the jury making them laugh.
"What about your father?" Levitt asked making me look back towards him.
"He's a deadbeat. Why ya know him?"
"What does this have to do with the case?" Meredith asked
"I would also like to know." The judge asked.
"Dr. Stiles wondered himself why Dr. Harper didn't explain how she knows drugs and the effects. We felt it was needed to help the Jury understand her being a bit tight lip." Levitt told
"Very well. You may ask her."
"Tell us about your father Dr. Harper."
"I was 7 when he started taking drugs. Meth, cocaine, you name it he probably takes it or took it."
"Is that how you know?"
"Partly. I wasn't lying when I said my mother was teaching me the effects when I was younger. But because of my father and his crowd I met a lot of drug dealers, people taking or people recovering. Because of that I know that Maggie wanted relief from her pain, and just wanted it to all go away. It's why many people take drugs, they want the pain to go away. I've never taken drugs but growing up around it I know, Maggie just wanted a moment when she wasn't in pain. But because of an apparent sex kink the Costello's have and their want for money from her parents, they just put in more pain to the point they ended up killing her and dumping her like she meant nothing."
"Is that why you have worked in fields to help people. Like being a PI before joining the Jeffersonian."
"Even though it's not always good news telling people their loved ones are no longer around, your still giving them the knowledge that the person they love and care for is found and that they will know what happened to them. Mr. Meredith and Dr.Stiles can try and tell you other wise but I remember every single family I help and even though I don't want to I know the pain most went through and how much I would rather it be me and not them but I can't change what happened. I can only try and give them reassurance that the person who killed them will not walk free. Because it just means more people will get hurt." I told as tears formed in my eyes.
'Please let this case finish so we can all forget about this.'

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