Need your knowledge.

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(Side note: I have made a playlist filled with all the songs from this book. If anyone is interested I will have a link to it in the comments for people to use.)

(Zack p.o.v)

I was looking at the bones on the table with Dr. Brennan.
"I found the extra piece of bone lodged here in the odontoid process of C2. I-I went through all the chipping and damage again but I can't find where it comes from." I explained.
She sat down in front of the microscope to look at the bone fragment I found.
"Well, it's not from the cervical vertebrae." She stated.
"Oh, it's not?" I asked since I thought it might have been.
"It's from a long bone. Probably the deltoid process of a humerus."
"Arm bone?"
"I need you to set up the microtome. And get me paraffin and an embedding mold." She told standing up.
"Are you going to prep your own bone slide?"
"Usually I do that for you."
"This is a tough one, Zack. The piece is small, and I need to make sure there's enough left for a DNA sample." She explained.
"Wait. Warren Granger's are bones are complete. This extra bone fragment didn't come from Warren Granger." I stated as I put the pieces together.
"Warren Granger was the victim of a violent attack. He fought back. It's possible that during that struggle he struck his attacker with the same weapon that was later used to kill him." She stated making me figure out who I would need to talk to.
"Which means that piece of bone could've come from his murderer.... I should talk Ash about something she might know."

I walked into Ash and Hodgins lab to see them working away.
"Yes bone boy?"
"Is there any type of weapons that could put a bone into someone else?" I asked making her pull her thinking face.
"I can see."
"Also some of the damage on the bones suggests that they were physically assaulted, or abused, I also need insight on that." I told making her look towards me with Hodgins.
"Oh god did you find out my mother worked with abused people?"
"Your mother worked with people who were abused?" Hodgins asked looking towards Ash.
'I guess she doesn't want Hodgins to know.... I guess I don't fully know if she actually was, but the clues all point to that being likely for her.'
"Ok so, lucky you joined us Bone Boy. Cause," she explained as she walked to her bench and pulled a box full of weapons out. "We gonna be doing some tests."
"Should we ask why?" Hodgins questioned.
"Probably best we don't." I stated.
"Listen to Bone boy. Don't ask, cause I'm sure a hand full of them are illegal."
"How do you have them then?" We both asked.
"Legal reasons I can not say."
"Bunny you sometimes scare me."
"Fine. I've borrowed some from the weapons exhibit. So we gotta be quick with this boys."
"Are neither of you gonna explain why he's called you bunny?"
"No." We both told before getting to work.

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