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(Zack p.o.v)

I was helping Dr. Brennan with her mother's bones on the platform and she moved away from Angela and Hodgins who gave her bad news that she didn't want to believe.
'I wonder, what would I feel in this position. To lose someone I care so deeply about..... I'd ask Ash but I don't think she's lost someone before. Not the way Dr. Brennan has at least.'
"Zack?" Dr. Brennan spoke as she joined me on the platform again.
"Yes. Dr. Brennan."
"See the discoloration on the inside of the skull." She told making me examine the skull.
"Left side, extending from the coronal suture, crossing the superior and inferior temporal lines to the squamosal suture Subdural hematoma. Whoo! A big one." I told as I continued to talk only to notice she wasn't paying attention to me anymore. "Dr. Brennan?"
"Probably fatal." She told.
"There are no indications of a blow to the outer skull." I stated.
"Scan the outside of the skull. Look for histological changes, microscopic modelling." She told before getting up and moving.
I look to see what she might have seen to cause this, making me look to see Booth with Ash and someone who shared features with Dr. Brennan with them. She whispered something to Booth before brushing past them and Ash moved to give me a hug.
"Bones. Bones." Booth called before turning back to me and Ash. "Alright, listen, Zack. If this guy moves, shoot him with a tranquilizer...dart or something..."
"I don't actually have a tranquilizer gun..." I began as he rushed of before Ash pulled a gun from her boot.
"I do. Specially made. Was a birthday gift when I turned 23."
"By who?"
"Unkie. I think he'd like you."
"I'm a little terrified of your family." I explained as she put the gun back in place.
"How? The other five love you, despite not really meeting you."
"That's why. We haven't properly met, that can change to them disliking the fact we hang out."
"I don't think that will happen. Especially since they have a bet going on, on if we are dating or not. Edgar is winning. You'll be fine, carissime." She told cupping my face.
'She called me dearest in Latin. Yet another nickname she's given me and I still only have Bunny for her.'

(Ash p.o.v)

After Temperance found out that her original name was in fact Joy Keenan, she ended up getting me and Angie to join her on the catwalk in the labs.
"At first, I thought the worst thing was that they were missing." Doc told.
"Except 'dead' means no more hope." Angie added.
"I lost hope after 5 years. They ain't dead, gonna be a real surprise to me and then Imma punch them. Cause who the fuck does that to their kids? Unless they were protecting their kids from something far more dangerous." I explained.
"My mother was alive for almost 2 years after they disappeared. She abandoned me." Temperance told.
"You don't know that. Look. You finally got to slap Russ." Angie stated making her laugh and me smile at that. "You've been wanting to do that for years."
"I wish I saw it. Must've been great." I added.
"I worshipped him. You know? Oooh. God. He was so cool. Everyone knew I was Russ Brennan's little sister. I wasn't cool or pretty, so being his sister - You know that game, Marco Polo? I'd be sitting in class, and I'd hear out the window 'Marco!' It'd be Russ, checking in on me and letting everyone know that I was his little sister." She told.
"Did you 'Polo'?" Angie asked
"You have to have polo back."
"Yeah. Sometimes it'd be the only word I said all day - 'Polo'. And then mom and dad disappeared and Russ took off. Suddenly, no one cared where I was. I miss that. Someone caring where I am all the time." She told before we heard Seeley's voice.
"Bones! Bones! You up there? Come on. Let's go." He told clapping his hands. "Chop. Chop. I found the Agent that was assigned to your parents' case."
"You know Doc. I think you have forgotten about your new family."
"My new family?"
"Yeah. Us. We worry about you all the fucken time, I mean fucken hell the amount of time Angie texts me asking my how your going when I come with on you and Seeley's adventures. We all care for you. The Bone team is our own dysfunctional family, and sometimes this is worse then my actual dysfunctional family." I told making her smile.
"Thank you Ashley."
"No problem doc. Better go before the Fed gets more mad." I told making her head off.
'Seems I'm still acting as big sister. Sorry Edith.'
Angela ended up linking her arm with me and we watched the lab work away.
"Would you really punch her if she just suddenly came back?"
"Yeah, think I would. 19 years, you don't do that to a child and then expect them to be ok with it. I'm the way I am because of Stanly. You don't do that to a kid, leave them in that much danger."
"And then me and dad came along and here you are. Better then ever." She told making me smile before leaning my head on her shoulder.
"Yeah. Thanks to you and Unkie."
'I'd probably be dead by now if they hadn't.'

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