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I was bouncing on the spot since I had so much energy that I had to burn when someone spoke making me look to see Seeley was with his girlfriend.
"She assaulted two agents who were trying to tape off the body." The man told as he pointed to Temperance. "And do not get me started on the bouncing girl."
"Doc told me I had to make sure no one disturbed the crime scene. I'm sorry if me hurting them hurt them but they were gonna touch and that's a big big no no." I quickly told
"They were trying to compromise the remains." Temperance added
"A cloud of meth covered the dance floor. I think they've inhaled quite a lot."
"Are you two high?" Seeley asked with a smile.
"Only by accident, so it doesn't count."
"Doesn't count at all." I added making us nod in agreement while we were stared at.
"Why'd you bring Tessa? This doesn't seem like such a great date." Temperance told
"Oh but a murder date sounds so god damn cute."
"We were out to dinner when he got your call. Your pupils are the size of saucers." Tessa told
"Hi I'm Ashley London doesn't matter Harper!" I quickly told as I offered my hand for her to shake only to pull back quickly. "I don't like physical touching at all. You have very pretty hair and eyes and all round features. I could see why Seeley would date you."
"Thank you?"
"No problem. You know you look like you would make a great cop in Santa Barbra, I know some guys there. I'm so energised."
"Wait, get away from the remains!" Temperance told as she went to deal with two officers.
"Bones, simmer down. And Ashley just breath." He told making me nod really quickly as two guys showed up.
"Can to, can to, can to!" I told giving a thumbs up.
"How long is this gonna take?"
"Who the hell wants to know?" Seeley asked as he turned to look at them.
"I'm sorry, he works for me. I'm Randall Hall, I run this place." The dude with the cane told.
"You run this place Mr. Hall? Interesting, you know, cause we know found some drugs on-" Seeley began only for Temperance to cut in.
"Found them, we found 'em."
"Alright, we found some drugs on the dead guy. We're gonna want to know where they came from, why he had them"
"Why he had them. Any idea who he is?" Seeley asked after he gave Doc a look.
"A-" she began only to get another look from him so she turned away.
"Any ideas?"
"Well, if I was to make an educated guess. It would be because he took way to much, and went into the wall to die. Feel like dying in the walls would be peaceful. Unless your claustrophobic.... but I don't even like coffee."
"The guy barely looks human. What makes you think I'd recognize him?" The cane man told making Seeley look back towards us.
"Bones, how does something like this happen?" He asked
Temperance grabbed Seeleys arm to get him close to the remains before explaining.
"Well, the Egyptians would give the body a cedar oil enema and then rinse it with wine and cover it with salt. But I don't think that's what happened here."
"Bones, you are totally wasted." Seeley told before I saw Zack.
"Zackey!" I exclaimed as I rushed over and tackled him into a hug. "I've missed you so much."
"Are you ok Ash?"
"It was snowing in here earlier and I inhaled it a lot."
Temperance turned to see me hugging Zack and rushed over to lead us to the mummy.
"Zack! Zack! Zack! Come here! Come here!" She told before putting her hand on his shoulder and pushed us both forward to look at the mummy. "Isn't this a beautiful specimen of mummification?"
"What's going on?" Zack asked
"Let's just say your boss and girlfriend inhaled."
"We aren't dating." We both told
"Why do people always think we are dating?" I asked
"Because you two look so cute together I could see it working out." Angie told
"I don't see that. Do you see that? I don't see that."
"See how perfectly dried and preserved the skin is?" Temperance told as she pointed to it. "You don't find something like this every day. Hey Tessa, have you seen it?
"It's so hard to believe that you two would be a couple. You know, cop and lawyer. It's very touching" Angie told as she pointed between Seeley and Tessa.
"Unless they work on the same side of things and not against them then it would be like a strong power couple."
"Oh that's a good point." Angie told making us both nod.
"I'm gonna grab a cab." Tessa told before she went to head back upstairs only for Seeley to catch up to her.
We watch him hand his keys to her before they kissed goodbye. She looked back towards us before heading back up the stairs.
"Bye Tessa! It was lovely meeting you!" I told as I waved bye to her as Temperance stood next to me.
Once Seeley turned around to see us with a funny expression.
"Awww!" The three of us told.
"Can we just stick to the business here? Thank you. I'm gonna need a list of your employees, alright? We'll run it through the system, see if any one of 'em have a drug conviction. How long before you can ID him?" He told to Hal and then asked Temperance.
"Well, I'm not at all tired so I'm sure I can stay up all night and work." She told before turning to Zack. "We have to be careful removing him, he's very dry and brittle."
Zack began to take photos as Temperance sweeps some of the cobwebs out of the way.
"My first modern mummy." She told
"Why are they called Mummy's when they aren't always a mum of female? Shouldn't they be called something like.... pummys? Like people and mummy's put together." I asked
"She makes a great point." Angie added
"Man I have so much energy. No wonder my dad did drugs. Well I think he still does drugs, I wouldn't know I have a restraining order against him."
"Wait what?" Seeley asked
"Her dad would do drugs like meth and all that sorts stuff. It was really bad." Angie stated making me nod
"Yeah. My younger siblings don't know about it cause I always kept them alway from him when he did it. It's why I'm always covered in pants and long sleeves and hence the restraining order. Well there's another reason which I won't go into it since it's boring and will make anyone who hears it go to sleep. I think I could backflip off that balcony." I told before going to do it only for Seeley to grab ahold of me.
"I can't let you do that Ash."
"Don't call me Ash, Seeley. I may be high but I still don't allow it or like touchy touchy." I told as I moved out of his grasp and into Angies.
'I'm so buzzed.'

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