I don't have perfect vision.

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We ended up going back to Angie bungalow, and the two ended up discussing the skull and I combed the anti-hair fizz I brought with me through my hair to minimise the effect the heat is having on my hair.
'Why couldn't I have been lucky like Peter to get mums hair genetics and not Memaw?'
"You can't say that it's Kirk." Angie told.
"I know."
"You want some tea?" She asked.
"I'd rather have a beer." Doc told making me chuckle.
"I second that."
Angie gave a slight nod before getting up to get our drinks for us, and Temperance turned to me with a confused look.
"What are you doing Ashley?"
"I'm putting anti-frizz into my hair. My older brother and baby sister were lucky enough to get our mothers hair genetics while me and my baby brother were not. We got Memaw's hair so too much heat makes our hair frizz uncontrollably." I told making her nod.
"You don't talk about your family a lot."
"Memaw's and Poppy are in Africa at the moment visiting her family. I don't get to see them a lot cause of that, but we love each other. Besides my family isn't that interesting."
She gave another nod at that, before seeing some photos on the coffee table, with the one being a Navajo woman.
'She looks pretty.'
"This woman modeling in these pictures, is this Dahni?" She asked as Angie came back.
"Yeah. Dahni Webber. It's Kirk's guide in the desert." She told handing us the beers and I got my Swiss Army knife to use the bottle opener to open mine before passing it to Angie and Doc to use.
'Always prepared.'
"She's beautiful." Doc told as I was handed it back.
"Dahni's lived here her whole life. You know, Ben says that she knows the desert better than anybody. Look, there's no way that she gets lost or she runs out of water. There's just no way." Angie told.
Temperance went to touch Angie shoulder only for her to shrink away from it.
"What?" Temperance questioned out of confusion.
"Brennan, if you hug me and you be all caring it's because you think Kirk is dead or because he was sleeping with Dahni."
"Bold of you to assume that's why." I told moving to hug her back.
"No, it's because...I'm sorry that my friend is upset because someone she loves is missing." Temperance told causing Angie to sigh.
"All right. I can buy that." She told making Temperance join the hug.
After a couple of minutes I began to let go, due to it being too hot to keep hugging and they followed in suit.
'It's strange sometimes being the youngest here. But then I remember they treat me older then they probably would for others.... Yay for being traumatised into acting older!'
"If you don't mind, um, I'm just gonna head to bed." Angie told getting up to go to her bed.
"Night Angie!"
"Good night." Temperance told as we watched her go to bed.
After a few moments of silence I handed Temperance her phone.
"Go go go!" I quietly told making her quickly call the number while I finished getting ready for my own bed.
'I miss my bone boy. Maybe he's up right now.'

Once I was done taking my contacts out, I put my glasses on and quickly called Zack for a face time as I laid in the bed I was given. As soon as I got comfy, Zack picked up making me smile.
"Bone boy!"
"Why are you calling Bunny?" He asked smiling towards me.
"I missed talking to you."
"I missed talking to you as well."
"Yay. How was work after we bounced?"
"Boring. It's not as fun as it would be when you're there."
"Sad dude."
"Can I ask what's with the hair?"
"Oh right. It's a bonnet made out of satin, it's to help with my hair when I sleep. I don't use it a lot but I'm hoping it will help with the anti-frizz that I put in my hair. My Memaw got it for me since I inherited her hair type which frizzes in like 110° and higher, which in turn had her excited for a granddaughter to do all these braids and hair styles that she grew up with. Safe to say, you don't know pain until you are having cornrows done to your hair." I stated making him smile.
"You've had cornrows?"
"Definitely. Me and my baby sister always get it done when we see her. Which isn't a lot any more, but we are busy with work or school and she's often spending time with the family that are in Africa."
"Have you ever been?"
"A few times. It's truly beautiful there, you'd enjoy it."
"Maybe one day in the future we could go and I can meet the family." He joked making us laugh.
"You'd get as must attention as my Poppy. Which is a lot." I added making us laugh more.
"You know," he began once our laughter died down. "You should wear your glasses more often."
"You see me wear them all the time back home. Especially in the mornings."
"I mean at work and just out and about. I don't think wearing contacts are always good."
"I only wear them when I'm working. Or if Jacks spending time with us, I won't let him learn about my glasses. Christmas was a nightmare, I'm just glad I had my back ups in my desk and yours."
"That's true. I remember having to help you with them."
"It was so much worse when they dried out cause I didn't blink."
"That is probably one of the most stupid things you had done." He told making us laugh.
"That's rude Bone boy."
"I'm just speaking facts Bunny."
'I wish I was there with him. I honestly don't know how I went so long not meeting him and being friends with him.'

I was cooking us some breakfast not caring that I was still wearing glasses and my hair had gone somewhat curly from sleep, but thankfully no frizz yet. I was also wearing another maternity dress since it helped me get use out of the many I own. Temperance was still sleeping on the fold-out couch, and Angie was just relaxing. There was a knock on the glass door making Angie get up and I took a look to see it was Seeley.
"Hey." He told.
"Hey." She told as they hugged.
'I'm glad he was able to come here.
"You know, people in the desert, don't have actual addresses. What's up with that?" He questioned as Doc was now waking up.
"Booth, you made it."
"Yeah, I'm touring the hottest places in the universe. Next stop-" he told tossing a bag onto her bed. "There you go-Hell."
"The fuck?! I made breakfast and you come in here with donuts?!" I told making Seeley look at me confused before turning to the others.
"Who's the curly haired chick? I thought it was just you two and Ashley."
"Seeley, you are a dumb ass." I told making him turn back to me with wide eyes.
"Still can't call me Ash."
"What the hell is this alternate reality?"
"I wear glasses and I have naturally curly hair that I'm able to brush out. There's nothing wrong with that, I look like this outside of work a lot actually."
"You also wear dresses?"
"Are those maternity dresses?"
"Why do you own them? Are you having Zacks child?!"
"Da fuck?! No! I just own them cause they are comfy as hell."
"This is so weird." He told as Temperance held up the duffel bag annoyed towards him.
"I'm not really awake yet." Temperance told getting Seeleys attention again as she threw the bag out of the bed.
I walked over and gave Temperance her breakfast which was my mother's French toast recipe, before going to give Angies her, and Seeley walked over to give Doc one of the coffees he had with him.
"Last night before I left, I used my F.B.I. powers to force the sheriff to send the skull back to the Jeffersonian. Talked to him this morning. You know, he seems a little resentful." He told as he gave one of the coffees to Angie and then a vanilla frappe for me. "I remember you not liking coffee, though I'm still confused on that since Zack gets you coffees all the time."
"He's the only person she can't tell about her not liking them." Angie told before having some of the breakfast I made.
"Want some?" I asked offering him a plate.
"Sure." He told taking it as Doc reached for her watch on the end table and Seeley put his coffee down to eat.
"What time is it?" She questioned as I grabbed my own food.
"Let's go. Drink and eat that on the way." Seeley told.
'Good thing I'm already dressed.'
"On the way where?"
"You know, to go check out the model, guide, whatever's place." He told causing Angie to nod.
"Dahni. Can I come with you?"
"No, no, we can ask tougher questions if you're not there." He stated making her nod disappointed in that fact.
"Don't worry Angie, we will update you on things as soon as we can."
"Wait outside while I get dressed." Doc told.
"No, uh uh. The suns's been up for an hour out there. It's already the surface of Mercury. I can stand here, close my eyes, eat my French toast. Best I can do. Okay." He told covering his eyes with one hand and then eating some of the food.
Me and Temperance shared an annoyed look on the matter towards Angie.
'Man he is annoying sometimes.'

The young doctors.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz