Chapter 55: He hated his family.

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On the Island......

This was a private island of Lee. He used it for work and this is also where their home is. It was beautiful with greenery. There were beautiful sceneries everywhere you looked. It was a calm and peaceful place. 

Lee had gone to call Robin out for dinner. However, when they were coming, Robin had suddenly fainted on the way. She fell right into his arms. Dylan was scared. He quickly picked her up and called Doctor Lucas. 

Sweat was dripping from his head as he looked worried. He carefully lay her down on the bed as he put her hair behind her ears. He was very worried about her. He hated his family. How he wished he could destroy the Xie family. If only they weren't here, she wouldn't have to suffer so much.

Yes, he was from the Xie family. His real name was Xie Lee. He wasn't treated well in his family but he thought it was alright as long as they didn't go overboard. He also met Robin at a ball party when they were young. Though their families didn't have a close relationship, he becomes very good friends with Robin and her brothers. However, he suddenly overheard his father talking to someone about hurting Alex, Robin, and Zayn. He instantly went out to save them. When he arrived there, that place was already on fire.

He saw that the police and the fire brigades were already there. He didn't know what happened but by the way that police and Fire brigades were rushing, he knew someone was still inside. He was very scared and didn't think further as he runs inside the house. At that time, he finally found Robin near the door. She was lying unconscious on the ground with a part of the furniture on fire covering her in a circle.

He pushed away from the furniture on fire though he got a little burnt in the process. As soon as the furniture was put away, he runs towards her as he quickly picked her up. He couldn't lose her. She was the only person in this world who make him feel alive.

However, it was easy to enter but it wasn't easy to exist. Fortunately, the fire brigades were already doing their best and saved them. Robin was already injured before but now, she was in a more critical situation while Lee could barely handle himself.

As soon as they were out, Lee also fell unconscious as he had inhaled too much smoke and got a lot of burns. When he woke up, it had been nearly two months since he had been in a coma. He instantly went to watch how Robin was doing. He fell into a depression knowing that Robin was in a vegetative state. After nearly a month, he remembered Alex and Zayn. He quickly went to investigate them and found out nothing about them. 

He didn't know what to do. He was still young and didn't have any power at all. He couldn't go back to his family after what has happened. He was helpless in that situation. Finally, he calmed down and started earning money. It was a piece of cake for him as he was always very talented at business.

He thought that as he got power, he can do something. Like this, it had been years but Robin still didn't wake up. Every day, he would clean her with a wet towel and apply a lotion for her burns. He got it from a very great medical master. After some time, her scars truly began to fade. Now, only the deep one was remaining but they weren't that noticeable.

Though still, she didn't wake up, he wouldn't give up. He waited and waited while he also continued to search about Alex and Zayn but it was like they never existed. There was nothing about them at all since that incident. He even suspected that someone was purposely hiding their information from him. Still, he couldn't find who it was. 

He also kept an eye on the Xie family. They took over Robin's parent's company after they all had disappeared by acquiring their shares at a low price when Robin's parents suddenly died. Lee also had intentions to destroy the Xie family and took back Robin's parent's company but he didn't do so because he still hoped that she will wake up and take her revenge by herself. 

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